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Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!
Check out the latest Development Update Blog here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!
Unimportant, but this week’s screenshot winner was not “for the second week running”, because last week it was someone else! (Unless they changed their gamertag…)
Great screenshots from all, in any case
I’ll pass on the SU1 testing as I’d rather enjoy my time in 2020, but great to see it’s available and good luck to everyone who tests it!
Great to hear about beta testing, updates and fixes for 2024, but I’m holding out for any progress, anything, and developments on 2020.
Asking again about when we can expect access to stream updated versions of our Marketplace content in 2024.
Come in, Microsoft, please respond. Over.
+1, I want my Blacksquare Bonanza and Baron.
Have we even seen a date for the 2024 Marketplace yet? I thought the last dev stream said January, but we are rapidly coming up at the end of the month here.
the marketplace should arrive in sim uptade 1 but there is no official date yet
The SU1 beta just began a few hours ago. When it completes we expect the MP to open with the final version of SU1.
The fact that 2024 was released in an all but unplayable state on console and then the developers went off for the customary European holiday break, followed by coming back after a month and having this completely underwhelming list of bug fixes that is likely to still leave consoles unable to use a mouse has me questioning if I’ll ever pay for it. I’ve pumped enough money into 2020 and the marketplace to pay for…I’m not going to finish that train of thought. I hope whatever year-end sales goals they needed to meet were really worth it.
Mouse fix is still planned for final SU1 according to Jayne.
I’m on Xbox and have over 180 hours so far on 2024. I’d hardly call that unplayable but YMMV.
Happy to hear the Marketplace is going live with the full release of SU1 but no word on SU16 for 2020 still.
I have a hypothesis on the release date of SU1 and the marketplace, at the time of the SU15 beta for 2020 it had been 2 weeks before the official update, so if this is reproduced we will have the update in 2 weeks
MS/Asobo - 2020 simmers are still here.
I couldn’t see anything in the snapshots, my eyes are full of sand.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Beta update on Xbox and the game froze
I would not hold your breath too long. I suspect they won’t be doing much with 2020 until they dig themselves out on 2024. And, even then it will likely be limited to content updates.
Was going to say the same thing because it was me last week
How the hell the mouse fix isn’t seen as urgent and shouldnt have to wait for SU-1, it’s impacting the sim experience on Xbox at a most basic level. As far as I know the fix hasnt even made it into the beta test.
It’s not in the current beta but is still planned for SU1.
I use a POV on my TB V1 FlightStick to look around the cockpit and then use the mouse to zoom in and operate switches etc. Works well for now.
The SU1 patch notes are underwhelming in that the most severe Xbox controller input issues are not addressed. The simulator is extremely hard to operate without a mouse because there’s no virtual cursor on a lot of screens. For example, it’s practically impossible to plan flights in Free Flight because the EFB search bars are disfunctional, and you also can’t operate the top panel on the world map to search or select anything.
Basic things don’t work and don’t even get started on the graphics side. It’s unacceptable that we’ll have wait yet another quarter for SU2 which may or may not address these issues so that even the most basic UI features may finally work without a mouse, like in 2020.
#17 of the feedback snapshot “no repro since december”
Really??? I can reproduce it everytime . And i am not the only one