I keep getting a CTD around 15-20 after takeoff in the Fenix A320, PMDG 737 etc…
No indication of any DLL’s, running everything totally stock apart from the Fenix A320, departure was from KMCO stock Asobo and live weather and traffic enabled.
Try this:
In BIOS, set DDRs to a little lower frecuency and/or increase the latency.
Or more easy… choose the XMP Profile 2 or 3 that they work a lower frecuency.
To me, I think it works… Today no CTDs.
I finally managed to clear all my CTD`s. And as indicated by the MS team. It’s not about keeping the latest Windows update, it’s about an update that doesn’t happen automatically, the C++ visual library
Then I nominate you to update your entire MS Visual C++ library. Which is the basis of MSFS programming.
You can download the complete package here, create a folder, save the content in it and run the .BAT file
Solved and still I say more, the yes returned to have sensational fluidity!!
Thanks. The error AtlantaFlyer reported, same as mine, was related to the .NET Framework, not the NTDLL.DLL issue. I did all that, as suggested by the team. I was asking about the C++ visual library update recommendation. Thanks again. I gave it a try and now I am doing a flight. I’ll report back
CTD an final approach. I was using Online Data services with Live Weather/Real Air-traffic/Photogrammetry/ Bing World Data, and ATC. Also using FSRealistic. I did the .NET Framework Repair and the C++ Visual Library Update using the link you provided. I’ve repaired, reset and reinstalled MSFS. The problem started 7 days ago, and I’d never had crashes since I purchased MSFS in 2020. At this moment I am not sure what else to do. I guess I’ll give it a break and wait for SU10 release to give it a try again. Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, all that error really means is “it crashed” which could be one of potentially hundreds of causes. I’d try first and foremost emptying your community folder or using Safe Mode. I’d also try running sfc /scannow and DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth from an elevated (administrator) command prompt. DISM found and fixed something that seemed to solve my issue, but your mileage may and probably will vary.
If it’s not an addon, my experience has been “if MSFS is unhealthy, Windows is unhealthy.” Twice I’ve had to reset Windows just to get the sim to work. Recently my SSD has been having issues which I suspect is causing my intermittent MSFS issues. MSFS is very fragile to underlying Windows issues.
For me, I clicked Start then typed “reset” and it’ll bring up “Reset this PC” - you’ll have multiple options, you want to use “Reset PC” again. It’ll ask you if you want to wipe everything or keep your files. KEEP IN MIND that even if you choose to keep your files, it will uninstall all of your programs. In other words, your photos, documents, etc., will all stay put but any installed programs will be uninstalled. I’d still recommend this option, as otherwise you’d have to back up everything on your Windows drive.
After it’s done, you’ll have an HTML file on your desktop telling you what all was uninstalled. You can reference this to reinstall what you need. It’s a process, but it’s worth it if it fixes the sim in my experience. On a modern PC, it is pretty quick.
For MSFS, after this process is done you can usually run the installer and when it asks where the files are (it may not) point it back at the existing Packages folder (if you don’t know where that is, make note of it before resetting your PC.) Then it won’t have to re-download everything.
I highly recommend you also delete your rolling cache from MSFS (if you have one.)