Official Discussion: Upcoming Hotfix Announcement

Thank you for the information. I have a question regarding cloud appearance:

"Attempted improvements to the cloud appearance introduced an overexposure of the world. This will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix. "

Were there other changes to the cloud appearance than the exposure, or in other words - will the clouds look like before or will other changes apart from exposure remain?


It happens just appreciate they’re communicating and going to fix them.

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Awesome news!! I’m excited for the hot fix! Keep up the great work. I know the core systems have changed and I know it comes with time to completely adapt to the new environment! Great job!

First of all, thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

Aside of that, I wonder if the “Freelook with mouse broken” bug is related with this other annoying bug introduced in SU5, and if both of them are addressed to be fixed together.

Also, is worth to mention that the speed-o-meter bug in the cockpit of the Shock ultra, fixed in SU4, was introduced AGAIN in SU5 so… any clues about when it will be fixed again?


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Yes for sure. They’re going to focus on it later

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Yes but there’s immediate VR issues such as anti Aliasing that need to be fixed long before they get around to looking at it later in the year/early next year, whilst some of those items will benefit VR users there’s a lot more than needs to be done to get it back to SU4 standards.


@Jummivana please see it bring this thread to the attention of the dev team

You mean the distant shimmering/blur such as trees and buildings?


Ok this is a very good thing, but will have to wait a long time before I can try to launch a flight … I have not managed to do a single flight since your last update…

Anything on the White Dot - Cockpit View issue?

Would love to have a toggle on/off for that eye sore.


God hears prayer, I am very grateful that wash out colors was on the hotfix list.


:arrow_forward::arrow_forward::arrow_forward::arrow_forward: Would be really great to finally have a hotfix for the wind gusts bug since SU4 :arrow_backward::arrow_backward::arrow_backward::arrow_backward::arrow_backward::arrow_backward:

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Yup the shimmering and distant blur is awful in VR.


Sure, agreed. But just hearing about new sliders, clouds being addressed, lod and popping, is fantastic news. Fingers crossed!

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Menus and in flight toolbars more specifically

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Please, thanks for the next hotfix of this hotfix.
We woñld like again to let more than 12 ai models to be injected on simulator. Many of us have converted thousand of fsx repaints to be seen in a personal ai traffic. we could have realist airports because of that. could you let us have the same free oportunity than before?

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A new hope.


Excellent news! One thing I wonder, however:

-what about AI building detail reduction? Any sliders planned?

-The washed out and cold overall look, lack of shadow intensity? Anything planned on that front?

Looking forward to the updates!! Thanks Asobo!


Excellent news!! Thanks for your support!!

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Thank you a lot for this highly anticipated feedback.

I hope Live-AI Traffic CTD is solved soon, maybe even with the hotfix.
Feeling pretty lonely on the airports right now…