World Update II: USA incoming

Did you buy this addon? If you did, can you tell me this?

  1. Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers located in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia modelled in this addon? It’s not very far from Pentagon.

  2. It’s been stated that people who buy it from places like Aerosoft, Simmarket etc are getting an installer, using which they can customize the addon and add/remove parts they don’t want. I’m guessing that the four enhanced airports that you call optional could be added or removed using this installer. But what about those who want to buy it from the in-sim MSFS marketplace? Are they going to get this installer too? If not, will these four enhanced airports be automatically installed for them?

Adding you @BostonJeremy77 to this post because it seems like you bought it. So I thought you could help? :slight_smile: Drzewiecki Designs Washington and Moscow Finally in Marketplace!

And tagging you all @CarriedFoil20, @SuperSasquatch, @sttovo too, all who said they bought the addon.


So hmm…the dev has replied to me claiming it’s been modelled lol