Hey there. Unforunately this seems to be a common bug, with no real universal fix. It has to be acknoleged and fixed by Asobo, but even though this has been going on for some people since the simulator launch, still no word from Asobo. I’m having similar issues.
Here are some other recent threads:
Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.
Tried without addons. Still happens.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Brief description of the issue:
All aircraft animations freeze for random amounts of time. Just a second or two up to five minutes. The plane still responds to all control inputs, but the animations, instruments, flight controls, etc, are all frozen. The pilots disappear and the plane model go to some l…
Interesting…I dont get the bug when switching with the Alpine version alone. Only the standalone BLL upgraded XCub. EDIT: I take that back - It just did it with the amphib version.
I think I’m on to something. If I wait for the cinematic intro to play for a few seconds, the plane loads correctly (or sometimes it takes a slight delay of a second or two). But, if I just click “Ready to Fly” as soon as it appears, that’s when the glitch happens and it takes much longer (10-20 seconds) for the plan…
I think we all sometimes are going to do something else on our computer, while we are cruising on a mid/long haule flight.
Sometimes I tab out to long (I do use the windows key, I’ve seen the tab out bug, this is not the same case). When I tab in FS2020 again my aircraft animations no longer work. This happens time to time, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.
What I mean with the aircraft animations no longer work for example, is that the engines don’t spin anymore, I can click buttons, b…