I always try plan flight plans from and to new airports, but after flying countless routes it’s getting harder to remember whether I’ve visited a certain airport or not.
Is there any way to mark visited airports? No addon for this yet?
I always try plan flight plans from and to new airports, but after flying countless routes it’s getting harder to remember whether I’ve visited a certain airport or not.
Is there any way to mark visited airports? No addon for this yet?
There is the logbook but its highly unreliable and doesn’t list intermediate stops. I don’t know whether the server stores where you have been, it would be nice.
Vote here, maybe it will get added some day
Feels like the dvelopers didn’t actually think about such a small and basic feature.
Logbook isn’t helpful if you just want to see where you’ve already been while in the world map, It’s a time waste to jump between the world map and the logbook just to search for a specific airport.
Little Navmap. Not only is it an excellent flight planner, it keeps a logbook for you which can be edited to your liking. It’ll also give you statistics (ie. airports most visited, etc). It’s really the single best piece of add-on software you can get for FS.
Ha, I’ve been using little navmap for many months and never noticed the logbook tab!
It’s messed up as well though (from the way I use it)
Departure Times Earliest: 2020-10-26 12:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
That’s when I got it, but I’ve been flying since August hence not complete
Flight Plan Distances
Total: 30,142,726 nm
Maximum: 235,383 nm
Erm no, that maximum is the correct one since I add to my total route daily, load it into little navmap and update my world map (FS2020 comes up with 236,940 total though)
MSFS: 5,477 flights
I fly a lot but that is a bit excessive…
Visited Airports
Distinct departures: 2,361
Distinct destinations: 2,331
I’m at 4,535 destinations in my world tour route. Missing the first 2 months but little navmap also doesn’t have all the little airstrips I think. I use the world map in game to plan ahead since it doesn’t match up. (mostly since you need to zoom in all the way in lnm to see the tiny airstrips while they are clear dots in the world map at any zoom level)
Anyway pretty cool, just got to use it right.
Also the top visited is a bit weird:
48 RJTT Tokyo (Haneda) Intl
44 RJFS Saga
39 PLWN Washington Island Airstrip
22 RCSS Sungshan
22 WX53 Bugalaga Airstrip
Only Washington Island Airstrip seems right, I did all the fuel performance tests in the Bonanza from there. Saga and Sungshan airport are close to landmarks I ‘played’ around with, flying lots of loops close to the airport. Same for Tokyo I guess. I did a couple test flight there but departed/landed there max 5 times. I did spend a lot of time exploring Tokyo.
I have taken off and landed a bunch of times from Bugalaga, extremely fun airstrip. But I think it also counted flying by. I’ve taken off and landed more from Lukla but probably without little navmap active.
So I guess it counts being anywhere near at low altitude as visited?
5477 logbook entries, ouch! Tons of entries with 0 distance flown.
A lot of the actual entries are split as well due to CTD and restarting due to memory fragmentation in the sim. Tokyo is down to 11 ‘sightings’ after deleting all the entries with 0 distance flown. All the ones with 1nm flown are also not possible, but where is the cut off… still 3439 left.
It’s definitely a great tool, little it is not.
Sometimes LNM can register a flight if you’ve used slew mode or teleport in dev mode. And yeah, a CTD would result in incomplete entries. The good thing though is that you can edit or delete any entries in there.
I pause a lot to take pictures with the drone, maybe that messes with it and dev mode to check what’s going on when it starts stuttering, slew mode for testing. But yep, editing works. Looks like a daunting task at this point haha. I’ll stick to notepad for my master flight log
Very cool to see what it all logged, sort on distance flown and the top entries are all correct.
I think it’s a great idea. Like a globe with my own markers on it “My Places”
You could post your idea here
I put it on 2x4 card for record
It’s a small matter to write a spreadsheet to keep track of your ‘conquests’.
I have many of them [one for every RTWT] each containing hundreds of bagged airports.
I also keep a ‘master’ spreadsheet divided by country for reference purposes.
If you like spreadsheets - and who doesn’t - the world really is your oyster!
Sure, Excel… IF I would not be required to type in all these things… suppose there would be a copy somewhere, to csv or something… suppose you’d get the coords too… go World, paste coords, you’re back in Excel, Control-V and there’s the info
I’m using Flightbook, it’s a free pilots logbook. You have to fill in every flight manualy but it works well and shows every airport you visited on a map, times visited and so on.
So has anyone ever found the text file of the simulator’s logbook? Cause filling every future flight in a notepad or in excel isn’t a problem, but going back to the start in August and copying every log after already having hundreds of flight hours is something different.
Simtoolkitpro best of best
I hope that log book would NOT be in a text file. Else you can cheat with it… it is a “game aspect” of MSFS to get all 1’s logged.
It can’t be written, maybe ? But IMHO it is silly there is no copy out. For access to the logbook, you’ll have to install SimToolkitPro
which is not an easy thing (maybe things improved meanwhile ?)
You should see my google map with all the pins. Lol. I even get coordinates, images and airport information right there.
I use this
I’ve been using uMap to record my flight sim journey by adding in little markers, pictures and sometimes notes and inspirational quotes along the way! That’s what I like most about the custom map feature of Open Street Map. You can treat it like a journal. Google Maps has always felt a bit too clunky for that to be enjoyable in my opinion.
Plus, OSM makes it quite easy to find and mark even those small grass strips on the map that SimToolkitPro never seems to recognize in the flight log.