Has “anyone” got banned yet ?
maybe MrPolite (who was not so Polite !! )
Has “anyone” got banned yet ?
maybe MrPolite (who was not so Polite !! )
Back when I was struggling with CTDs, I tried different rolling cache configurations. I increased its size up to 64 GB, but also tried turning it off. Honestly, I experienced no difference. With rolling cache off, the simulator seemed to stutter more, I think because it was streaming everything all the time. The default setting (8 GB) works perfectly fine. Ever since Sim Update 7 I haven’t had a single CTD. The only thing I always do is after every update I delete the rolling cache, just in case.
after quite some time with the cache off I turned it on again (16gb) as with the orbx new zeland mesh there was a ton of morphing
no noticeable difference in stuttering (while some times ago turning it off solved me stuttering issues)
it’s a constant trial and error state I guess
I think the internet connection has a lot to do with it. Like if you are direct connected to GB, it seems to run better with rolling cache off. I can’t remember now, but when I was initially running wi-fi it seemed better off too. I don’t get any stuttering. I had gone up to 100gb at one point. May actually be better with a smaller rolling cache?
I turned my rolling cache back on yesterday, 8gb default, it worked well yesterday and will be flying again later today. I turned it off as i had a heavy stutter & CTD at landing, a couple of others also had this at the similar time of the day, it might be server related.
Actually that’s not the case, with the SU5 the Xbox version became the PC version, so basically in PC we have a port of the xbox build. (which is something totally wrong IMO but that’s another topic)
Xbox MFS rocks!
all you need is a top quality TV & high quality Internet connection…
i think broadband speed and quality is the key
I recently picked up an Xbox Series X and installed MSFS on it just for fun. GA planes run great so far, even in large busy cities like Los Angeles – runs pretty smooth. I wouldn’t recommend the controller or sitting across the room from the screen, but I’m impressed it works pretty well!
Can’t speak for airliners, which I would never try on an Xbox controller.
No it doesn’t. MSFS on Xbox only rocks if you want to muck about in an F-18, and if you want to do some sightseeing.
But all the things you can do on PC, simulate a realistic flight…at the moment it will never happen.
You make it sound like you can literally do nothing on the xbox version apart from muck around and take in the scenery, what nonsense.
Of course the pc version has the all the 3rd party apps that you can connect but you can still create close to realistic flights on xbox, honestly you are talking absolute rubbish.
I do not have Xbox but I am sure RomoRocket has a point there.
Truthfully apart from the lack of planes on the xbox I really enjoy it maybe a few CTDs here and there but nothing that has put me off it… I just restart the game and go again. Having some new liveries for the current planes have really helped. I enjoy maybe 2-3 flights a day not far only short european routes and at the time of writing this I’m on my way to CDG from BRI in an easyjet… yes things can be improved for us xbox users but thats the case with other games… I totally disagree with those who say xbox can’t handle the game
Absolutely not nonsense, it’s the truth whether it hurts or not.
I used to think this too, but really it depends on what type of flights you make. VFR in a Cessna? Yea cool, that can be realistic. Most of the simple aircraft fly pretty well on MSFS. But an IFR flight with the default A320? Nope, not gonna happen. It’s the same old thing that gets too boring, too quickly. Compared to PC, It’s not just 3rd party apps…it’s a mixture of everything.
At least try to disagree with me properly instead of disregarding what I say as “rubbish”. I speak from experience of trying to fly as seriously and realistically as possible Xbox. From SimBrief, to using LiveATC, to applying real procedures to a default half-functioning A320…it will never be realistic. Then moving to a gaming PC, that’s where I see the real difference. Sorry if the truth hurts, but to me the MSFS doesn’t offer much on Xbox if you’re looking for realism. It is, after all, a pick-up and play kind of sim on console, as most people like to describe it.
How exactly is the default A320 different on PC?
Best I can tell, they are identical.
Mods? FBW A32X?
Of course the default A320 is the same across both platforms. Never said it wasn’t. My point is that on PC, you will get a more realistic experience if you fly with the A32X. To me, default A320 I wouldn’t even call that realistic. Maybe one day, you could take flight simulation seriously on xbox with the addition of PMDG and Aerosoft aircraft. But for now, the serious simmer is better off on PC.
It really comes as no shock to me that you can’t do PC exclusive things on a console. In fact, that is a great part of the reason why it is a console and not a PC. Here is a weird fact. You can’t do console exclusive things on a PC either. I know I just blew some minds with that truth bomb.
I quite enjoy tweaking and configuring on a PC, and I also like NOT having to do all that on a console.
I know the difference and fly accordingly.
I have to imagine most people with an XBOX are well aware of this difference since every time they boot their console they are taken to the dashboard instead of Windows. It is kind of hard to miss. It boots up and tells you right on the screen that it is an XBOX.
Ah, playing the elitist card!
I would sooner fly VFR.and actually FLY the plane then spend seven hours napping as your plane flys for you. But hey, we all have our own reason for doing what we do.
The question was and still is “Xbox simply cant handle MSFS” which has been proven to be a false statement.
Happy flying!
This is what happens to put many off of getting a PC. The endless chase for frames. It becomes an all too easy obsession to get every last ounce of performance only to have it break a day later. Even if you get enjoyment from tweaking things, does it ever get to a point that it wears on you and becomes a real drag?
It some point it begins to look like you’re a “PC Tuner” rather than a “PC Gamer”. I often wonder how much time is spent on tuning for a game than actually playing it.