The last patch that was released for MSFS is really unnaceptable, it broke sensitivity settings and made a few aircraft (b747/a320) even more unplayable than they were before due to major gltiches with electricity and fuel bugs. There is a large community willing to beta test patches and provide feedback before a stable patch is released. Please provide a way to have users to opt in to beta builds that they can test and provide feedback on before we have another patch that creates more bugs than it fixes.
This would be nice. Or…just hear me out…what if they had QA?
They need more:
We are playing an open beta. Sim should have baked another 2-3 months.
However it would be nice to have a nightly build option.
I agree they need a Dev Build to be published weekly to test out things they fixed. With Steam they can easily do this through the Beta section of the game in Properties, though with the Microsoft Store I don’t know if this is possible.
We also need a public Trello Board.
Maybe through the xbox insider program? Or an in game setting for beta
there is already a huge group of alpha insiders so lets use them to test new updates
Another patch another broken mess wtf guys
Microsoft needs to intervene. This is hurting their reputation.
Cannot open the vfr map without crashing? Why is that broken, and who thought it was a good idea to release it nonetheless?
Duplicate of: A beta channel for updates.
@moderators can these threads with their votes be merged?
Starting to feel pointless, but whatever, voted.
probably we all don’t understand under which condition is this product, it’s high speed train without brakes. Just imagine, they select one user that can’t start FS as is. He will report absolutelly impossible start of FS but another will report absolutelly perfect stability and no problem. How you all now can imagine testing?
Almost every organization would opt for a no-go after evaluating the impact of the issues listed as ‘Known issues’.
The fact that they are known does not make them any less serious.
Also to keep in mind is that the amazing folk at A32NX project fixed the A320neo AND ported their modifications in matter of hours makes me doubt if Asobo even tried fixing anything before the update release.
Another issue is also the refusal to hot fix. It’s not acceptable to release known game breaking bugs without a plan to hot fix them and then just be ok with saying it’ll be fixed in a month, except they’ll also release a bunch of new bugs when the new patch releases and it’ll be a never ending cycle
The latest patch again proves the need for this. CTD and performance issues abound.
From the recent Q&A, the sim devs are interpreting this wish as a closed beta for third party developers! This is mentioned multiple times in the video.
To clarify, this wish is an open beta for players to opt-in to.
I noticed that too.
This is the branching model they should go for:
Development version -> Internal Beta -> 3rd Party Beta -> Open Beta -> Stable Version.
Where we would be able to choose between Open Beta and Stable Version. This is important since we too are making mods that can break every update.
And we’d be able to catch the devs doing something wrong quicker.
Wasn’t this supposedly to be implemented with update 9 (which was the UK one)? How is it posible we still have so many bugs and issues with every release?
And this thread or any others related to the open beta has been buried?..they really need to implement an open beta
Even with a beta you will still miss some bugs. You are basically going to get a stalled release cadence and the same people will complain that its taking too long for the updates.
These people just complain for the sake of complaining. No release will be bug free, ever. They are driving this forwards and bugs will happen regardless.
This is a computer game, not a nuclear power plant application. Taking it far to seriously like your life depend on it, lol.