Yeah but it’s not like this is a common occurrence. They’re a relatively small company. Mistakes are an inevitability. It’s not like they’re PMDG, with a huge QA department (who have also released updates that needed to be recalled). Give them a bit of slack.
I would agree with that too, that the level of criticism might be a bit over the top. Some seem to flock to drama, and act like a developer ran over their cat.
The criticism is deserved. When they update the plane they often introduce other errors that take additional updates to address. Thats not an attack its an acknowledgement. The dev is trying their best and they will continue to improve.
I genuinely don’t know why some are unhappy with the updates. For me, having “owned” the plane for half a year, each update has made it better than it was. I certainly appreciate the devs efforts very much
It´s the best GA plane that is currently available.
Updates are always a good sign because updates say “our project is not dead and abandoned” - while a lack of updates indicates exactly this, abandonware and developers who have long wandered off to greener pastures to create their next new airplane release.
With no intentions anymore of caring for the existing product and having declared that “good enough as it is” with no more roadmap or big expansions or new systems or anything else added to the existing plane.
It is good for sure but a claim that it is the best is a somewhat lofty claim I think and very much open to debate.
Don’t forget we also have the Milviz 310, the Black Square Bonanza, King Air and Baron and a lot of other very good GA too. Some of these also have additional features such as maintenance/repair options, state saving and fully working cicuit breakers too which provides an extra layer of immersion as well.
As ever, the best is always a subjective opinion and is not definitive.
Yes, it is good but I would very much question whether it is yet the best.
anyone here using for this bird? I am trying to bind the cabin altitude control knob to a knob of a logitech fip. Found the variable LVAR:XMLVAR_PRESSURIZATION_KNOB_CABIN_ALTITUDE_POSITION
but it just seems to turn the turning direction, 1=left 0=right. In devmode under behaviours found the animation variable for it, but can figure out how to control the animation…maybe Im lucky and someone knows how…
With Spad you can use custom client events to tun the knob.
Current position of the knob can be read from the LVAR “PRESSURIZATION CABIN ALTITUDE GOAL”
wow thanks a lot, but how do I access those K: variables? update sdk?
or when I add a client event, how do I know what to type? you got me in the right direction but cant figure out… really appreciate any help here
Ok, I got it, thank you so much ! Made my day
Exactly as @hobanagerik said it’s not because of the updates per se but the lack of quality control especially when some users can’t go back a version. In some cases it’s left the aircraft broken and that indeed invites comments from users. I practice what I preach and never update immediately because this happens all too frequently.
Just to see if it’s only on my side or not; after update 4.1.1 my plane does not stabilise in cruise, but keeps on porpoising up and down… this is with autopilot set @18500. It is as if the autopilot cannot stabilise at the set cruise altitude.
Anybody else experiencing this with update 4.1.1?
Makes for a hellish ride in VR.
Same observation
Yeah that’s a fair point I guess. But like I said, they’re a relatively small company, so maybe their QA staff are under a lot of pressure. I agree that updates should be rigorously tested, but I’m just saying, maybe we should cut them some slack. They’ve given us a fantastic aircraft and it’s not like they a long history of giving us broken updates. IIRC I recall correctly I only ever remember one update that I would consider “broken”, in the sense that the vertical speed didn’t work. They fixed this up very quickly.
Thanks P,
Back to the hanger she goes…
It’s also why I keep almost all versions I’ve ever downloaded, making reverting a trivial thing.
Good to know about this last update, haven’t updated it yet and won’t from the sounds of it. But I love this bird, my #1 on the top 10 thread list for this month.
Yes. I do this too with just about all my payware addons and even some freeware ones too.
A little bit of foresight and a couple of extra minutes archiving versions can save a bit of heartache later on.
It’s just a shame that we can’t do this with MSFS 2020 sim versions too as I used to do with Xplane 11 versions. That’s a discussion though (and no doubt pointless) for another day
I tend to delete the really old ones from time to time but yes I keep the last few versions of all my aircraft in case I want to revert. If you can it really makes no sense not to.