Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

I will fire up flight sim and check. Give me a minute.
These are the default mappings it recognized when I plugged it in. (I plugged it in and it worked)
Toggle Autopilot VS Hold → Joystick Button 6 (Bravo VS Button)
Set Autopilot VS Hold → Joystick Button 20 (Bravo Rotary Sector that to choose VS for the Increase Decrease Knob)

Increase and decrease Autopilot VS are not set. I am not sure if they were before.

The way it worked before, with AP on, I pressed VS, then I rotated the selector knob to VS to use the increase / decrease knob to set the reference VS.

I just tested it again Matt, Once I press VS on the Virtual Cockpit panel, the Bravo Rotary selector and the rotary Increase decrease work… it is just the Toggle Autopilot VS Hold → Joystick Button 6 (Bravo VS Button) that is not working. I hope it is something simple. I do mountain flying and being able to use the controls while keeping my eyes on the mountain is an import feature to me. I am very pleased with the NXi and WT’s progress. I hope this is something that can be released as a quick fix.

That’s simply amazing. Thank you. The Nxi has changed the way I use the flight sim.

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Well, the Nxi changed the way I use the flight sim: it’s not working with or without my Logitech Multi Panel!

I’m glad to hear that. Someone said that and I believed it. My mistake.

I think WT G1000 NXi it’s a progress for MSFS. The problem is that, in my case, is not working properly, at the moment.

I wish all the problems that WT G1000 NXi has with Logitech and other peripherals will be solved soon.


Thanks for the clarification. I figured the mentioned feature was not talking about this but wasn’t sure. It’s a great mod and I look forward to being able to use it but I guess I’ll have to wait a little longer.

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Since the NXi latest update I cannot use my sim with the Bravo. I need to leave it until it is fixed.

My need for this G1000 NXi is very simple. I would like to load a flight plan, activate the GPS mode, then take off and activate the autopilot and nav mode so that the flight is completed automatically with the help of the autopilot and I can enjoy the landscape. With version 0.3.0 this worked without any problems. With version 0.5.0 I can’t do this anymore, so I’m very frustrated.
With version 0.3.0 the flight plans of the bush trips were also loaded, with version 0.5.0 this is no longer the case either.
I am just a hobby pilot and not a professional or former professional pilot, so I don’t need everything down to the smallest detail. I only need the simple procedure that I explained above and unfortunately no longer works.

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The only thing that’s not working for me is the altitude sync, showing 99,000. Everything else works, although the behaviour has changed. Press NAV does not cause the Nav light to enable when it is armed, but when it activates it then lights. I can’t tell from looking at the Logitech panel what mode it is in. I know it can flash those lights so I’ll have to investigate what mode the AP is in when a function is “armed”, and have it flash, turning solid when actually enabled.

Just curious to understand what’s preventing the loading of the flight plan? I can load them from either 1. Simbrief - MSFS World Map - NXi or 2. MSFS World Map - NXi or 3. just enter them manually so that I get the exact procedures I want.

Bush flights are a different matter. I have always thought we fly them visually.

I have been able to achieve all this perfectly with the latest release. So it’s puzzling what issues you are encountering.

May I suggest, if you would like to check out the WT Discord NXI-Early-Access channel. There’s a lot helpful people providing guidance and tips.

Unistall it from the content manager

Mine too withy this new version I can not use my Bush trips, no POI are displayed and NAV does not work. What a mess

Then I expressed myself incorrectly, I can load the flight plan (with the exception of the Bushtrip) but I cannot automatically fly it with the help of the autopilot. Nav mode does not work.

Are you intercepting the flight plan as outlined in the top post? Basically, set an intercept course (at maybe 25-45 degrees) using HDG mode and then arm NAV. It will switch over once it’s close to crossing.

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I’ll test your hint with the intercept course


First of all a big thank you for your work,

Sorry for my ignorance but I have a question

I am using your Working Title G3000 0.7.4 with the TBM 930 Project 0.6.0 and I have the TCAS working

With the Fs2020 Cessna Skyhawk it seems that the TCAS (version 0.51) does not work or I did something wrong?

Thanks in advance


After this last update from Marketplace Carenado C208 autopilot stopped work.

Are you guys with this problem too?

version 0.5.1

After uninstall autopilot started work again.

Guys. Please keep in mind that WT stated many times that is an early access beta test. It is bound to have bugs or missing functions here and there. WT is very transparent about those and communicating / responding in an admirable fashion.

Personally I very much welcome this development and its attempt to simulate the real G1000 unit as closely as possible. Plus providing a foundation for a realistic flight planner to all other AP/FMS systems which are currently suffering from various bugs and for me kill some of the fun as the Asobo FP does not follow the published procedures.

Yes there will be some people unhappy with the possibly increased complexity of a more realistic G1000 but the Asobo default is still available if one wants to stick to a less advanced (unrealistic) system, which is good enough for “sightseeing” and I don’t mean that in a bad way because this is what some people like to do and I respect that even if it isn’t my cup of tea.



We’d like to have WT Garmin1000 Nxi working very soon, but we want to use it with our peripherals too.


I 100% agree with every single word.

Well said!

AP working fine here in the 208.

Which function is isn’t working for you?