You are just word smithing. The absorption IS the contract. I dont care where these people work. But when their contract ceases to control their own goals, but now aligns their goals to that defined by their corporate employer, their ability to reach excellence is demoted. It has to be or the new contract carrys no benefit for microsobo. WT is interesting to micrsobo because of their ability to assist the greater project, not so they can achieve excellence in competition with A2a or Just flight.
Matt, first congrats on climbing the ladder. Having said that, if you can continue developing just what you wish to, and just as you wish to, then your agreement holds nothing for the parent group.
You and your crew may be justly thrilled and well employed improving the default sim, but this thread was started to thank you for your accomplishments of providing addons before your new contract.
We all will credit micrsobo when the default offerings perform as advertised, but that type of progress will be difficult to define as your doing like a new accurate addon would be.
That’s my idea of “being absorbed”.
I appreciate the kind words. This team is actually smaller than the previous team I was in charge of, but it is a fun opportunity and we’re excited to make the most of it.
I’m not really here to convince the skeptics. The cool things we’re up to will become known in a short enough time, anyhow. That being said, developing what we wish to in the way that we wish is exactly the positive influence that we were brought on board for. If this partnership didn’t hold that synergy, I would have stayed architecting and leading a larger team in the financial industry. That aspect of things was extremely important both to us and to Jorg.
I don’t think it will be very difficult to define those. But we’ll show you all a bit later. Gotta keep the suspense up.
-Matt | Working Title
Before telling me how wrong I am, you should perhaps read what Matt posted a couple of posts above yours where he explains the relationship
He explains a relationship that may bode well for all involved but will still be impacted by the new contract, which was my point. Why are you so defensive of the new partnership?
Black screens with the new G3000 0.6.1 in the Tbm, why?
@VivaceDegree988, I just tried mine and it’s not doing that, but when I’ve had other displays act like they were broken in the past, I just restarted the flight and all was right in the universe.
Hi, I’m new to the WT CJ4 and am trying to learn how to use the autopilot. I’m trying to use it with flight plans I create but have had no success. Does this require knowledge and use of the on board flight computer (which I know nothing of yet) too?
I’ve been able to use the AP on the FBW 320 without use of the onboard flight computer by only using my created flight plans.
The YouTube videos I’ve seen to date always seem to show AP in conjunction with the flight computer.
Thanks for any assistance!
Maybe this will help you.
Thank you MSFSRonS! I’ll use this over the weekend, sure looks like what I was looking for!!!
All the best!!!
A podcast between Sean, of Working Title Group and The Corporate Pilot Dad, recorded earlier this week:
Hi, I tried your CJ4 AP procedure and can see it is pretty intensive but I learned a lot but I have a ways to go. So far I’ve landed but only after I did a missed landing and had to land myself.
I’m really enjoying the plane and look forward to having the same working knowledge on this plane as I do of the C172 and FPW 320.
Thanks again!
I did not realize that part of the ILS was being controlled by
FS2020 because the “Assists”: were turned on. I didn’t turn them on.
(Maybe Nvidia Geforce changed the options. I don’t know)
You can go to Options, Assistance and turn them all off.
(Assisted Landing to off when you are ready to do it yourself.)
The only one that I keep on is “Delegate ATC to AI”.
All ATC commands are handled by AI. But I still display the ATC window.
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