Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

I believe Marwan Gharib of FlightFX is currently working on the Vision Jet.​ He built the amazing HJet.

But it’s not the G@+ version. They are working on an older version.

Asobo Cessna 172

Carenado Beech V35B

Carenado Mooney M20R

Carenado Beech 18

Carenado Staggerwing


FlightFX is developing the Vision Jet, but I don’t think Marwan is involved with that one. FlightFX is just the company that Marwan used to distribute/release the HJet.

Old list:

  1. PMDG DC-6
  2. Wing42 Boeing 247D
  3. Big Radials Grumman Goose
  4. Aerosoft Twin Otter
  5. WT CJ4

New list:

  1. PMDG DC-6.
    This 1940s airliner holds the crown as my absolute favourite aircraft in the sim. There is so much going on at all times with this plane. Navigating and shooting approaches with only VOR and NDB combined with four radial engines is one of the most difficult things you can do in the sim. If you’re bored with airliners being too easy and automated, get the DC-6. It’s also perfect for regional hops where a 737 or A320 is a little overkill.

  2. PMDG 737-700
    The one I’ve been waiting for since the sim released in 2020. It’s just the perfect airliner with great systems, flight model, sounds etc. I know the Fenix A320 is probably even deeper in the simulations but it doesn’t matter. The 737 is the A320s pretty sister that you can’t help falling in love with.

  3. DC Designs Stearman
    Who would have thought a 12 euro aircraft would win the bronze medal? Not me. I bought this rather recently and it was love at first sight. Right now I’m doing a New England tour with it and the lack of navigation aids forces me to follow roads, rivers and power lines which is easy to do because of the amazing open cockpit. The sounds are perfect too.

  4. Discus-2c
    Before I got the Discus I thought gliding was all about being towed high up in the air and dropping down slowly. Boy, was I wrong. There are several ways to find updrafts and keep flying for hours and hours. Navigating across the landscape while searching for cumulus clouds and ridges is surprisingly enjoyable.

  5. BN-2 Islander
    I bought this one after the new huge update. It knocks its big brother the Twin Otter out of the list by being more refined and better sounding. If Aerosoft ever records new sounds for the Twotter it might re-enter my list but until then the BN-2 is the better product for STOL island hopping.


I’m probably Gonna buy the md80 this week so it would show up probably next week, my list this week is

1: Beechcraft 18
2: Twin Otter
3: Embraer E110
4: Honda Jet
5: BAE 146


Going to be interesting to see how much the new Just Flight Cessna 172S study level mod features on the leader board going forward. Early signs it’s looking very good. Defo going to get it at some point soon.

I am very curious about this too… I read the details of the mod, but they don’t mention anything about flight dynamics. I find the stock 172 far too sensitive, especially in the rudder control, so don’t fly it much. So may end up sticking to the Warrior, or maybe the Tomahawk when it releases…

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Thanks for the new updates folks.

Quick question. About the PMDG 737-600 and soon to be 800 (and 900 is it?). Guess I should keep them separate as they are separate purchases? But the CRJ as example is all bundled together with their 4 variants, and if I’m not mistaken they are not a single purchase, or are they?

In my opinion they shouldn’t be separated. A lot of us bought the -600 and -700 because we didn’t want to wait for the -800.


Yeah good point. I had assumed there would have been a flight model upgrade to it but I too can’t find any details about that.

JayDee is saying in the thread about it that CFD and the new Prop mechanics were added as per the G1000 version.

But yeah super weird why they don’t sing about that on the sales blurb!


The Milviz 310. The only plane I currently fly on FS. When the FSW PC12 shows up, it may be my second favorite.

I was wondering how you were planning on doing that… Currently you have the piper Arrows lumped together. Maybe as a thought, have the 737-700 and -600 as one data-point and the -800/-900 as another, since the 600/700 are similar but different than the 800/900… Just a thought. :slight_smile: I’ll have a new list for you in a couple of week, my Top hasn’t changed in a long time… LOL.


I’d like to keep the 800 separate because there were so many people talking about PMDG’s sale policy so I really would like to know how popular the 800 will be compared to the 7.

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Since variants of CRJ and Arrows are bundled together, it would make more sense to keep the whole 737 family under the same slot.

After all, those planes have minor differences, and most simmers will only have one of each, but with the same experience globally. It would not make much sense to fraction the popularity of it due to its pricing model.


Keep it together. Its already hard enough to keep it to only 5. But I would like to see everybody specify their preference in their own list. Iam pretty sure the 800 will be the all-time favourite.


OK then, best of both worlds — I’ve arranged it like this now:

So when votes come in for the 737 I’ll add them to this table for the specific variant, then the totals are automatically taken up into the combined 737 row on the main chart but those who want to see the breakdown will have this mini table on the PDF each week (at the bottom).

This way I still only have to update votes one time so it’s no hassle, but keeps the data separate if people are interested.

This won’t work for the weekly Top 10 though so it’s just for the ongoing charts.

  1. F-35 A
  2. F-16 I Sufa
  3. F-15 E
  4. stearman
  5. Beechcraft Baron
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And now you get the add the 738! I’ll bet it climbs right past the other two 737s… :slight_smile:

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