Career Mode Sandbox Option - Make Missions Available as option in Free Fly

I would like to request Asobo / Microsoft to add a Sandbox option for Career mode where you can start with everything unlocked and with as much money as you want even unlimited money, it’s all about options and freedom. Let us enjoy all the missions the way we want, give us the freedom. Sometimes I like to play more with realism and sometimes I just want to enjoy all the mission without having to worry about money and income. Just give us the options and let us enjoy the sim the way we want, the more options the better so everyone can set it up the way they want to play it. Or just make them available as an option to turn on in Free Fly.


Good luck


I second this request. It makes no sense to hide the new features/missions behind something that feels like a chore and forces people to do something they don’t want.


More options like this is good. And I don’t mind if it does not count towards the achievements.


Agree with this as well, there should be possibility to enjoy the career missions without having to go through lengthy certifications and do have to do missions to earn money


Isn’t this just called Free Flight?


Isn’t this just called Free Flight?

Can you do firefighting or sling loading in free flight?


Ooooooh, you want to do “free Flight missions”. Yah open missions should be a thing…. :wink:


Ooooooh, you want to do “free Flight missions”. Yah open missions should be a thing…. :wink:

Yes. It makes no sense that those are hidden behind career mode. I don’t fly fixed wing and I just want to take advantage of the new features for helicopters. I am forced to go through the certifications and fly fixed-wing aircraft, which is something I don’t enjoy doing.

It’s a very annoying grind. I understand some people may like it and that’s OK. But those who don’t like it are forced to do it to be able to use those new features.


Let us do activities like firefighting without career gating.

I should be able to buy the game, open it up, and hoist and air conditioner in a Skycrane.

Career progression is awesome, but I should be able to fight fires outside of career.


I support this. We should be able to have a mission mode in Free Flight. This would also improve the multiplayer; imagine flying past people preforming missions !


Won’t happen because they’re about to start offering you the “opportunity” to buy credits so you won’t rage quit when you crash your plane and have to grind for another one. Asobo is about to turn this into a microtransaction money grab and completely ruin what could have been a very appealing career mode.


Asobo is about to turn this into a microtransaction money grab

Do you have a source or are you just speculating?

I agree! Sandbox would be great.


Totally agree with what he said, as well as adding multiplayer in career mode


Having the missions available to turn on and off in freeflight would also be a great solution, we all just like to enjoy the missions


Indeed. Thanks for opening this request. I was actually coming to the forums to do that when I found your post.

I wrote an article mentioning this as well earlier today.


If this nonsense about buying Simcoins to buy experience is true, I’ll be boycotting the marketplace and telling everyone else to do so too. Thats asinine.


I’ve seen it on other posts on this forum that apparently there is code that points to purchasing credits. TBH, I hope that’s just something that was floated and denied, but it would make sense given Asobo doesn’t give us the option to have missions outside of career mode, which would force people to earn (or buy) credits to do missions.

I’d like to see that. The source code is not available to anyone so I am guessing it would have to be via the SDK.

I find it extremelly odd of something like in-game purchases would be accessible to everyone somehow.

Edit: actually I think I know what you saw. It was something on Steam. Here’s the thing, though: when we buy something on the marketplace (and this is something that’s always been there), we purchase “store credits” with our credit card which are the actual currency of the marketplace.

So $1 = 1 credit. When we buy an aircraft for $10, we are buying 10 credits (in a transparent way) that is then automatically used to make the purchase.

From what I understand it’s an internal marketplace thing made like that for legal reasons, I believe.

I don’t think it’s related to the new in-game credits.