World Update 4: France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg

Will wu4 conflict with or supplement the France obstacles and Orbx Paris Landmarks packs?

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The UK update conflicted a bit with the London landmarks by orbx (some landmarks were inside each other), orbx patched this quickly. So i think it will eventually work together.

that’s up to the third party developers to figure out. Asobo/MS can’t take third party purchases into account.

Just like when London got Photogrammetry, the developer of the London landmarks pack had to update their add-on.

Orbx is now an official partner with Asobo. In fact, part of the WU4 is the improvement of 100 airports care of Orbx. So I bet they looked into any problems that could arise from their Paris pack

Were do you base that on? They have split WU and SU for a reason, and for this month as far as I checked the dev updates, it’s a World Update only. But happy to be corrected!

They said this in a Q&A stream i believe, they wanted to combine these because the update frequency is too high for their schedule or something.

Yes correct, there was too much build, so they combine now Sim update and World update togheter.

OK, thanks, we’ll see what it brings!

I landed Ok at the top of Mont Blanc. It would be nice if they put a landable helipad at the Eguile De Midi.
I still think the right elevations of some of the iconic buildings in Chamonix is highly desirable. I am a frequent visitor to the area.

I hope also that the scenery will not allow any rotor blur to happen. it is presently happening with both version 224 and 226 ??why.

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Will WU4 get released on the 13th or 15th?

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Nice one! :grinning:
I’ve stood there in real life, looks just like it!
I don’t think that the midi station has a helicopter landing pad, but I agree that it would be a fun thing to have!

You may be happy to know that someone has released a scenery mod that turns Chamonix and a lot of the massif into a photogrammetry area.
It looks pretty great, especially for a first release, but you do need a poweful PC.
You can find it on if you look at their scenery map.


The 15th according to the latest information.


During the March QnA Dev Stream, it was announced that the Sim Update 4 and World Update 5 will be combined into same build update, this is an exceptional view that is actively working on the Xbox Series X / S version.

Can’t read this entire thread, can someone tell me when approximately we are expecting SU4 and WU5?

According to a post 2 posts above, March 13 or 15

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This week? Nice! :pray:

I hope so, mine is acting up a bit and it would be nice to get an update

The Development Roadmap can be found here:
Development Roadmap - Microsoft Flight Simulator

WU4 is slated for 15 April

Any changes would be announced in #community:news-and-announcements

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Great, the 16th it is then, for the other half of the world.

World updates are always the Tuesday so I would assume it’s Tuesday 13th April (tomorrow)