Hello all, 0.12.0 is now available on the marketplace:
Working Title Garmin G1000 NXi v0.12.0
Flight Planning
Fixed a bug that caused excessively shallow FPA on RNAV VTF and visual vector approaches.
Fixed an issue where ILS/LOC horizontal guidance could position you too far left or right of the runway.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause legs attempting to intercept a DME arc or RF leg to intercept the wrong part of the arc.
Fixed a bug that caused RNAV glidepath guidance to direct the plane too low when crossing the runway threshold. RNAV glidepaths should now place the plane at 50 feet AGL while crossing the threshold.
Fixed a bug that prevented a Direct-To from being activated to a non-flight plan waypoint if an existing Direct-To to a non-flight plan waypoint was already active.
OBS fixes:
Switching from NAV to another lateral autopilot mode or switching the CDI source to NAV1/NAV2 no longer turns OBS mode off.
Deactivating OBS now correctly inserts a Direct-To to the OBS waypoint with an intercept course equal to the OBS course.
Turning the course knob while in green needles no longer adjusts the GPS OBS course.
Activating OBS now initializes the OBS course such that it is coincident with the course of the flight plan leg to the OBS waypoint as the leg joins the waypoint.
Fixed a regression that caused the bottom bar timer display to stay at 00:00:00.
Fixed a bug where the GSI would erroneously indicate NO GS until swapping the CDI or arming APPR
Fixed a bug where the FMA would sometimes not update the display of autopilot modes when toggling the flight director on.
Fixed a bug with the display backup button causing the EIS to become stuck on the PFD.
The HSI now properly updates all data when source is changed from NAV1 to NAV2.
The GPS XTK display on the HSI is now hidden when the CDI source is NAV1/2.
The GPS XTK display on the HSI no longer shows negative numbers.
Further improved map system performance.
Map initialization delayed until after briefing to help prevent occasional CTDs on flight load.
Added support for changing nearest airport search criteria in the MFD System Setup page.
MFD nearest airport page now filters airports correctly and no longer ignores runway length.
Nearest airport search will now automatically optimize the number of results requested to improve performance.
The PFD and MFD map range settings are now saved between power cycles/flights.
Known Issues
There is a text overflow on the PFD’s bearing info boxes when showing a fix with a five-character name.
New and never seen before NXI version 12, on 5 Visual approaches and 1 RNAV approach today, the white pending GP annunciator disappears during the automatic VPATH descent phase. If I do nothing, the aircraft will level off and hold the lowest altitude in the flight plan instead of continuing the descent for a landing.
The only way I can get the green GP annunciator to appear and have the NXI continue the descent to the runway is to push APR again when the solid red magenta ball appears next to the current altitude. If I am even a few seconds late, the red ball will have continued down past the current altitude and I have to disengage the autopilot, manually descend below the indicated glide path altitude, and engage the autopilot again.
In NXI version 11 and prior recent versions, after I activated the approach and set ALT to the lowest altitude in the flight plan before the runway, I simply pushed both VNV and APR and saw the white pending VPTH and GP in the annunciator. After doing that, all I had to do was mind the throttle until I disengaged the autopilot just before landing. The NXI would automatically switch from altitude hold to VPATH mode to GP mode automatically.
Needless to say, this new way is a real nuisance. I am hoping it is a bug and not how the real-world Garmin NXI behaves.
Diamond DA62X mod v0.7.0 with WT Garmin G1000 NXI v.0.12.0
I know this behavior is not due to SU9 because I flew these same flights with NXI v0.11.0 on the day I installed SU9. This behavior started with the first flight after installing 0.12.0.
Yes, I can confirm the new version (12) has this bug, it happened to me today. GP was acknowledged on screen, but after reaching the FAF, it disappeared and the AP just flew merrily along the FAF altitude setting. When I realized what had occurred I had to disengage the AP and then went ahead and hand flew the approach. Hope this gets fixed ASAP.
Interesting, I just saw this behavior as well while testing out an RNAV approach to KAVL RW35. Another user noticed this so I tried to replicate what he saw, and yes, VNAV PATH turned off approach mode and took me to the FAF altitude, and would have left me there if I hadn’t already been warned about what to expect.
I had a lfight plan set up, but diverted with a Direct To to an unplanned airport to get fuel, using Direct To with OBS to find the field. That all worked perfect.
After collecting fuel, I prep’d fpr takeoff and activated the net leg in the flight plane to cancel the direct to. I then took off with heading hold set for straight ahead for the initial climbout.
However, the heading was not obeying the heading bug at all and wanted to turn left all the time, completely ignoring the deading bug, and yes I was in Heading mode.
This incorrect behaviour continued until I went back to the flight plan and reselected the current leg as the active leg. After that heading bug started working correctly again.
Plane: C208B with Mod (Magraina
NXI 0.12.0
VNAV engaged with minimum altitude for ILS final approach (1700 feet)
first level from 13.000 to 7000 = OK
second level from 7000 to 5000 = The plane does not descend, I engage the VS at 1200 feet/min to catch up with the slope, the VNAV intercepts the descent and stops it at 5000 feet.
I load the approach, VNAV Active, the plane does not descend. All indicators seem OK.
Of first-party planes using the G1000 (and thus the NXI if you have it), the faster ones are gonna be in the 170-190 knots cruise range I think. Take a look at:
Cessna Grand Caravan (turboprop)
Diamond DA62 (twin diesel piston)
Beechcraft Baron G58 (twin gas piston)
Beechcraft Bonzana G36 (single gas piston)
My personal favorite is the Diamond DA62, for which I highly recommend the improvements mod that’s available on flightsim.to or it has trouble hitting proper speeds.
to be complete, the plan generated by LNMP is copied manually into MSFS. Respecting all procedures (SID, STAR, APPR), altitude (13000) and possible waypoints.
And to be completely precise, the problem encountered is not during the approach, but at the second and third TOD with the VNAV. The LOC captures the GS well. the problem is before, for the various constraints of the STAR, TRANS and APPR before the faf.
Will it ever be possible for the NXi to adjust the com and nav volumes? It seems like such a simple feature that should be implemented. I’m sure it’s locked up in the sim code somewhere. It’s frustrating with the volume nob right there.
Cockpit panel behaviors are part of the plane code, and not part of the NXi itself. So, the NXi has no responsibility or control over what the radio panel bezel buttons do.
The destination (in ours and in the real unit) only shows METAR while the destination is an airport waypoint. Once you load an approach or an arrival that turns it into a runway fix, it will no longer display data.