Im done with this sim on XBOX

You must be kidding, right. Well optimised :thinking:

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I guess VR would be fun to mess around with, and VATSIM would really improve immersion, but beyond that, you can have a pretty consistently sweet experience on Xbox. So many people think we’re just out here doing landing challenges with a controller :joy:


Yep, i love my x-box sim, i’m only moving to PC as I want to try VR and gain access to other content etc.

It really sucks how it affects some but at the same time not much to others. I have not had a single CTD since SU10. Everything has been running pretty smoothly and with slight better performance. Hoping this gets resolved soon for others who are experiencing difficulties with this.

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Not getting any CTDs or stutters, sorry.

I must be doing something wrong clearly :joy:

I’ve also not experienced any CTDs or stutters on Series X since SU10. My personal experience of the sim is that, yes, it is very well optimised - or at least better optimised than it has been since launch.

However it’s also a shame that this experience is not universal. We can assume that the devs aren’t happy with this either, given the effort they’re putting into addressing the memory-related issues that still affect at least some users. Looking forward to seeing further progress and improvement in SU11.


Stutters are gone, yes. Panning around in cockpit cam is smooth, yes. Much better than it was with SU9. In that regard, they have done great job. It’s only the CTD’s i’m getting AFTER a flight. Perhaps it’s one of my addons i’m running, like static aircraft replacements or advanced runways or something. No idea.

Point is I’m sick an tired of deleting and installing addons to test things out, like I’m some sort of beta tester. I payd for all that stuff, doesn’t it suppose to just work? Especially considering the fact that I had ZERO problems during all of SU10 beta testing.


lol tourists. I have both the XSX and a higher end PC. On the XSX Flying around at over 60fps nearly everywhere with 4k on, I find MSFS performs way better on the Series X than on my PC (RTX3080
AMD Ryzen 7-5800X). Graphically the PC looks slightly better if its a still picture (and everything maxed out) but performance and fluidity wise no, I’d rather pay $500 for a series x that runs like a sim much better than a $2k+ PC that runs like a slide show in heavy areas like London. I’ve yet to find anyone who flies with external view so I’m not sure where you’re imagining that.

Now if you have a ridiculously high end PC, sure, that will be the best but the majority of people on here don’t.


I had a lot of flight sim experience when I started playing on my xbox series x, but it had been a few years ago.
When I started on xbox I used external view a lot, mostly to get used to take off and landing, and because the visuals blew me away. Having the whole planet to roam meant I was flying to locations I had only ever dreamt of seeing in real life, and the views were better in external.
Then, as I got the hang of things and wanted to get to know the planes better, like everyone else I used cockpit view.

I am thinking there may be a few people like me, as well as a number of console users hitting the sim world for the first time, who’d be the same.

Not arguing, adding my 10c.
As for your other comments regarding PC vs Xbox, I really appreciate how you described it as I have been considering going back to PC, but I have a feeling the game, and the xbox itself, is going to get better and better as devs get to grips with what it can do.


I honestly have to agree with you at this point I wasted money on Purchasing a new activity mission pack, and as soon as I attempt to load into the mission/bush trip it loads about a quarter way and then crashes back to the Xbox s home screen, I have followed all the different help things, I have cleared data and uninstalled and installed and changed accounts and hard rebooted the xbox s, all software is up to date (both Xbox and game).

If I could get some help also that would be great, because in all honesty I only just got back into flight sim and already having issues, is there a possibility of getting a refund if this issue is unable to be resolved?

For reference I brought the south east pacific aircraft missions, I believe it was sim studio who owns them, any help or comments are welcome pls I really want to enjoy this wonder simulator again.

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I’ve opened a post about airliner mission packs that are causing CTD while loading
But it’s closed and problem continues.

Please take a look Xbox CTD while loading "Airliner Missions" Add_on

100% agree

This might be a long shot, but saw a thread on reddit from an xbox user who was having same problems as OP. They had set their rolling cache to 0 (zero), and once they upped it to 32GB all problems went away.

Hope this helps someone.


A post was split to a new topic: Xbox S Performance Question

Same here! Very frustrating indeed!

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At the start of every flight I have to turn off AI pilot is curser mode and turn on AI ATC, every single time. So annoying

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I’m having the same, have to turn almost everything off just to get off the ground. Tried three times to load a flight in the stock A320 from KMCO. First try, ctd at pushback. Second try, several stutters then ctd on taxiway. Third try, ctd on hitting Fly button.
Having suffered the wait for SU10, and still no progress on these longstanding issues which have been reported time after time by forum members, I have finally given up trying to run this sim on my Xbox. At the moment I feel that FS2020 in it’s current form is not fit for purpose and not worth the frustration. I know that not everyone has the same issues but this is my experience.

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Not wanting to sound antagonistic but I would guess that the majority of Xbox users including me DO consider MSFS ‘fit for purpose’ especially now with SU10 even with its shortfalls .
Is this problem only at KMCO ? .I expect you know all this but have you deleted addon sceneries to test? which I know you should not have to do😉,cleared cache ,cleared saved data?, deleted entire game and reinstalled etc which I know is also a pain .Have you contacted Zendesk?,what did they suggest?

I refuse to believe your problem is console hardware related and I personally believe Xbox is very capable of runnng MSFS.


As I said, this is my opinion only, based on my experience.I do understand that not everyone is having the same issues. I don’t have add on scenery and I have deleted all other add ons. I have cleared and reset rolling cache to 32 and as far as deleting the whole thing goes, yes I have deleted the sim. I purchased the premium edition as soon as it became available for Xbox and it worked very well. However, following a succession of sim updates, it just went downhill. I don’t blame the Xbox but I do blame Microsoft/Asobo. I repeat, this is my experience only and if you are happy with your setup, that’s a good thing and I wish you luck but I am still done with it.


My personal opinion also: the Sim is running at it’s best since I start playing it, which is from the beginning on Xbox Series X. I had a lot of criticism for this Sim, even 3 weeks ago right after the public release of SU10. Just after that release, I experienced more than usual CTD’s. But since about 2.5 weeks, the Sim is really performing well, for my standards that is. I haven changed anything… So I don’t know what that was about…

I know a lot of 3rd party airports cause issues, so I simply don’t buy them anymore. I continue to hope that some day, they figured this out… The autopilot behavior is still not good sometimes, losing its flighplan on approach. But I can work around that, but that needs to be fixed, obviously.

Other than that, my CTD’s are very, very rare these days. I love the performance compared to SU9. So overall, while there is off course plenty of room for improvements, I’m pleased. Approaching 1000 flighthours(951 atm).

I do hope, it stays this good with the upcoming SU11🤔