IndiaFoxtEcho F35 Lightning

Yes. I can’t recall the exact tresholds but it automatically switches NWS below/above a certain speed. I think 150 kts. Not sure.

Thanks. I think I’ll ask on the IFT Discord (although I DESPISE Discord.)
150 kts seems way too high. But I have no idea.

The patch notes for the latest update have these details:

  • NWS LO caption changed to NWS
  • NWS will automatically engage upon landing is below 145 knots
  • NWS will automatically disengage if speed is above 150 knots

Previously there was NWS LO and NWS HI steps which you could manually change or just set to automatic, and the plane switched between the two at a certain speed, definitely lower than 150 kts. But I never paid much attention to it as I set it to automatic and forgot about it completely. After the update all I know is that it just works. On the ground there’s NWS and it possibly disengages during takeoff. I’ll have to check more closely.

It seems the problem is the flight model. If you try to break M1 at 40k by hitting max AB, you can see the AoA keeps going up (very strange right?) and the plane stuck at .99. From what I can tell, the engine is driving a pitch-up rotation alone the center. This should not happen in a real jet. Other planes I own does not have this issue.


Where is it stated that it’s not planned for Xbox?

Very interesting and great job finding the root cause. I agree it should not be like that at all.

On their Facebook page in one of their comments. The plan is to cut out all pages that currently have no function on Xbox, and right now the enlargement feature isn’t working so that will probably go too.


i have written about this a few times… there is an issue with the flight model. People say you can break M1 by pitching down. Not realistic. The airplane should easily go through M1 in level flight.

Long overdue reply. I am on Xbox. Thanks! I don’t use Facebook so never saw that message. I think it is a good thing to cut unused things since the hardware (at least on the series S which I use) is limited.

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So i have had this problem for a while where the MFD seems to be bugged, i only get the right side of the four screens and they appear to the left of the display. it also takes very long to load. Does anybody know if you can do anything to fix this problem? i allready reinstalled the add on but that didn’t work. i waited for an update with the hope it would get fixed but it still happens after the newest update.

Start your engine. The generator will fully power up your avionics (full display)

Yep, the delay in getting the full display was changed in the last update to make it more realistic.

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Cosmetic weapons are now officially available on Xbox for the F-35 with the latest update…

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Is anyone having a strange pull to the left bug on the F-35? Since the update, my plane wants to veer off the runway to the left during taxi and takeoff. While in flight, it also wants to bank and veer to the left after the initial takeoff. It’s doing this with the weapons loadout (maybe) as I haven’t flown it or taxii’ed it without the weapons loadout.

I can’t figure out what the issue is. All planes in the game are taxiing and turning normally in the air. I don’t have a stick drift problem.

Series X.

Edit: Sorry I think it’s veering and banking towards the right, because I have to hold down the left trigger slightly to keep it in a straight line during taxi and takeoff. Same with the analogue stick, I have to constantly readjust to keep the wings level and prevent it from banking automatically to the right.

Extremely frustrating! Is anyone having a similar issue? All plans taxiing and flying normally. No issues with my controller.