YourControls - Shared Cockpit for MSFS

After a couple of false starts (forgot to remove mods, then forgot to make sure both aircraft were in identical states when connecting) this worked really well. Thank you!
However, I think it might have broken the DA62X and WTCJ4 mods - the throttle doesn’t work in either aircraft any more.
I uninstalled YC, deleted both aircraft and redownloaded but still no luck. Can you offer any advice?


Yup! I’m actively working on improving the experience, adding more aircraft, and fixes every day but I also have to balance it along with school so progress has been slow.


Glad to hear it’s been working well! This mod doesn’t modify aircraft files unless you explictly support it in the installer. This sounds like an external issue since it still occurs when you uninstall YC. Try removing everything from the community folder and adding first the DA62X/WT CJ4 and then other mods until you find the culprit.

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Thanks. I removed everything from community and tested the default aircraft - all fine. But problem comes back as soon as I add one of those two mods.
When I installed YC, I only ticked “desktop shortcut” box. So that means it doesn’t make any permanent change?

It doesn’t make permanent changes anyway. If you tick “Default TBM” it’ll just temporarily override some of the TBM’s files until YC is uninstalled/reinstalled without ticking that box (doesn’t replace files, but it points the simulator into using its own files). Given that, it’s pretty strange that your other mods broke, but I highly doubt it’s a result of this mod.

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I’m a bit confused about this "default TBM and “default DA62” option. What exactly does it do? How does it help concerning mods? Is something known about the compatibility with the DA62X mod (and the Working Title G1000 mod)?

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So if you tick those options, YourControls will “inject” its own files in order to make the switches in the Asobo TBM and DA62 synced. If you have the DA62X mod installed, you shouldn’t tick the Default DA62 option. I believe the working title G1000/G3000 mods are compatible.

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Just installed 2.4.1 new version and I look fwd to test it with TBM 930.

Couple of doubts:

  1. Considering me and friend I flight with both have WT G1000/G3000/CJ4/GX mods installed and we often use the TBM 930, should we tick the 4 selections on Your Control installing or not?

  2. Also, considering the mentioned mods, we see that G1000 and G3000 mods also “rememebrs” some basic settings between one flight and the next (like some Map settings or so). Now, considering client and server aiplanes and that we’d like to start form cold and dark, should the respective G1000 or G3000 be set exactly the same even with these little particulars before one can join the other connecting through YC, or not so striclty necessary?

Thank you!

I used YC with the default DA62 and without ticking the option in the installer. It worked with the exception of some knobs (that weren’t too crucial so we just brought those to the same state manually).

So do I get it right: there are known issues with syncing the default TBM and DA62 which can be circumvented by ticking the option in the installer?

I just started a flight with the DA62x mod tl and YourControls in the community folder but without a client (had no one at hand atm). The aircraft seems to work normally (there where issues before when there was no separate wasm module). So that is promising, I will check it out in shared cockpit soon and post the results

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The remembering is indeed a problem. YC does/can only sync the knobs, not the internal state. So if preconditions are different, the result will also be different.

Is there a way to disable this functionality in the G1000 mod or reset it to default ( either in game or by deleting some file)?

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As far as I know not possible, unless you remove the WT mod but you loose all its great advantages.

Anyway, if some Garmin MFD settings are different, it should still work normal in temrs of AP, settings, knobs or so…or not?

By using this we have been able to finally answer peoples’ wish for a way to save their G1000 settings. With this version numerous settings, including map orientation and brightness, will be saved between sessions.

These settings do not sound too critical. However changing them synced will probalby not be possible if they are set differently in the beginning. So it is a good thing to keep that in mind.

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Ok, good to know. I think easiest way is setting them the same on both, then connect through YC.

So, having the WT G1000/G3000 mod, should we tick the 4 options at YC install phase or better leave them not ticked?

Also, what happens if one of the 2 goes on pause or active pause?

Thank you again!

Yup! Ticking the options in the installer will fix the issue where some switches don’t sync in the default TBM and DA62. They are optional because people could have other mods that conflict with it.

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I have only WT G1000/G3000 mod, so I’m gonna tick them.

Thank you again!


I’ve just set up YourContols and I’m not sure how this is supposed to work with the FBW A32NX mod however if I have control my friend cannot do anything. It doesn’t matter if he presses a button, it will not sync with me, however, if I press something it is synced with him. I tought this mod makes the aircraft to be able to control one aircraft with 2 players. One of them has the control over the control things, like flying the aircraft manually, and the other pilot can turn on different switches, and so on.

Thank you for your help and reply,
Kind Regards,

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This mod is the best thing to happen to FS2020 since the FBW A320, I use it everyday to fly with friends and it is a joy to use!


Hi! Sounds like you didn’t click the Observer button next to your friend’s name in the Client List when he connected.

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Yes that was the issue. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I was surprised by this behaviour, too (did not anticipate it because it was not there in the older versions). I understand the intention that people that connect are observers first and have to be granted access by the server but for most use cases of YC this is just something that people will stumble over. Maybe you could make it an option “Clients connect initially as Observers” that by default is not activated.

Furthermore, the labelling should be more clear. You have to click on “Observer” to grant the client access, then there is still written “Observer” but the second Button with “Give Control” appears. Maybe that can be redone in some clearer way.