Tried another flight, again in Safe mode, the dialog box says this is because a community download is causing a problem. But I have removed EVERYTHING in this Community folder? It CTD after a few mins into flight, over water, no dense scenery. I will attempt to replace this VCRUNTIME140.DLL, but I have a gut feeling this will not work? Then I will remove FS2020 from my PC, and use my other Flightsim instead. Very annoyed with MS and Asobo.
Did you buy anything from the Marketplace?
Do you have NVidia sound drivers?
They have been known to cause CTD’s
Thanks. Yes, I have made a few purchases from the marketplace, but they did not go into the Community Folder, and everything is updated.
Try removing them and see if that helps.
If you do have the NVidia sound drivers installed, delete them and let the windows sound drivers do their thing.
Yes, and Yes both Nvidia Graphics and all sound drivers are updated.
Updated NVidia sound drivers can still cause the issue.
There are several threads in here on that.
I would remove the NVidia sound drivers completely from your PC.
Thanks. Sorry, but I have had enough. I will remove FS2020 from my PC, and will not re-install. My other Flightsim works perfectly and is as good in VR as is monitor mode. Well done with the German Software.
Hmmmm, wonder if the Nvidia SD’s are just problematic to certain cards? I am using RTX-2070 in laptop and running latest version of drivers and no issues period.
Again, check event viewer Microsoft logs/applications and find the offending program, check on all of what it says, it will point to mostly what the issue is.
Since I fixed VCRUNTIME140.dll, game has worked excellent, and I start and stop it, change control settings (getting device programed) and it runs fine. That .dll has mostly been issue since latest update, not sure why, or what is messing it up.
I saw you have 32GB of RAM, how is it composed?
Do you have 1x32GB or 2x16GB?
In the case of 2x16GB, try to remove one at a time alternately and check the correct functioning of the PC.
In the past I had a similar problem and the cause was one of the two RAM modules failed.
Depending on how new your PC is, memory problems mostly will show up within the first 6 months, not saying they cannot get bad, but you can do a memory test, and that will show if bad. I would not just remove cards to fix this issue. More than likely memory aint it. 90% of all PC issues are software related.
I am saving all my CTD info from the Event Viewer and sending them to FS2020 Support, I must be driving them mad, good I am glad, they deserve it. I am not a software expert, so the information does not make any sense to me. In the files I can not see any information relating to drivers, usb problems, et, et.
Yes, I recently done a memory test, 2 different test, with the Corsair chips. No problem.
I did not notice, but have you tried to “repair” the app. It does check and replace corrupted or missing files. Also is Windows Defender disabled. It should be if running another AV, and finally how are your temps, can be heat related.
Thanks. They are 2 Corsair 16GB chips, and 2 different mem test have been performed. The second test took several hours to perform. No problems found. I am not disturbing these chips. My other graphic and memory intensive games, sims and apps run very fast, and smooth. IT IS THE MS/ Asobo software at fault, NOT my PC.
Try running this Microsoft Program…
Microsoft Safety Scanner Download - Windows security | Microsoft Docs.
This is a very powerful tool!
Make sure you set an anti-virus exception for all of your MSFS 2020 folders including those on your Windows hard drive.
Have you tried starting a flight from a new location, assuming you make it to the menu? You say that you have had a ‘quick flight’ so you must be making it past the main menu?
Have you changed any of the preferences on the MSFS2020.exe file? Setting the preference to ‘Administrator’ from right clicking on the executable file, causes a crash on my system!
Try running without any USB controllers connected?
Have you made changes to the power plan of your PC?
Thanks. I will give that a try. FS2020 has the exceptions in BitDefender. The main menu, settings, et in FS2020 are OK. CTDs only happen in-flight. No preference change in the exe file. Have already tried FS2020 without my Saitek X52,
just keyboard and mouse.
Sorry I Must GO. Probably the next time I come onto this forum, not untill 2 moro or Sunday I will say FS2020 has been removed. I just can NOT take anymore!!!
Are you running any third-party applications such as Process Lasso or third-party firewall? Check the configuration of your Windows Swap File.
There is a dedicated thread in this forum regarding CTD’s.
Not running any 3rd party apps or firewalls. Like to thank everyone again for all the advice. Latest update, last night I performed 2 memory tests, the Win10 memory test, and the PassMark UEFI memory tests. No errors, no problems found. Several hours performing tests. Just watched TV, et., in meantime. This is a total mystery, as I am almost convinced that my PC is running perfectly. Win10 starts up in a few seconds, and no conflicts or problems found. ALL my other games, sims and apps are very smooth and fast running. The strange thing is, FS2020 runs very well in 4K ultra settings while in flight, up until the CTD which could vary from a few mins to about 20 mins. No CTD happens while in the FS2020 menu. I will continue this post until I get a solution. Continue to work on the suggestions and advice.
You could try using a different display driver or setting your display driver to default profile.