Is reporting bugs for msfs 2024 worthy?

What makes that difficult is the definition of a bug seems to be loose here. Does it have to be something that causes a crash? Is it perhaps an error that makes a feature unusable? is it something intended to be a feature, but incorrectly interpreted and misapplied by the dev? Is a feature misinterpreted by users as a bug due to lack of understanding/experience really a bug?

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Very interesting input.
Now I understand the numbers a bit.
We will just hope the worst bugs will get fixed someday. :slight_smile:
Thank you.

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No, it is not.
But examples like blurry textures do not need interpretation, and many others as well.
I agree with misinterpretation though, not a bug.


Hello @CharlieFox00,

A bug is anything that isn’t working as intended. It doesn’t necessarily have to cause a crash; if the sim is supposed to do X and instead does Y, then that’s a bug.

Please note that not everything some players consider to be bugs are viewed that way by the dev team. There are certain features that are working correctly as designed by the devs even though some players would prefer those features work differently. In that case, we do not consider that to be a bug, but changing the functionality could be a candidate for a wish list item.


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I certainly do not understand a couple of things here. Maybe I am getting a bit to old with my age and things are working in quite a different way actually.

It is officially recognized that there are no issue’s/bugs with Xbox X relating to mouse and keyboard.

Why do I have to unplug my keyboard from Xbox X, so that I can use my mouse which rather strangely erratic behaves in FS.

I mean with other games as example Cyberpunk2077 it works perfect, keyboard and mouse together.

To me something is really not working, and it is a rather bad bug.

Hello @Pitufo3477,

The post to which you linked was about Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). We have logged internally several reported issues about mouse issues on both PC and Xbox in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, such as these two threads:



Thank you very much for contacting me today.

No! It looks like as mouse would be, like with an excessive long USB2 extension connected, that`s the way it looks like, just failure. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Let’s say as you would be playing on a screen which stumbles all times between 2 to 15FPS for the mouse. Not smoothly, and with the evident bonus that I have to disconnect the keyboard. Otherwise there is no mouse at all to see on screen.
I am playing on an HD screen, nothing huge, 27inch. The screen works beautifully, never any minor issue.
I am talking about an Xbox X which I purchased happily 3 months ago and works perfect with all brand new peripherals.

Why do I not have any minor complaint in Edge as cyberpunk2077 on Xbox X.

By the way I got also more than one PC at home, one is loaded with FS.

Also got some issues there, serious ones. I can see them also very frequently on Xbox X.
Basics, just simple basics which should be done.
Parking break does not release.
Landing gear does not retract.
PC as Xbox X Throttle behaves erratic with AI. Now and again no joystick at all, an Hotas Warthog setup. Some error maybe which kicks out my equipment on PC.
I ve been testing also on lowest graphic settings.

Extrem slow download?, I contacted Starlink as priority customer: there answer, no you are fine, good to go.

And I do still have a long list after small time(40hrs!) playing FS.

“Is reporting bugs worthy in FS”


  • Martin

I got other ones with more than 1000hrs playing time, no issues.

Spent a lot of time today working a AP bug.

The update we got was rather depressing in the content of whether or not they will do anything about bugs.

This irritates me because it is one of my favorite planes.

If you fly the 787 you might want to look at this.

I hear you, sad.

They released so many planes, I do not know how bad/good they are but I am sure it will take a while to address what is not working right.

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Right on top of thread:

Personal Comments and Observations

“Every software developer has a backlog - i.e., a list of things to analyze, ingest, triage and potentially fix.”

IMHO, potentially fix basics.

For more than 200US$ program I expected my simple peripherals as mouse AND keyboard to work flawless on Xbox X.

Please minimums with a common modern recognized tenkeyless AND mouse.


  • Martin
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Thanks for the sympathy! That is all we may get. Not to optimistic and trying to get work-around but it seems these problems have been there for years…

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You are welcome.
I am kind of in the middle here, I know things will not get perfect but they will get much better with time.
I hope it will not take a VERY long time though. :slight_smile:

I tried already with a serious feller next door who really is a mayor brain with huge equipment(8280)

He smiled at me. :innocent:

Best regards,

  • Martin

Beginning to lost my eternal optimism… this was replicated autoland/rollout in the MSFS 2020 version AP:

Please see the graphic in my response to the previous post. Don’t think enhancing my system will help there :slight_smile:

Sorry…I am sure many feel that way

So now the homeowner is showing his collapsed house to the builder, who is pointing out that some parts are still functional and should not be considered ruined.
Kafka 2.0


I get that - the problem is we don’t always know what the dev team is intending in terms of functionality in the first place. Some things are intended but wrong, some things are not intended but wrong. Both of these elicit the same bug reports.

Despite that, we don’t know which of our bug reports are actually useful and/or which ones are misinterpretations on our part that are being rejected. There are several that are clearly the latter, but it’s just a pile-on effect. So we end up with these big noisy threads that end up in our search results and are also algorithmically pushed to our feeds, basically inviting (unwanted and/or unwarranted) discussion, with no clear parallel discussion thread.

The lack of timely clarity, whether it is intended use or truly a bug, is clearly frustrating people.

Very much appreciate the response!


Many years ago at a new SQA engineering assignment I was told by my boss:
“Do NOT accept “It works as designed” as a developer’s resolution of a bug.”

His example was “It may be designed to crash and scramble your hard drive if you accidentally unplug your keyboard, but even though it’s “as designed” - the design is wrong and needs to be fixed.”

I’m not talking about things like “my in-game cursor is the wrong shade of pink” - I’m talking about things like “The X-Box screen goes blank, (requiring a reboot)” or aircraft landing upside down on autoland, etc.)  Obviously these examples are bugs, but there are many similar examples that appear to be “as designed”, but are equally unacceptable.  (The UI for a particular feature - like the controller setup being particularly unusable - is an example of this.)

I went to an interview many, MANY years ago where the interviewer asked me “What’s an example of an ‘acceptable’ bug?”  My answer: There’s no such thing as an “acceptable” bug because once a bug is considered “acceptable”, it’s not a bug anymore.  (I didn’t get the job and I wasn’s sorry about it one bit.)

Years ago, the site Fast Company wrote an article about mature software development practices titled They Write The Right Stuff

It describes a mature software engineering practice where the development director there said that they’re so good because “they let everything bother them” - they don’t push anything aside.

This is just my humble opinion, and I don’t mean to disparage anyone’s hard work, but if things are as crazy as @tjsidd’s X-Box code example suggested, either they’re biting off more than they can chew or someone needs to understand that they’re woefully understaffed.

What say ye?


Yes, without any meaningful documentation, we are left to guess at how things are supposed to work.

This is especially an issue with many of the available controls where the description is merely a repeat of the command name. And quite a few of them appear to be slightly renamed duplications and I have no idea what differentiates them. How hard would it be to publish a meaningful list of what all these commands do. It has to exist somewhere.