3 Screen build help..pleaseee


i would like to use 3 screens for MSFS; i previously had 3 21" so to have the left and right window view.
On my desk i can fit 3 27"…
Or maybe consider a bigger center screen an 2 smaller ones (max 27")?

Wich type of screen should i consider?

The CPU will be a Ryzen 7 7800x3d
WIch GPU shall I consider…better a Invidia 4070 ti Super with 16GB or a rx 7900xtx with 20 GB or more?

Use is only for MSFS…


I have 3 27” LG 4K monitors all the same model. A bigger center monitor does not work well with MSFS right now. You will need a good graphics card to run 3, especially if trying 4K.

There are multiple topics already concerning triple screen setups. I’d recommend posting in one of those. I.e.

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I am not sure for what purposes you want to use three monitors but I have changed my set up from 3 x LG 27" flat screen monitors to one 34" curved monitor and Tobii eye tracker plus one LG 27" monitor for pop outs etc. Personally, I find that a better experience. However, I don’t drive buses :wink:. Taxis occasionally but not buses.

i would like to have 3 screens so to have the right and left view side…
Having only the center view makes yes more realistic regartding the gauges etc…but you miss the more immersive sensation…

Did not get the “i don’t drive buses…” Sorry I ama italian…

Ok so I shoud stick with same size screens…

IS VRAM so important?

I could choose between xt 7900xtx or 4070 ti super 16 GB (less expensive) or a 4080 16 GB…

:joy: Sorry, that is a standing joke with me; I always refer to airliners as (airborne) ‘buses’ and GA passenger aircraft as ‘taxis’. My comment is an acknowledgement that airliners have more complex cockpits with more necessary interactions left and right so maybe a 3 screen set up is good for you. I used a 3 screen set up in FSX and it worked well. I became frustrated with only one screen available at the start of MSFS and tired of the lengthy wait to have the multi screen option enabled. I moved to a head tracker and found that to be just as good for what I do and, satisfied that the idea was good I then acquired the Tobii Eye Tracker which, again for me, is a definite improvement on the head tracker and I wouldn’t move back to 3 screens (couldn’t anyway - I gave them to my grandson).

Hello Albatros, i got it now😂,

I flew with FSX same, years ago using TrackIr 4 and 3 screens of 21”.
So on the sides i get to see the left and right window (especially the left one to look outside…).

And i am now thinking to add anorher monitor above so to have the overhead panel.

But still have to build the pc.

If i understood you sent from a 3 small screens to 1 bigger (how big?) with the new eye tracker.
Mah I ask Why you prefere it?

And suggestions for m’y GPU?

The single screen is a 34" with a 1m curve. 3440 x 1440 and 144Hz refresh rate. I do really like the Tobii eye/head tracker, it just seems so natural, takes up no space, is easy to set up and has zero impact on FPS. I like the fact that if you lean in to get a closer look at something it zooms in, lean back and it zooms out. I also like that it not only tracks head movements but eye movement as well, so a glance up, down left or right is registered and the view changes.

My system is all AMD with an RX6750XT GPU and Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU. There do seem to be fewer driver issues with AMD but that is only my experience

VRAM is very important in MSFS - it essentially holds all the data coming back and forth for your plane and scenery and when it runs out you will slow down or crash - the more the better.

So, it’s much better than the TrackIr seems…
I remember it was an assle to use…either too sensitive or not…
WOuld be interesting to try it…
HAve you any video?

WHat I mean…is , for example, if you take off, you look in front of you bur on the eye side (where the screen shows you the left window) you “see” the left view…
Does’nt this give an more realistic sensation?

ARe you happy with AMD cpu and GPU?

Thanks for the explanation…
So my questions:
-how much VRAM should we get on a GPU for a smooth play?
-if you use more monitors you need more VRAM?

In the case of 3-4 screens, how much VRAM would you suggest?

If i would choose cpu ryzen i would choose amd gpu
Birds sticks to a feather i guess

As for monitors i would select 3 similair ones easier to align
Or a widescreen curved one with two sidescreens but with the same height as the widescreen
I use a combination of monitors and beamer and the monitors are grouped by their size in surround modi and even with use of triplehead2go dvi
But that is just my thought
A lot is possible with screens but i dont know with tv and monitors

Hello PH, thanks for the suggestions.

what I get to read is that Nvidia cards are better (DSLL and RT) than AMD ones, so I am looking for a 4080 16GB VRAM (you think would be enough for 3/4 monitors in 2K?).

I heard that the “widescreens” tend to stretch the edge of the image…correct?If so the image would be weird when stopping to the end where the other screen has the left or right a/c window .

WIch system have you got?

Definitely better than TrackIR, a huge amount better; to start with you don’t have to wear anything on your head plus, as I said, it not only tracks your head movement but your eye movement as well. All of the sensitivities for the different motions are adjustable so you can match the function pretty much to your needs. As I understand it the company who make the system (Swedish?) originally focused on medical applications like surgeons carrying out key hole operations but the Tobii IR5 is optimised for gaming. There are loads of You Tube videos about the system, my choice would be Mark at SimHangar.

