Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

If I had to try any of the 737 variant I think I’d want to try the 900 and 700 the most because I flew the 800 too much in fsx and the 700 and 900 would feel new

Are you sure about that? I know me and other people bought the -700 because we wanted a 737 and didn’t want to wait for months to get the most popular one. I’m not going to spend the same amount of money on an almost identical aircraft. The -700 might still hold up after the -800 releases, we’ll see.

It’s not the done thing to be issuing proclamations on future aircraft or purchases…

But you can all keep your -800s, this weekend I’ll be all over the WB-Sim C172 Classic Enhancement Mod :joy:

  1. PMDG 737-600
  2. Fenix A320
  3. BN Trislander
  4. BN Islander
  5. PMDG DC-6

Flysimware Cessna 414AW Chancellor
FlyByWire A320
PMDG 737-600
MilViz Cessna 310R
Asobo Cessna 172S analogic version with Just Fly 172SP Enhancement


Flysimware Cessna 414AW Chancellor
Fenix A320
MilViz Cessna 310R
Asobo Cessna 172S analogic version with Just Fly 172SP Enhancement
PMDG 737-600


Hey welcome to the forums!

LOL that was the fastest update ever! Guess I’ll just use the 2nd list then :smiley:


yeah! , I forgot about Milviz’s Cessna, and I was wrong about the A320. I have the Fenix one and it seems fantastic. I take this opportunity to add that the FSW Cessna 414 is the best plane I have flown in 20 years in all the flight simulators I have owned. Sorry for my poor English, it’s not my native language.

Great post Baracus!!



1 - Fenix A320
2 - PMDG 737-700
3 - FSW 414AW
4 - Just Flight/Black Square - Steam Gauge Overhaul
5 - Milviz 310R


1 - WB Sim 172sp
2 - PMDG 700
3 - Fenix A320
4 - Black Square - Analog Caravan
5 - Black Box BN2 Islander 2.0


172SP good enough to displace both the other Cessnas?

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Im really enjoying it and took a break from the 414aw and 310R
analog caravan and the 172sp are very fun right now.

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I’m gonna take a flight in a Skyhawk soon. Was booked for last week but weather let us down twice so I need to reschedule it when my friend can get time off work.

Went to the airfield anyway as I could not get through on the phone in the morning to check it was going ahead. Reason being (discovered after I got there) was a lightning strike the night before took out their VOIP phone lines!

Guy showed us around the place whilst we were there and let my son sit in the 172 we’d be using. Old one! Told him I’d been “practicing” in MSFS with the actual freeware of the airfield (which looked pretty good to the real thing!) but said I was using the G1000 as it is the only one that has the new CFD etc. He quickly said we don’t have the glass cockpit ones.

So I’m tempted to get this just to practice a bit more accurately before I do the real flight this time lol (not that it really matters - I’m only gonna be steering it a little bit. Not doing anything serious or needing to use instruments. But it’s a good excuse to buy another mod, right?) :smiley:

I’m intrigued to see if my hours of flying the local area and imprinting the features, landscape and distances into my head - taking off / landing at each of the 4 RWY’s etc will be anything like the real thing and I’ll know where I’m going just by looking outside!


Updated -

  1. Islander - This has moved around in my top 5 since I bought it. Still a blast to fly.
  2. Beechcraft Twin 18 - She is close to number 1 for me, these 2 are my favs currently.
  3. Bonanza V35 - Recent purchase, been flying it quite a bit and enjoying it.
  4. The Goose - Great sounds and great flying!
  5. Staggerwing Model 17 - always a joy to navigate old school

OK, the Asobo stock Cessna 172 with WT G1000NXI as 5th. plane.

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PMDG Boeing 737-800
Fenix Airbus A320
FBW’s Airbus A320 Neo
PMDG Boeing 737-700
Asobo Boeing 787-10 with Heavy Division

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Why not a google spreadsheet? its live and you can always update it with the link.

Once you’ve gotten used to the classic “six pack” you’ll know why us old school guys don’t care so much for a glass cockpit, especially for VFR flying. One quick glance at the six round gauges tells you everything you need to know. :slight_smile:


Old list:

  1. PMDG 737
  2. PMDG DC6
  3. FBW A320
  4. Gotfriends Discus 2C
  5. HPG H135

New list:

  1. PMDG 737-800.
    It was a close call with the 700 because i like its flight characteristics a bit better, but the 800 is just my old time favourite. Sentiment over rational thoughts…
  2. Gotfriends Discus 2C,
    it is just a complete different way of flying. And as a former real life glider flyer, its just bringing back great memories flying over the familliar terrain. Beside that its just the purest form of flying planes (paragliding is the purest form of flying overal for me) and with the art of thermalling and the thrill of (not)finding thermals/ridge lifts, it sure takes a lot longer to get bored than flying a tubeliner from A to B.
  3. PMDG DC6
    What can I say, its just a beautifull lady bringing the glorydays of avaiation right back into the sim.
  4. HPG H135
    Helicopters… its free and its great. What do I need to add more. Still in doubt to get the payware version.
  5. FBW A320
    Brilliant project. Deserves to be mentioned here. Not flying it anymore since the 737 release. But have 100 reasons to still keep it here.

You could have told me that a few months ago lol :wink:

Joking aside, it’s a good idea but actually there are a few functions I’m using that would not be as convenient in a Google sheet and I would lose a bit of control of the presentation of it. Also it would not be “live” as such because before I publish the next update there is a fair bit of manual work I need to do and I would not want to be doing that for every single users update during the week. If I’d have planned it to use Sheets from the start I could have a method for it I guess but it’s OK now and works better on my phone for doing the daily work on it haha :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion though. I may consider it if I get some spare time to see if it could be better

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This is way more common then simmers seem to think. Had a flight in a Sting S4 today - and lo and behold steam gauge with a fixed prop, not glass and a CSU like in the game.


Here is a c172 on sale for $US69,000 a bit rough but passed it’s annual, flyable and a really good price.

… and here is the $54,000 G1000NXI you can install in it.

(adding about $US10,000 for the install and other costs means going glass is costing as much as the entire aircraft sold for)