Large FOV on Pimax casues occasional glitchy frames

Make sure to “vote” the issue/ticket as this is how they know you want it fixed!

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Thank you very much for the valuable information.
Tomorrow, in my country, a major PC media outlet is scheduled to report detailed information on the RX7900xtx, and we were waiting with great anticipation, but we were thrown into a situation where even if the content was good, we could not feel relieved.
To be honest, this isn’t the first time this has happened.
Updates always scare us.
This is the first time it’s been as bad as this one.
If you file a bug report to Beta, they will force it and enforce it.
This can happen to anyone.
Do they really have the credible ability to force updates at will…

To Mr. Killer 69.
It seems that there is such a report.
I think that the problem is still unsolved as long as it is not solved by Radeon and GTX which worked without problems before SU10.
Anyway, will the 4090 work this way without sacrificing image quality or comfort?

I have dlss enable and it doesn’t work in widefov. It is dissapointing that Asobo doesn’t fix this issue. Glitchy frames.

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I suspect they will fix…its likely an easy issue if they are aware
…do they ever respond directly in forums?

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Yes the problem perisists with SU11 in the 40th anniveraary edition. I am out of beta. It continues as above.
I have placed a ticket as linked above.

Thank you!
If this is fixed Im sure the Pimax community will be very happy and excited!

For some reason the zendesk ticket immediately reverted to “solved”. It’s not so I’m not sure what more can be done.

Relatedly, the aspect ratios of the main menus and such seem stretched incorrectly. maybe the devs will find that it relates to the glitchy frames?

what’s going on?
It’s not resolved at all, and I haven’t received any news, are they going to let it go?
They’re the ones who broke something that worked perfectly fine, and they’re the ones responsible for doing something about it.

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I dont think it ever worked on large FOV
They only recently made it possible to use canted displays, and more recently fixed a shadow/lighting bug that affected Pimax users. Im very confident in Asobo. Theyll fix it eventually. Perhaps the “solved” flag in the zendesk is temporary? To be fair they announced last year that canted display support wouldnt be added until 2023.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no mention of PIMAX in the next update either.

Given the severity of the issue, it was working before it happened, and it was reported during the SU10beta stage, we feel like we’ve been waiting too long.
I don’t think this is an uncommon idea.

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The flickering occurs at max settings in my environment, but when I lowered the PIMAXRenderQuality to 1.25, the symptoms almost disappeared.

I may be able to use LargeFOV again, although it is not perfect. I will observe for a little while longer.

Yeah it may simply be a horizontal or vertical resolution. They were never prepared for. I suspect 4096 is a limit hahah

Temporary solution, but given concrete information that only some users can take.
I don’t have an environment where I can test it, but I have a very strong interest in whether DLSS is an absolute requirement.
I don’t know how long “they” will drag this issue on…

Didnt work for me
The glitch still persists.

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Thank you for the information.
After all, this problem is so complicated that even if we, the users, invest time and money, there seems to be no countermeasure that can be taken with confidence.
The saddest part is that there is still no progress on this issue.

I wonder when they will have the SimUpdate 12 beta launched. Maybe it will be fixed then?

This is the current situation.
I’ve tested it in many different conditions, but nothing has been perfect.
I also tried flying, but the building is not displayed at all, it’s just flying over the map, and it’s like this.
If you turn up the depiction settings even a little, the display in the cockpit suffers from a violent flicker, like a little after 04:38.
Getting out of the plane in drone mode mitigates somewhat, but at low altitudes the severe flicker returns.
In other words, flicker intensifies when something is near the point of view.
In the end, I could only enjoy a few minutes of flying in exchange for a severe headache.

Perhaps changing the world scale?