FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

If you guys want correct airport ops you’ll need to install Airport Design Editor for MSFS 2020 | FSDeveloper

There as before you can edit parking spots, runways configs, ATC, etc. Pro tip after many failed attempts. If you’re editing a non stock MSFS airport, you need to add the airport file (the largest) usually found in the scenery/global or world folders. Once the airport is adding into ADE as a library, you’ll not having issues when you compile with having missing buildings or jetways.

I just did a flight from Atlanta and it was a ghost town. I saw a high rate of removals. But I think AIGround may have also been slowing things down.

Spawn Radius 60
Removal 90

Okay, Atlanta is seriously messed up. Very light ground traffic for Atlanta but there was some. I deactivated AIFlow and AIGround to test. This is also SU11.

  • Airliners were lining up on the runway and not getting response from ATC
  • Zero arrivals, even after 40 minutes
  • When I got the the holding point, the AI ATC didn’t respond to me. Perhaps that’s why they aren’t taking off. Once I manually requested clearance it was given, despite airplanes being merged together on the runway.
  • Ground and Tower were just very quiet.

Some model issues too:

  • Lights were falling off some of the models and floating around in the air like sprites or fairies.
  • Exhaust plumes were also falling off and sticking in place

Anyone want to test out Atlanta and see if you see t he same things?

For anyone with traffic not taxiing and taking off, I think I have a workaround. This is especially useful for GA pilots as they are more likely to encounter this.
I noticed that all the GA traffic have the small pushback set to 1. I went in and modified all the FSLTL and default MSFS base Aircraft.cfg files to make sure SMALL_PUSHBACK = 0. This made a dramatic difference in GA aircraft taxiing and tacking off. Even at large airports, if there is a GA type aircraft like a 208, the small pushback could prevent all the aircraft from taxi and taking off.
I have just begun experimenting but so far at KGFK there have been no cases of planes not taxiing.
Before the change, I would rarely see anything taxi or take off.

do you guys have a problem with arrivals with the injected traffic using betta 11? I’m getting many arrivals aircraft but 90% they never land they pass near the airport at higher altitudes like over 7000f and they move far away from the airport until they are deleted, I tried with airflow fix mod, and still the same,

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Can use my above mentioned ADE to open the airport up and in approach mode you can view what approaches are set or used in MSFS.

Check my post here… Traffic changes - implications to simconnect (FSLTL / AIG)

And this is why we aren’t supporting SU11 until out of beta. We are holding on to some hope that Asobo will fix this regression from SU10 to SU11 in the final drop.


I’m really liking the wet runway effects. :+1: EGGL R09L a few mins ago.


Just sitting around at EGLL, and I can’t help but notice a lot of heavies end up going around. BUT the Generic A380 always lands. Funny that. :man_shrugging: Might be a red herring though.

Atlanta is my home airport. Traffic has never taken off there, they just sit there on the runway. Sometimes it takes a while, but I do see landings. I see the most landings when using the built-in live traffic. So far, I can’t say I’m impressed with Aiground and Aiflow. With aiground at Atlanta, aircraft will start driving around the airport sightseeing after they sit for takeoff. I saw one land and do doughnuts through the grass.

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I could only find one GA in the FSLTL base folder: FSLTL_P28A

I’ve got e-jets working now with FSLTL. Copy files / folders into corresponding FSLTL base then run MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe on layout.json file. I now see them listed inside FSLTL injector and parked at a gate here and there. Haven’t seen one takeoff or land yet though, but they aren’t that common at EGLL it would seem!

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Do you have AIG? I was just thinking to copy only the A380 folders from AIG over to the FSLTL base folder. And perhaps some other AI models and liveries that are not in FSLTL yet.

I will give this a try. EPWA and LPPT should have some E-Jet traffic, you might have a look there.

I know in the past, around SU10, Atlanta was crazy busy on AI. Something is definitely weird at Atlanta now in SU11 with AI. Traffic on all runways just keep merging together.

Here is a capture of departing flights merging on the runway. They become permanently stuck.

In contrast, I tried out Fort Lauderdale and saw arrivals coming in from Atlanta and takeoffs from South West, Delta, JetBlue and Spirit.

It still seemed to take a while. I feel like it takes about 40 minutes for the traffic to “warm up”.

Other airports like Charlotte, there seems to be a rush of traffic leaving all at once. You can see and army of 5 American Airlines planes taxi and line up

I just submitted a report for anyone that wishes to contribute.


This should be improved with SU11 as ground AI don’t have to spawn at the gates/stands.

I’m on SU10 and get lots of airborne AI around me. This is en route from Dublin to Heathrow:

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Hmm, I’m on SU11. Let’s hope that improves!

Arrivals in SU11 are a big problem since the get routed to the wrong waypoint. It can often be outside the injector radius so they never actually make it.

Airborne traffic in SU11 with FSLTL is actually good. First time I’ve noticed contrails all around. But then they don’t show in the TCAS traffic map.

Yes, FSLTL only has the one p28, but it will use Asobos C172 and C208 so those should be set to 0 as well.

What does SMALL_PUSHBACK = 0 do?

Thanks will give that a go.

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Same. This is right now at LPPT Lisbon:

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