Anyone figure out how to force MSFS to use more RAM?

There have been multiple threads about the performance issues and visuals. Not going to go there. However, I do take issue with the poor RAM utilization on my system. The “max CPU RAM” utilization on my machine during a typical flight (since SU5) is averaging less than 6 GB! Previously it was using between 10-20 GB.

Look, I know this is a balancing act and not everyone has 32GB RAM (or more). However, using TrackIR I am getting some stuttering looking quickly to the sides while the sim loads scenery that previously used to be loaded.

Anyone have any ideas around this?


No need.

This update includes significant performance improvements to make the experience more seamless.

  • Improved multi core support for CPU
  • Better memory and GPU usage

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You Cant you are stuck with under 7GB RAM and Video!!

We will only see a stable version when they sort this:
The problem that is causing everything for everyone. MS/ASOBO have limited RAM and VIDEO Memory in the PC Version to Match the XBOX! It is hard coded to 6.8GB Available RAM and 6.5GB Video RAM to use and no more. Does not matter how much ram you have 16gb 32gb… or Video 8Gb 11GB. You will not be allowed to use it on a software level of the Sim.
I see people increasing LOD to 4, 8 and more but it all has to squeeze in to 6.8GB of RAM and just means more is swapped in and out on the fly. Then take addons they have to now fit in to the 6.8GB Memory footprint as well. So this is causing more and more popping and pressure on the system. If you do not believe me run FPS in DEveloper mode and I defy anyone to get passed 7GB Memory and RAM its impossible. So load up large addons and increase your detail and textures and more swapping goes on and pressure on the system. Its the good old Memory Bottleneck in the software due to it been limited. Also why can we not see the graphic graph in delveloper mode? because it is FULL RED HARDLINING 100% all the time at maxxed out. So all they need to do is un stop the RAM and Video Limit they have applied to the coding. Please check on your system if you are unsure or dont believe about this.



I’m not sure you understand my question. See response below yours.

I think I agree but how do you know that the program is restricted to those precise numbers? Not arguing with you but those seemed to be pretty specific…

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Less memory usage is not equal to better memory usage. Memory can also be used for caching, to make things load faster. To prevent buildings popping in etc.

You don’t buy 32 GB of the fastest RAM so games don’t make good use of it.


No need because I’m not blind :stuck_out_tongue:

I am replying to my statement:

I have to be very careful what I say and how I know MS/ASOBO have limited the RAM and Video Usage.

It goes further than just NDA’s etc.

Anyway they have and you can check it. And yes it will make anyone with 32Gb or more livid to be restricted as well as those with highend video cards.

I have copied in the original post below so everyone knows what it is all about please please all read it:

The problem that is causing everything for everyone. MS/ASOBO have limited RAM and VIDEO Memory in the PC Version to Match the XBOX! It is hard coded to 6.8GB Available RAM and 6.5GB Video RAM to use and no more. Does not matter how much ram you have 16gb 32gb… or Video 8Gb 11GB. You will not be allowed to use it on a software level of the Sim.
I see people increasing LOD to 4, 8 and more but it all has to squeeze in to 6.8GB of RAM and just means more is swapped in and out on the fly. Then take addons they have to now fit in to the 6.8GB Memory footprint as well. So this is causing more and more popping and pressure on the system. If you do not believe me run FPS in DEveloper mode and I defy anyone to get passed 7GB Memory and RAM its impossible. So load up large addons and increase your detail and textures and more swapping goes on and pressure on the system. Its the good old Memory Bottleneck in the software due to it been limited. Also why can we not see the graphic graph in delveloper mode? because it is FULL RED HARDLINING 100% all the time at maxxed out. So all they need to do is un stop the RAM and Video Limit they have applied to the coding. Please check on your system if you are unsure or dont believe about this.



Thanks for the link to that thread.

I assumed from your post that you were telling me that Asobo made everything all better with this latest update!

Have you made a bug thread I can vote for?


You are wrong :wink:

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Hello, My Vram goes up to 12-13 GB, would have to check the used Ram to give you exactly number. As far as I remember it was 5-7 GB additionally. But you are right the Ram usage is much lower, as well as the GPU VRAM is a little bit lower than before, I had upto 16 GB usage.

You can’t manipulate the RAM usage by yourself. It’s coded. They tried to get rid off the memory garbage as they told. So they changed some coding.

You can view the ram and VRAM budgets in the developer mode FPS window, since SU5 they aggressively stick to 6-7gb and most likely contributing to the new issue of nearby scenery pop in on head / camera move.

You can vote in these

However it’s still possible that they had to do this in order to release the xbox version in time, and pc ram usage will be optimized to higher specs in future updates. I mean, what they’ve done to how the sim uses the ram more efficient is only a good thing, but the problem now is that a higher spec pc isn’t able to make full use of these optimizations. But that doesn’t mean it can’t in the (hopefully near) future… It’s perfectly possible to have the same pipeline having different options in the amount of ram usage between xbox and pc. Alot of games that run on both xbox and pc have the same fundementals since they started this multi platform thing a few years back. So why shouldn’t asobo be able to?


No, they said there will one be one version for both. Only Vram usage can be higher due to custom settings for PC.

I thought everbody have seen “back to the future” :thinking:!

You must travel back in time and prevent the release of the first Xbox :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And I thought that meanwhile everybody have learned the meaning of the word “optimizations” in a contemporary context. Do you remember when Volkswagen “optimized” its diesels? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:

That was roughly the time when problems turned into challenges.

Now come, phrasemongers of this world, let’s face the challenge, there is a lot of potential for optimization :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:!


Many games are able to scale their usage depending on the amount available in the local system, like msfs was doing last week


Or does it?

Readings are in conflict.

Depends on your settings.
Maxed out mine uses a little over 11 gig out of 64.