Xbox series X simply cant handle Microsoft Flight Simulator

Probably so – I should stop reading the forums – so much conflicting information

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I’m getting seriously sick of being bashed, denigrated and treated as if my existence as an Xbox user is the scourge of the entire sim community.

You people outght to be seriously ashamed of yourselves.


That is for certain, could be in part because we never get answers and so it persists and seems to be taken as truth.

It’s all good we are all in this together.


Please use the Report Post function to flag any posts where people on these forums mistreat you because you choose to play on Xbox. This is an explicit violation of the forum Code of Conduct and will be treated seriously by our Moderation team.

  • The Skies are Open for All - Everyone is welcome to Microsoft Flight Simulator regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, or creed.
  • One World, One Community - No matter how you play – regardless of console, experience level, or reason – we are one community of aviation lovers.
  • Follow Your Checklist - Adhere to the set of rules from each community space. Skipping a checklist item can ground a flight quickly.
  • A Pilot is a Pilot - Welcome new pilots to the community with respect, and seek to have positive experiences with your fellow pilots.
  • Your Cabin Crew is there for your safety - Respect all moderators as they are there to ensure everyone has a safe journey. Anyone who does not follow the Standard Operating Procedures will be asked to disembark the flight.

I appreciate this, but more often than not I’m seeing these things before they are flagged.

It’s great they get hidden, but it’s seeing them in the first place that is the issue for me.

Dumbed down, aren’t aviation enthusiasts, aren’t supporters of the sim community, tiny percentage of Navigraph survey, etc., etc.

When someone spray painted an insult on the windshield of my car, I was certainly able to clean it off, but seeing it there it was too late, it did the job it was intended to do.

This individual, here, has made it a point to show up on Xbox-related threads and hurl his insults at the platform. I hear you, sir, loud and clear.


Thanks - Did not appreciate that, because prior to getting MSFS some time after it’s release, I had had no dealing with X-Box or game consoles, or paid any attention to E3.

I think that’s how I had my series X set to as well, but with HDR on.

60Hz not 60fps. There isn’t even a fps counter on xbox. You can’t get 60fps on an xbox at 4K. It does look nice though.

I also have no problems. Fly 12 flights a week 1-3h A320 mostly to big Airports with all live options on. No lagging
The only Problem are the bugs ( mouse, climb performance, Save the settings ) So Many Xbox bugs will not be considered.
I don’t know why there is no list for Xbox bugs. it would be so easy…


Somone should start an unofficial bug list in here. Too bad you can’t run votes. maybe run an external vote on bug list issues for XBox users and publish results here. A separate XBox bug list is now long overdue. Hopefully the sensitivity saves get fixed soon. The mouse bug could be a bigger issues though as mouse behavior can be temporarily ‘lost’ on PC version too, but is easy to get back by hitting ESC to pause and resuming, or ALT TAB to windows then resumng etc. With XBox it’s more of a major experience destroying issue, having to suspend FS, launch another game that grabs mouse control, then suspend it and resume FS again. That is a completely bonkers workaround for an issue that has been around since July launch.

EDIT: well this is something at least-

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Airport Static Aircraft (LVFR) ? Can’t be Simple Traffic as it isn’t released yet on XBox.

None of this is even close to correct, especially the “xbox website” bit. Xbox is MS’s game brand - that’s it. Whe you first installed from the store and ran the sim, what was the very first splash screen you saw? “xbox studios”.

The xbox app is simply the games end of MS store and they are gradually integrating that store with the xbos game pass…whch, again, you don’t need an xbox to use and if you are on PC you can play all those games…

The bit about the “downgrade” is also just wrong.


@SnaggyTadpole48 & @BragRaindrop933 & other interested parties:
For what it is worth, all bug reports on the forums have to be tagged with either xbox or pc when the thread is created.

As a consequence it is possible to see all the bugs that have been created by users reporting issues for xbox. This link shows that information:

This may, or may not, be the sort of information that you were after.
(Note this link also shows threads where the issue is both xbox and pc rather than uniquely just for xbox.)


Thank you, interesting to know. If you don’t mind me asking what is the difference between ‘feedback logged’ and ‘bug logged’ and how does a case of feedback logged compare to or become bug logged? In the absence of an official bug list in the weekly dev update it confuses/frustrates many users. Advanced filtering is quite niche in here but I do use it, but haven’t tried it in this way before to hunt for bugs.

do you have live traffic on? that can cause stuttering.
on xbox s here, i have photogrammerty off and live traffic of , smooth flying, no ctd at all.

Good question… This might help

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Oohh I’ll have to bookmark that post. Thank you. There is so much info on this forum that is hard yet easy to find at the same time. Must go practice my advanced filtering skills.

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The Xbox X meets and in many ways exceeds MSFS high end specs in all but ram for which they have other solutions, why are people still imagining a compromised sim?

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“release on both PC and Xbox” don’t mean it will be the exact same code (and so, the same game) on both, we can hope for optimisation on each plateform instead of a common code and, by definition, not optimal on both.
If you do specific code for each, you use qualities of each.
If you do common code for both, you use defaults of both.


How about Xbox series S?