FS2020 Crash Ever after 8 hours Filght FU
There are quite a few threads on the forums where people are reporting crash to desktops and it seems there is no one single cause. Reports indicate that the ‘fix’ for one user doesn’t work for another user etc. Tracking down the cause is very time consuming. I suggest maybe using the forum search function to find other threads for this issue. If you wanted to be brave, even though it is time consuming, you could take the plunge and go ahead and reinstall windows. It might actually save you time in the long run. However, it doesn’t guarantee that it will solve your problem if the CTD is caused by hardware weaknesses (unlikely but possible) or driver issues.
To get you started, here are two links (Link1, Link2) to existing mega-threads about CTDs.
It would also be a good idea to check out the known issues post to see if you are affected by one of those.
For advanced troubleshooting, if none of the other fixes seem to work, then there may also be some useful information contained in this detailed thread: [FIXED] Random CTDs due to internet and hardware issues.
So ich sage es ihnen so das ist das 57 mal das der FS2020 bei einem derartigen System crasht.
Weil es keinen AMD Support gibt und hier genau für die TRX4 reihe von AMD in Kombination mit NVidia bridge Dual 2080 TI Gaming Z .
Sie wollen mir allen ernst sagen das 32 Kerne und 64GB RAM + 2 x M2 und 1x Sata SSD zusammen mit 9 TB und einer Dual Grafik Lösung nicht in der Lage sein sollen einen Simulator zu bedienen, bei dem angeblich ein Rayzen 5 mit nur 8 kernen angeblich top laufen soll.
Niemals und öffnet man nur die Konsole sieht man wie viele Grafik Fehler da drin sind über 14 tausend nach nur 2 Std Spielzeit.
Ich will den FS2020 zurück geben aber weder MS noch Steam wollen das zurück nehmen weil sie über die Probleme wissen und ihre kunden im dunkeln lassen wollen.
Translated from de by Microsoft [Edited by the mods]
So I tell them that’s the 57 times the FS2020 crashes with such a system.
Because there is no AMD support and here exactly for the TRX4 series of AMD in combination with NVidia bridge Dual 2080 TI Gaming Z .
You want to tell me all seriously that 32 cores and 64GB RAM + 2 x M2 and 1x Sata SSD together with 9 TB and a dual graphics solution should not be able to operate a simulator in which supposedly a Rayzen 5 with only 8 cores supposedly run top.
Never and open only the console you can see how many graphic errors are in there over 14 thousand after only 2 hrs playing time.
I want to give back the FS2020 but neither MS nor Steam want to take that back because they want to know about the problems and leave their customers in the dark.
@SchiffRiese2959 - According to the Code of Conduct, English is the official language in the forums. The one exception is allowing members to use their native language in the #multiplayer category.
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