Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

Which is pretty good for an Ultralight - albeit a very in depth one.


ā€¦gliding is a literal game-changer; itā€™s exhilarating and relaxing, all at the same time!

  1. Fenix A320
  2. PMDG 737-7
  3. Got Friends Discus-2c
  4. Milviz C310R
  5. Wing42 Boeing 247D

Old List:

1 - PMDG 737-700
2 - Fenix A320
3 - Milviz 310R
4 - FSW Cessna 414
5 - Aerosoft CRJ

New list: My love for smaller planes is growing.

1 - Milviz 310R
2 - FSW Cessna 414
3 - Sting S4
4 - Just Flight Arrow/Turbo Arrow
5 - Fenix A320


Grumman Goose
Milviz 310
Blackbox BN2 Islander
JPL 152
Piper Arrow


So my list is

  1. BAE 146 300
  2. CRJ 700
  3. Piper Warrior II
  4. Emb 110
  5. B2 Islander

There is two aircraft projected to replace the kodiak as number one, later this year, the nextgen Saab 340, Asobo ATR might actually pass the kodiak as number one

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Favorite at the top:

FSW C414
Milviz C310
Black Square Velocity XL
SWS Kodiak
PMDG 737-700 BBJ

Those top three all using the TDS GTN 750Xi

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It sure will be fun to watch and see how the list progresses. The aircraft that manages to finally knock the Kodiak off the spot will have to be something very special. It will need to carry that broad appeal that can reach users at all ends of the spectrum. From the bush fliers to those that prefer autopilots and advanced avionics. A pure airliner wonā€™t do it. There are too many of us that have too much to see down low to consistently fly them to the exclusion of all else. It canā€™t be a simple GA single though, not enough pizazz to keep the masses entertained. It will need complexity without being overly complex to operate. Too many have too little time to fly to put up with extreme fidelity. They just want to get in and have fun in a reasonably realistic manner. The price point will have to be perfect as well. Too high and not everyone buys in. Too low and too many will think it is inherently garbage simply because it was not pricey enough. Something will eventually do it. I am fascinated with wondering just what it will be.


Well, as it stands right now (including @ryanbatcā€™s vote), there is exactly only 1pt in it!! Sneak peek:


The 414ā€™s climb up the charts has been quite impressive indeed. Especially considering it is still in beta and is not on Xbox.

Itā€™s a darn good plane. Not quite the 310 in my book, but the airplane itself is more versatile so I can see why folks might favor it. Also, the 310 hasnā€™t been out as long.


I can say the 414 is my favorite aircraft right now, just amazing to fligh with it
and like Barron said, the 414 and Milviz 310 are a tough choice


The 414 is definitely growing on me, but I am a sucker for all the 310ā€™s bells and whistles. The failure system and maintenance manages to be FUN. That adds some unpredictability to what could otherwise be rather mundane flights. The plane just feels more alive because of it.

Now, the 414 is the better IRL aircraft by a Texas mile, and that shines through in the addon. It can fly with confidence to places where the 310 would limp.


yep! i love the speed/climb performance and altitude of the 414

but yeah, the Milviz 310R is a special one with all the features it offers.

they should make a partnenship and offer the same feature of the milviz on the 414 :rofl:

are you using TDS with them?

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No, I have to give it a try!

PMS50 here.

New system to learn? Sign me up.

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Dude! I have the PMS Premium and was using until i got last week the TDS.

Do it, worth every cent. The resolution is muuuuch better and a LOT of cool features that PMS is missing.

never looked back
i wasnt sure to spend 50 bucks on it since i had the PMS, but probably the best 50 bucks i spent on this sim.

and it fully integrate with the best aircraft that im sure you fly ( 414, 310R, Arrow, Sting S4, RV-14 to name a few)

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I obviously enjoy flying low and slow and seeing the world. I also find it harder to see the glass cockpits and stick mostly to the steam guages.

  1. Just Flight Warrior II - Just keep coming back to this one.

  2. Milviz 310R - New to my hanger. Easier to operate than I expected. Used for my longer trips. Engines make it a little harder to sight see.

  3. Cessna 152 (jplogistics mod) - Simple and a great view.

  4. Just Flight Turbo Arrow III - Really enjoy this one, but using the 310 more recently.

  5. Aeroplane Heaven Cessna 140 (with mod to change the engine noise) - Donā€™t fly it often, but it is fun and nostalgic. My uncle owned one.

Honorable mention: Simworks Kodiak - Itā€™s a great plane, but more complicated and I just havenā€™t flown it enough yet.

Really hoping someone makes a steam guage Bonanza.


I remembered that after I posted. I have their Debonair 35 (non-v) version and for some reason Iā€™ve never fallen in love with it.

It would stand to reason that Black Square would do an analog version of the stock Asobo Bonanza following the Caravan and King Air, provided those two are successful enough to warrant the effort.

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For some reason I gravitate to the Warrior too. Slow as hell, and on my recent trans atlantic I appreciated the increase sim rate function. I trained on a Warrior in real life, I feel like aside from a few little things Just Flight really nailed the airplane. It reminds me alot of how I would fly the real airplane.


My list:

  1. Flying Iron Spitfire Mk. IX

  2. PMDG Douglas DC6

  3. Big Radials Grumman JRF-6B Goose

  4. JF Piper Turbo Arrow III/IV

  5. AS DHC-6 Twin Otter


Local Legends IV: Twin Beech
Flying Iron P38-L
Working Title CJ4
Local Legends I: Ju-52
FlybyWire A320NX