Lightning in mostly sunny skies

Yep, agreed. I was director of SQA teams for several years and can’t believe the obvious regressions that are being released. Heads would’ve rolled!

I’ll say this, however. Two flights yesterday in clear conditions, and partly cloudy. No bolts of lightning and no thunder. Since the weather they feed into the system is remotely fed from another source, I’m wondering if they toned it down a bit? I’ll check again later, but I didn’t see anything yesterday.

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Did 4 flights ranging from russia, down to italy and back up to germany, thunder and lightning the WHOLE way

Not to belabor the issue but I’ll also add my name to the frustrated pilots. Lightning and thunder everywhere. This is a great sim in many ways but the constant fix one thing and break another is getting old.


Hi ,
All over Europe are at the Moment Thunderstorms with Live Weather .
But in Real there are no Thunderstorms .

What happens there ?


I have the same problem too, thiunders and lightnings everywhere, everytime. Sent a message to Zendesk.


I have also reported the same

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Yep it’s crazy.

widespread and well commented upon (see thread below amongst others). Also sent Zendesk request to ‘turn it down’. The effects are amazing, but too much!

I wondering if this is some metadata change with the weather systems or something changing on the server side. Until yesterday I had yet to ever encounter this problem. Saw the same yesterday on an IFR from Bangkok to Hochimin. At take off there were some light clouds with bright blue skies and constant lightning strikes. This persisted until I reached cruise alt above the highest cloud layer.

its crazy, im experiencing thunderstorm season in Brazil. But the lightnings are showing on the blue sky!!!

So much for the immersion…



No thunderstorms earlier while I was flying between Princess Julliana, and St. Barts. Nor between KSVC, and KTCS.

However, I id see a storm as I flew between TTPP, and SVMT, near the North coast of South America.

So not everywhere…

Totally agree… What have you done to this simulator? Thunderstorms EVERYWHERE right now.

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I have the same issue. However, not sure if it was coincidental that I installed the new version of Nvidia drivers when it started to happen. Did anybody do the same?

The whole world is a BIG THUNDERSTORM that never ends!!!
Even with sun or clear skyes.

I have had this issue too, using Live Weather.

Yes, indeed i noticed that as well since 3/4 days (fliying now in England with the Mooney MR20 from France to Alaska) I have TS everywhere no matter what!

And still MFS2020 allows you to fly a GA in TS??? Nobody complain about it even if it’s totally unrealistic as we all know pilots/simmers but it looks like gamers doesn’t give an attention to that unfortunatelly to raise the votes…
Hopefully all those bugs live-weather will be fixed soon, it’s getting better after the last patch/update but still a big lack of realism in our MFS2020 skies as a matter of fact!

Oh good point! I said in my previous post that it occured on my side 3/4 days ago and 3/4 days ago I did updated my Nvidia drivers so ???

i didnt update the drivers and i have the same issue

Same here seeing a lot of thunderstorms since last patch but nothing on the metar

I was flying europe days ago and every flight was stormy. I moved to japan… and every flight is stormy.
But trailers are great

My personal theory:

Asobo have lost control of the FS2020 earth, and it’s evolving its own weather system. At some point in the next month or so, it’s going to phase out of our universe altogether, leaving nothing but empty servers… and anyone playing the game at the moment this happens will also disappear from our world.

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