Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

Not sure if it has been asked before, but could we see a version of this chart sorted by AVG in the first post as well?

My picks:

  1. Fenix A320
  2. Leonardo MaddogX MD-82
  3. FSW Cessna 414AW
  4. Blackbox BN2 Islander
  5. Just Flight BAe 146

Have you tried the Goose?


  1. FSW 414
  2. Kodiak
  3. Sting
    4.JF Warrior
  4. JF Hawk
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I have done once before (a few months ago) but not since. I will see what I can do about automating output that way otherwise it would be a fair bit more manual work to do every week.

Either way, Iā€™ll definitely do an AVG Chart this week at least, so we can compare.

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Just the Freeware version, but Iā€™m tempted to buy it. I see it popping up every as one of their favorites.

I really only ask because you list the Twin Beech as your favorite and the Goose is, well it is my favorite plane in sim right now, but it has so much in common with the Beech, same engine, tail draggerā€¦ while having far, FAR better sounds and sense of weight, autopilot and GPS, and it can break if you fly it wrong. So it is a bit of a step up, if you like that engine, and that era. I really think any fan of the Beech needs to see this plane.

Oz Wookie had his hands in making both, but the new one is really worth a buy if you already like that kind of plane. And it is an earlier version of the Goose, so not the same model as the freeware. I love that bird. Such an odd duck. Yes, I intended that pun.

Anyway, you like those old radials so I recommend.


Dont you if anyone has said this but thanks for setting up the thread.Its very useful for everyone looking to see what good aircraft are out there and what to buy next :grin:


Thanks for that. I appreciate the appreciation lol :+1:

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My current favouritesā€¦

  1. Milviz - Cessna 310R
  2. Just Flight - Piper Turbo Arrow III/IV
  3. FSReborn - Sting S4
  4. SWS Kodiak - 100 Series II
  5. Got Gravel - Savage Grravel
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Just checking - is this the Monster or Carbon?

Savage Carbon and Savage Grravel are separate planes (Grravel is also called Monster Truck in the Skies).

Yes sorry itā€™s the monster one.

Here is my updated Top 5 based on what I have been flying of late.

  1. HypePerformanceGroup H145
  2. Milviz Cessna 310
  3. JF Piper Turbo Arrow III
  4. JF Hawk T.1
  5. Asobo Husky A-1C

Previous (Sat 25th June)

  1. Milviz Cessna 310
  2. Asobo Local Legend #5 Beech 18
  3. Big Radials Grumman Goose
  4. Asobo Husky A-1C
  5. Ryan ST-A A1R Ryan ST-A Special

The H145 is now my No. 1 after Iā€™ve gained helicopter experience in the DCS UH-1H Huey. The Huey is not easy but quite satisfying. DCS trails fair behind MSFS in scenery and VR in my view but still has some draw in many respects. HPG are doing great with their H145 and action packs and brings a lot to MSFS.



. Milviz C310
. FSW C414
. JF Arrows (III N.A and III turbo)
. SWS Vans RV-14A
.Marwan Hjet

And very watchful of A2Aā€™s Piper Comanche, which could be way up there. No dates or estimates but I expect it to arrive before the end of the year? Hopefully


Just back from my hols and seen your post, I agree regarding the Hunter cockpit being so claustrophobic (thatā€™s without the canopy closed, we werenā€™t able to do that), then again the average height has gone up since the 50ā€™s, saying that Iā€™d say the Harrier cockpit imo was marginally tighter again than the Hunter.
Did you get in the Canberra?, that was cordoned off during Covid though normally youā€™re allowed into that.
To kill a couple of hours during a stay down there Iā€™d recommend it.

Nah only sat in the Hunter. Had my boy on shoulders for the rest of the day. Definitely wouldnā€™t have fitted in anything with him up there! Average height may have gone up and Iā€™m not particularly tall, but adding 60cm isnā€™t gonna help! :smiley:

  1. Aerosoft CRJ 700
  2. Grand Caravan with steam guage mod
  3. Kodiak 100
  4. JustFlight BAE 146
  5. Cessna 414

Basically, I love the caravan with steam guage mod. Takes a plane like the Kodiak and gives you some classic instruments.


The age old question: Count this as a new separate plane, or bundle it with the default Asobo Caravan (which currently holds position 38 with 9 votes)?

In our Hobbs Hours App, weā€™ve decided to keep it separate but here it means it probably wonā€™t get much traction. Iā€™m tempted to add it to the existing votes for Caravan and change the description to say itā€™s vanilla, or with ANY improvement mods (including the one previously available AND the Black Square version).

What are everyoneā€™s thoughts on this?

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Yup itā€™s a tough call. Thatā€™s why I left it to you. Hehe. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Haha, gee, thanks for the input!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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