Multiple (not yet reported?) graphical issues since SU5 and SU7

I’m using Microsoft Store version, not using Developer Mode.

The issues:

  1. The flaps lever animations are gone on multiple planes (since SU5):
    example (Virus SW121):

    This is how it looked before: FS2020 - Flying the Pipistrel Virus SW121 - YouTube

  2. The right pedal animation on NXCub is broken (on X Cub correct):

  3. The right flap animation on Shock Ultra is broken:

  4. The windshield transparent elements look often very bad (especially in VR) on multiple planes (since SU7?):
    example 1: strange self-reflections (Savage Cub):

    example 2: The bolt is displayed only for the left eye (Virus SW121):

  5. The rain effect is displayed on the PC-6 compass screen:

Could the development team review all the planes for these types of small graphical bugs/regressions and correct them in SU8? Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Have voted but they’re hardly game breaking bugs so don’t be too upset if they don’t get immediate attention.

I’ve updated the first post with the PC-6 compass issue.

Maybe these are not game breaking bugs but in my opinion it is the attention to details what makes good games great :wink:

Thanks everyone for your votes! :slight_smile:

multiple issues in one report may be against the rules :wink:

just dont forget to create ZenDesk tickets for each of your points , so that developers get informed about.

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Thanks for the tip. I thought that the issues are so small and easy to fix that they could be all gathered in one development ticket and possibly solved in a few hours.

@MSFSCommunityTeam what do you think? Could you please forward this issues to the development team for us? Thanks a lot!

That’s not how it works with MSFS.
The issues will not be looked at unless you enter a Zendesk ticket.
Asobo monitors the forums, but do not respond to things here.

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for this point we have now a own topic and a ticket

I get Bing maps data issues since a few days. Despite having an excellent internet connection and every data set ON, the satellite data does not load everywhere.

Anybobdy has this issue too? It is now like if i was using FSX

and where is the relation to : graphical issues ? :thinking: :rofl:

Its quite big “graphical issue” if you get FSX graphics instead of the satellite image. But tell me where to post this and im happy to copypaste

na, its more like map issue, or download data issue…

For a quick search I found only some older topics : Search results for 'download bing data' - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

( e.g. reasons in data-limit, cache, etc… )

If you not find any existing hints , you can just raise a new issue topic. Then you can also mentioned possible installed mods, etc.

Thanks man! I’ll do

I’m happy to report that issues 2, 4 and 5 have been fixed in SU8 beta! The other two unfortunately still present.

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