I did see those items were specifically pointed out in this weeks dev update, two of them will be fixed in SU8 and the other one they are investigating.
So that is good that they were acknowledged, looks like we are being heard.
I did see those items were specifically pointed out in this weeks dev update, two of them will be fixed in SU8 and the other one they are investigating.
So that is good that they were acknowledged, looks like we are being heard.
I’ve seen more stutters lately… I wonder if it’s really XBox causing the stutters, I’m on a PC, not XBox.
There is the increasing server load too.
Don’t know about other issues of course…
And I agree with SeedyL3205, we are one community. Same UI… and more and more of MSFS sources is the same on both platforms, so technically there is very little difference. Actually I feel XBox-users are set back, because they can only choose their addins from the Store. For scenery, ref this wishlist topic.
Only has a series S for a month before upgrading to the series X, didn’t have any issue that I can remember with the S
Your welcome to try my Xbox to see for yourself?
I’m not doubting that you are having issues but you are the minority when it comes to this game on Xbox. Could you have a lemon Xbox ? Maybe but I still think it’s most likely other things at play with your setup , game add ons or internet or a combination of these. You might want to check what server you connect to in game and what the ping shows. Also make sure that your port shows Nat Open on your Xbox
If I was you I would go back to basics with the game. Delete any and all add on content. Delete rolling cache. Go basic with tv settings, even step down in resolution if you run 4 k. Use a basic Xbox controller. Turn off online functionality in game. Use a standard plane like the Cessna. Start there and see if you can fly without issues. Then slowly bring Xbox/tv specs back up to higher resolution. When you turn online function back on in game, try with photogrammetry only and live traffic off. And so on and so on….you basically need to find where your issue lies and when it breaks.
Yes and give os planes that we can press and any things work like the a320 nothing works just ap and some stuff give os the flybywaire airbus i will be happy its to many limits on Xbox
My father use a Series S, no DLC except World Update. No problem.
Series X here and it runs fine, so I have to completely disagree with the OP.
I say runs fine, yeah I have had the odd crash to dash, but even PC has had those issues, and also a few stutters places like LA, another known place that can cause this.
So if OP is noticing issues all the time, It may suggest he has an issue on his xbox or perhaps try uninstalling / reinstalling MSFS2020.
The misinformation on these forums runs thick, it’s amazing what people come up with in their own heads and spew on the interwebs. Maybe step away from electronics and enjoy life for a bit…
may i ask what kind of peripherals you use?
and do you play with everything on (photogrammetry, hdr, live weather, live time, live players/ai, etc)?
and what kind of flights do you do (airliners?)
• Xbox Series X w/ 4K HDR @ 60Hz
• Xbox Elite Series II
• Thrustmaster Hotas One
• Thrustmaster TFRP pedals
• Razer Turret keyboard (I dont use the mouse)
• True-to-Life assistances aka Hard (I will occasionally toggle on taxi ribbons after contacting ground at unfamiliar airports)
• Multiplayer is turned off
• All other online settings default
• Live weather/time
• Live traffic
• Cache on at default size
3rd Party Content:
• WT Garmin G1000 NXi
• Enhanced Airport Graphics
• North America Ground Vehicles
• San Francisco Enhanced Night Graphics
• San Jose Enhanced Night Graphics
• Junkers Ju 52
• Carenado C170B
• Carenado YMF5
• Grumman G-44A Widgeon
• Embraer EMB-110
• A320 Neo Liveries Pack North America
• I fly throughout the day, nearly everyday at different and random times
• I’ve been flying when the strange phenomenon of live weather shutting off at 23:00 Zulu and when it suddenly comes back on at 00:12 Zulu
• I fly primarily in CA from my IRL local regional airport, but I do fly in other areas, notably Mexico and Central America, so far. I have done Europe-to-USA long haul flights in the 747.
• I fly a mixture of GA and airliners, but prefer GA (this will change once the DC-6 can be installed on the Xbox again)
• I fly the Carenado C170B most often
• I fly VFR and IFR low/high regularly
• I fly VFR via dead reckoning and VOR/DME-based navigation
• I hand fly and use AP in all capacities
• I land visually and via GPS and/or ILS
• I quit and restart the sim regularly and don’t use quick resume
Basically, my habits are extremely varied and rarely the same thing over and over. As stated, I had bad late-flight stuttering on long haul flights — an issue plaguing both PC & Xbox. I have seen that drastically reduced since this SU7-update released. I’ve had only a handful of CTDs since I got the sim in Sept ‘21 and none of them recently.
The current PC experience with MSFS is vastly different than it was pre-SU5 in terms of performance.
By all means, if you’re happy with your Xbox experience, then that’s fine. Nothing wrong with that at all. I’m just pointing out that if you’re basing your opinion of the MSFS PC experience on performance pre-SU5, this is no longer an accurate reflection of the current state of it.
While I did not use the sim until Sept. ‘21, I also did not bother much to fly on my PC until the Xbox DC-6 release. I now use my PC when I really want to fly the DC-6, but even then I prefer not being sequestered away in a room with it. It doesn’t look anywhere near as good as it does on the Xbox X & 4K TV, but that is expected with the PC I have.
Regardless, I have great performance on my PC with the sim. Of course, PCs can vary so incredibly greatly due to specifications, configuration and whatever is installed on them.
In my case, I’ve got a Razer Blade 15” running Windows 11, the required Razer software, TrackIR and MSFS 2020 MS Store version and that is it.
I do not have the myriad of troubles that many PC users are reporting and as @Crunchmeister71 says, it performs very well.
No worries fella, will be worth a look at some point. This whole thread is about how the boxes cope with the sim good we all post our experiences. It’s great to see most of the posts are non tribal, we all here love flying on whatever
That’s not the Xbox’s fault. It ran perfectly on my series s after SU6. Whatever they did to SU7 is causing the issues. It’s not a matter of if the Xbox can handle it. It’s the poor stability of the sim overall
Just a wireless mouse.
Everything on default, live weather, live traffic. e.g
I fly airliners, mostly the a320.
On an update, I must take back what I said, my last flight was quite stuttery, I actually think the latest update has caused this as previously it was fine, looking around on the forum a fair few have noticed considerable fps drops, and this is on PC, so perhaps an issue that needs sorting.
I will try to do a few more flights in the week, see if it was a one off.
I have actually just turned off multiplayer, but not tested afterwards yet, I don’t see any point in having that enabled personally.
I am trying it with everything off and it makes no difference. No add ins, clean install, latest update. Don’t know what else I can do.
I want you to know, in spite of any tone to the contrary, I completely feel for you and wish I could offer some help and an answer.
Just curious, but do you have any marketplace add-ons installed? If you’re having issues, I would try uninstalling those, restart the sim, and try again.
Unfortunately, marketplace add-ons can cause issues just as much as community mods on PC can.
They can’t, as Xbox Series X users would see the differences from the PC version and start screaming. An $800 Xbox Series X HAS to be as good as a $5000 gaming PC. It’s how it’s marketed.
But I agree, MS/Asobo should offer two versions of MSFS 2020, one for the PC and one for the Xbox. Then they could give the Xbox users a smooth experience with MSFS 2020, and the PC gamers a maxed out version with all the bells and whistles that can run on a high end PC.
And then everybody would be happy!