I am very happy with my AMD set up, all MSI. This is my 3rd iteration of AMD GPU/CPU and I have never had a problem with it at all. Never a problem with GPU Driver updates, or for that matter chipset updates either. As I have moved on I have passed the redundant kit on to my grandson who uses his PC for gaming and AFAIK he hasn’t experienced any issues either. My kit is not the best but it is the best that I could afford and it works well with 12Gb of VRAM, bearing in mind that I am mostly VFR, low and slow

You asked a question about screen edge distortion on widescreen monitors. I know that my screen is quite small by some standards but yes there is some distortion at the periphery of the screen but I honestly don’t notice it in use. The only time that it becomes noticeable is in screen shots.

According to me, the most immersive sensation is : VR
You try VR, you fly VR :wink:

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I have nvidia 3090 24gb card on 1 pc and two 3060ti 8gb card on my other pc
Both pc run fine for what i am doing with them (use them only for msfs)
Now many simmers would not agree with me but with 3060 ti it performs well for me
My msi mobo has 2 pcie 16 lanes slots and this cards fit perfectly well in there to also actually use these slots to full performance.
I run them in dx12 and texture resolution setting in sim on high trees medium and grass off
But run tlod on 400 and olod on 150 and get steady 30fps locked, with some occasional stutter
1 gb internet fibre connection

As for my 3090 card i run full all on ultra and it can give 60fps steady also dx12
i use intel cpu specs i9 10900x and i7 12700
Both i do not run full screen but windowed but with a purpose of fitting all in there
And also i set in surround mode but i think this is beneficial to my setup and save extra multiwindows
Because i stretch these windows instead of give each screen a separate window.

So i think 4080 16 Vram would do nicely i think and should do fine with 3 to 4 monitors in 2k
But it depends also of what you want and expect

And about widescreens i like them and would like to experiment with them but they are fairly expensive but if it was possible i would like to see stack 3x on top of each other
But the whole curved screen is still 2d imo and i think but thats a guess it is 2 monitors in one.

(2d)Thats why i use also headtracking with open track ir for my setup is fairly flatscreen except for beamerscreen which i have curved ( for outsideview) and headtracking give the possibillity to look around ( i find beneficial with zoom).

It maybe a lot of info but gives you something to get your mind set and think of what you want yeah for now but especcially in the future (expanding options) for it is very addictive once you board the ship

Ps im working on a concept of how i build my sim and explain my mindset, but it is complicated
for my approach is more from wild guess than technical underlayment and im in no way an i IT specialist.

This picture is the bold view and im still busy with dress up the bezels of my monitors

Wowwww Sebastian, it looks great!!!
You Use 10 screens???

Can you show me a picture as cpt wuth the normnal fornt view and gauges?

Tell me, the 3060 24GB is used for how many screens?And how much Vram does she uses?

You think i better go for a 40b0 16 GB VRam or would be better a 7900 xtx 20 or 24 GB VRAM?

CAn you aso explain me wich is the best way to get the left and right screens having the left and right cockit window view (should i open a window with left/right view ad place it in the left/right screen or what?)…

Thanks a lot for your preciuos time…

Well actually it is 10 screens plus 1 beamer screen that got warped between the screens, which for most of the time serves as main view windshield to look outside, like this

I use yourcontrols to connect the 2 pc together.
The 3 topscreens and the beamer connect on 1 pc with 3090 card so 4 screens( but seen as 2 explained later in this post)
The second pc (which i use as main pc ) running with the 2 3060ti cards, has connected 7 monitors to it. 4 bottom screens 19 inch lined up running seperate in nvidia cpl and on top 3 22inch and are merged together by nvidia surround view.
The bottom screens are connected to 2nd 3060ti and 3 top screen to 1st 3060ti
While the first card drive the sim it uses 8 point somewhat gb of 8gb vram and the second card uses 0.3 gb of 8 gb also i have set in windows a large swapfile
I know the sim should crash because of overexceed vram on the 1st card but it doesnt yet and i run this for over a year in this pc config with these two cards.

For the colouring, i use nvidia control panel option destop colouring. This will give me the control of colouring each screen individually and adapt to each part of the world, i prefer this over
Game filters by nvidia which have other beneficials but thesee i do not use yet.
Also the top 3 screens are connected through matrox triplehead2go a smal device which is using just one display port and output to display 3 dvi ports. This would leave the option to connect to more screens or beamers if i would like and although i experiment some times with this i have more ideas about this i leave this for now.

Also great freedom which is offered by the use of second pc and licence of msfs is the next picture

Yes this is one picture not two merged together

Now notice how the top screens are positioned it give lots of freedom

But it gives more possibilities.

Hope this info give some explain to your questions
If there is more questions let me know and i will try to answer.



If you want see it work i have upload a link in video and streaming section

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These are my taskmanager performance of the cpu and two gpu 3060 ti