Lost 1100 hour logbook

I lost all my hours in my logbook. Over 1100 hours realtime. Not really happy about that. Tried to recover it via other posts, but it just erased MSFS from my computer. After reinstalling the program, it remembered all my settings, but the logbook is gone.

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This is unacceptable.

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no worry, you’ll be not better pilot then or worst, correct? Is any logical benefit behind this? I don’t think so, my friends know me what I’m, no need have thousands hours in my history :wink:

If you will be happy, you can take my hours without problems :wink: It’s not life critical to me.

What about this?

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Not good. It appears to be an issue with Microsoft Gaming Services:

All part of this thread, please vote, so they do something about this, been going on for years!!

Fix Controller profiles (Missing or Corrupting) - Bug Reporting Hub / Miscellaneous - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

@SmotheryVase665 “saved my life” by linking this [KNOWN ISSUE] ...

Actually in my case I did some chaotic ettempts, but what seems to fixed the issue was either running “Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC” or (most probably) running WSReset.exe

I think the whole thing got broken after I logged into Microsoft Store. Ironically - I wanted to get rid of the annoyting warning in XBox, saying, I’m not logged into MS Store :man_facepalming:

Well, I’m glad my settings and history is back.
I usually copy my \WpSystem\S-1-5-21-3641412585-73280727-4270733975-1001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ as a backup but in this case it didn’t help.

BTW - I’m thinking about moving to the Steam Version of MSFS, but I wonder if the ussues are the same there - does anyone know?