A310 Radio Stuck Broadcasting on KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO

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Brief description of the issue:

I took off at KSFO. Shortly after takeoff on the initial climb out, ATIS for KSNS (124.850) began being heard on the the radio. No matter what I do — retune every radio to alternate frequencies — I cannot get it to stop. I was handed off to Departure on 135.1, but I could not contact them as the option in the ATC window was greyed out due to whatever was going on with ATIS. I had to wait until I flew far enough to be handed off to Oakland Center before I was given the ability to contact them. ATIS continues to play indefinitely.

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Take off at KSFO, using the left side of the Captain’s radio tuned to tower and the right side tuned to Departure at 135.1. Leave the F.O.’s radio at its default frequencies. Take off and experience radio chaos.

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Xbox Series X

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I know this commentary doesn’t help solve these issues, but it bears stating.

We’ve been waiting since the launch of the 40th Anniversary Edition content in November of ‘22 for the radios/ATC to operate correctly in the A310.

Please. I really want to start enjoying this aircraft with more frequency, but I want the radios and ATC to work, as that functionality is an integral part of my flight simming experience. As an Xbox pilot, I don’t have any options for external ATC, or VATSIM. Flying with the radios off and no ATC just is not the same experience.

Thanks. I know you folks have been trying, and I appreciate it!

I have had the same issue in the CJ4 and Bonanza


KSNS ATIS really is on 124.850, which happens to be the default frequency in MSFS when radios are first turned on. This can lead to COM2 picking it up (or another station using the same frequency) in any plane, and is a problem that was reported on another thread a year or two ago.

As a frequent flyer in this area KSNS ATIS drove me nuts as well but basically I am able to switch freq. or turn off com2 in almost all planes to get rid of it. A few of the related threads/bugs from last year. As noted above it’s because the default freq. corresponds to KSNS. Is repeatable in other areas of country that have same ATIS freq.



That sounds like a very, very similar/related issue, however it is made worse by the complete inability to tune the radios of the A310 such that the KSNS ATIS message doesn’t repeat itself indefinitely.

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That sure can’t help. :smiley: Hope that gets fixed…

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Yep , this was the same problem in FSX , and P3D and still is here within MSFS. this SNS salinas atis goin off repeatedly over all comms

It’s a problem in the CJ4 AAU1 as there is a com3 channel enabled that you cant tune. WT have already worked to remove com3 in the SU12 release.


You are, most likely, onto the solution here.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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repeat of ATC instructions over and over

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We were able to reproduce this issue specifically for the A310 and KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO. We did not reproduce the issue on KSEA 118.00 or on the other aircraft above. Please create another report if you can reproduce this issue outside of the A310 and KSNS ATIS After Departing KSF

This item has been reproduced and turned into an official bug report internally. This topic is now updated with the #bug-logged tag. From here, Asobo prioritizes the bug, works on a fix, and slates it for a future update.


It happens at every airport when I tune into ATIS

Same for me. I’ve tested the same flight with several different aircraft (PMDG 737/Antonov/FBW A320/Small Aircraft/etc.) and neither of them experience the same behaviour/issues which seem to only happen with the A310. Key word only. Everytime I take off in this plane I can’t get the ATIS to stop broadcasting repeatly, infinitively.
The inibuilds YT video naturally skips right pass the ATC steps/issues and goes from gate to runway. Again this is not happening in any other plane I’ve tested. I’ve looked high and low for any a310 video which shows using the MS ATC, not vatsim, to see how it works but couldn’t find any. If anyone can link a video of that I would love to see it. I can spawn at the gate cold dark, taxi with atc, take off or spawn right to the runway and take off, without atis broadcasting to inifnity with every other aircraft but not with the a310 for whatever reason. I’m begining to think it’s not me doing something wrong but this aircraft.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes. Flying into/out of KOAK or KSFO. Using other A/C (Fenix A320).

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

N/A. Frequency overlap, not much else to say.

Are you using DX11 or DX12?


Are you using DLSS?


If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


Note that the existence of real broadcasts on 124.850 is a known issue reported separately; this thread seems to still exist separately specifically for the A310’s hidden COM3 that can’t be tuned?

This bug is still happening in the A310 update as part of SU13 beta

Unless I am completely mistaken there is no physical access to COM3 in the cockpit to alter the frequency of the radio.

Utilizing the ATC window, one can switch to COM3 and attempt to switch frequencies there.

The SU14 Release Notes state that this bug was fixed:

Airbus 310-300

  • A310 Radio Stuck Broadcasting on KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO.

This is not fixed.

You just need to turn com2 volume to zero. Problem solved.

The issue, for me, is with COM3, which I cannot access.