2024 Unlink Missions from Career Mode

It looks like missions are linked to career mode? There are many sim pilots who have been simming for a long time, and may not wish to go through rudimentary training or use career mode at all, in order to access missions.

Hopefully Asobo will recognize this and not require career mode in order to access missions.


The small exams here and there doesn’t bother me as much if those are not very long.

What does bother me however is the new in-game economy and the possibility that this may block missions to be accessible to the people which are not into career progression.


Or when you loose your plane because you had not paid insurance before you crashed it…

Maybe could we have a “easy” career mode and a “realistic” career mode ?


I would likely prefer going the missions route, but I understand the desire to do mission-style free flights. Hopefully that is, or will become an option.

FYI, Career mode was discussed in the September DevStream meeting. It starts here.
Some of the questions discussed:

This needs to be done ASAP. Having to grind hours to get money to have the ratings just to put out fires is not acceptable. If people wants to make a career, that’s totally fine for me, but it should be optional. Some of us have a life outside the sim with limited time to enjoy the game. A game that btw, is not precisely cheap.


Offering my vote for this as well. I’m alright with the Career mode and how it’s laid out, but it really is irritating when I am just in the mood to get rolling and do specific activities, yet I can’t.

My friends and I sometimes just wanna fight a fire or transport some cargo - I would rather have the ability to do that separate from the career. I understand teh logic behind making you progress through, but Career is so grindy that my friends and I have already lost interest before getting to the missions we really want.


The proceduraly generated missions promise a lot of playability, however they are currently locked behind the career, which is a real bummer since not everyone will want to go through the dozens of hours needed to complete the missions just to do i.e. S&R helicopter missions.

Please seperate it.


Absolutely agree. I would assume that many people coming into this version are not complete novices. The ability to skip “training” should be seriously considered.

Exactly. This topic needs a lot more attention, this isn’t a wishlist item item at all, this is serious product flaw. All this limitation is causing is endless frustration.

Did anyone at Microsoft calculate how much time one needs to get to for instance helicopter sling load missions?

I had to make a PPL in a C172, ok, fine, one flight. But the rotorcraft certification costs you 3500. You can only earn money if you do your CPL. Which will cost you 2500 cr, and now you have only 500, which means you need to make another 3000 to make your rotorcraft license. Yes, flying stupid missions in a C172, for a 30 minute mission I’m getting like 800-900, meaning just to get my rotorcraft certificate, I have to fly hours in a C172 and endure all those idiotic chats.

But I’m nowhere near yet, now I can fly only the Cabri, to get to in the H125 at least, I need another 7500 cr or so, so what do I do? I keep flying the immensely boring and irritating passenger missions, skipping the long straight level flight part, for which I’m being penalized, but really, did Microsoft think that I’ll fly the full 2 hours straight in a helicopter, just to get to the interesting missions?

I’m also getting penalties from the buggy algorithm, like when trying to use the only taxiway and the runway to taxi to takeoff, instead of what this marvelous piece of software engineering came up with: straight path through bumpy grass with ditches meters deep.

Or when I’m air taxiing to the parking spot, and just before I get there, a random ground vehicle shows up, drives into the spot, and stays there.

And remember, I don’t want to do all this, all I want to do is to fly a sling load mission. And to my bitter disappointment, when I finally make the certificate for the H125, it turns out, the “hook endorsement” costs 25,000 cr. Yes, 25,000.

How do I earn 25,000? Yes, with even more numbing, frustrating, boring passenger, ferry, and so on missions. How many hours do I need to fly to get that 25,000? Looks like if I don’t skip anything, I can get maybe 4,000 for a 2 hour flight. So it is only about 12 hours of torture to get there.

I don’t think I ever had such an irritating, unfair, frustrating experience with software ever.


To answer my question: no they did not. Making unlocking missions difficult is likely part of their business plan: get frustrated users to buy credits instead of spending countless boring hours in the sim: The career mode is server side for one reason only $$$


I totally agree! thanks for your post

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Are you doing the special missions (golden diamonds on the map) especially after getting a new certification? If not, there’s your problem. For one, they pay a lot more. Once you get a certification, a special mission will pop up just for it. Completing that will not only pay well, but that’s what also unlocks that type of mission worldwide.

It took me a while to figure that out. That only happened because I got bored with the basic flightseeing missions and nothing else available, even after having more certs and specializations available. I saw those gold diamond icons and noticed I could do some, and now I’m advancing quickly. I’ve not felt pressured in the least to spend extra money on fast tracking career mode, nor have I seen a way to add credits to my career balance. I’m pretty sure the sim credit purchase you are seeing is for making marketplace purchases. That’s how it was in 2020. You didn’t buy the item outright. You bought a certain amount of sim credits, and then those would be used to make the item purchase.

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Thanks for the tip, I’ll try that.

But see, this is the point. I’ve wasted many hours doing things I did not want to, writing these posts, you waste your time answering me, all this is because those missions are only available in the buggy career mode.

And if what you say is true, and they really don’t want to monetize on the career mode, than it is probably even worse not getting access to missions outside of career mode, because than it is completely stupid and does not make any sense, the only goal seemingly is to frustrate a group of paying customers.

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My Personal Comment & Observation

Hi @pvaiko1203

The original purpose of Career mode was (IMO) to allow those who want to pursue a Career to do so. As has been asked here and discussed in other threads, I think the solution is not to change the Career mode at all, but create a new category of “Missions” within the Activities section. Clicking this:

Would allow you to enter this section (quick & dirty photoshop just to illustrate):

when you just " just wanna fight a fire or transport some cargo" as @HeinousHarold mentions above.

The two categories would be entirely separate - what you do in the Missions has zero affect to your Career status.

Voted. Let’s see what happens.


Sure, totally agree, as I stated like 100 times, I don’t want to take away anyone’s career mode, I want access to the missions without grinding through career chores.


So, I tried, and just to illustrate the topic and where the frustration comes from, here’s what happened:

I picked the Montreal sightseeing mission with the Cabri. As usual, my collective does not work, have to get back to the settings, select it again, for the 100th time, whatever. When I was ready to start, switched to VR, the little window with the instructions and progress was missing. Never mind, I requested taxi clearance, clearance said taxi to helipad x.

So far so good, but helipad x is like half mile away, across the runway. So what to do? Clearance did not have taxiways to follow, did not have hold short, so off we go, and sure enough, when crossing the runway I get dinged by the aviator performance enter runway without clearance. Kind of what expected.

Then I decide to look up the control to show that instruction window, press escape, go to controls, can’t find it, let’s try without it, trying to resume flight: CTD. Didn’t get anywhere closer to a sling load mission…

And again, none of this is because I want to do it, this is only because Asobo/Microsoft forces me to do this. Am I having fun? No.


En: Hi, I saved about 30,000 cr. Start my company and buy a cessna 25,000 cr then it’s between 30,000 to 40,000 cr of profit from tourism mission. It goes quickly to pay for the licenses of the skill tree.

Fr: Salut, jai economiser env 30 000 cr. Starter ma compagnie et acheter un cessna 25 000 cr ensuite cest entre 30 000 a 40 000 cr de benef part mission de tourisme. Sa va vite pour payer les licenses de l’arbre de compétences.

This would be perfect, and I agree, no need to change the career mode for those who enjoy it. It can even used in paralell, you can RPG with your virtual pilot in career mode but from time to time you just want to blow off some steam by dropping water over those nasty fires whtout having to worry about credits, reputation, etc.

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This is exactly what I would like - I do not want the career mode to be less grindy (Though I do want the missions to have less strict objectives), I simply want a way to experience these missions separate from the career.