Live weather no clouds

No cloud with liveweather yesterday and today as soon as the flight starts. Frustrating.

yea I haven’t had live weather in a couple days either. I have no clue what’s going on with this stupid thing. Sitting at KIAH and the sim doesn’t pull any information at all in the metar. Not in dev mode or anything.


  • Live Weather is activated in Data
  • You are not in Dev mode
  • you tried with IPv6 disabled
  • you are in an aera that is showing clouds in the world map

And still no clouds, then sorry, but I don’t know what the issue is and what else to try

what is IPv6? My live weather is activated in data, I never use dev mode, dont have/use any third-party weather add-ons, and most of the time clouds are non-existent on the world map- it is simply clear skies everywhere…

IPv6 is an internet protocol. Check out those posts:

You don’t have to be in an area that is showing clouds in the world map to have clouds. If you are at an airport and the metar says there are clouds you should have clouds.

Agree, it should be as you stated, but there are some issues with METAR integration, and in some cases, even if METAR is reporting some clouds or overcast, the sim is not displaying them as it should, refer to post METAR keeps disrupting the weather/ bugged weather/Cumulus/CB clouds only/no medium to high cloud coverage, some examples are coming there.

Nope, they use Meteoblue as source for clouds.

wind, temp, pressure and visibility comes from METAR.

The problem is the meteoblue data is always several hours late (6, I think). So we get metars reporting clouds and no clouds in the sim. I wonder if that will ever be fixed.

Happy to report that this has improved for me - I am getting clouds with my live weather now. Knocking on wood.

thank you for your help. I turned dev mode off and my clouds came back. Thank you again. kee the blue side up.

You can fly with Dev mod on and have clouds, juts make sure to have the option “Volumetric atmospheric effects” ticked. When turning Dev mode off, by default that option is activated that is why you are sure to have clouds when leaving that mode.