This alone is enough in my opinion to stop giving any consideration to the rest of your prose, or I should say the same consideration you are showing to others.
Anyhow, I'm in a good mood right now, but...
…you almost made me wondering if I was reading the latest Naruto or Dragon Ball Z ?!
Kidding appart though…
Which tells me you might have not fully grasp the content or the argumentative directions of this topic. Let me try in the most simple way I can find at this hour of the day:
This is a voting topic so that people can express their agreement to the OP idea to “Open up communications with Reality-XP”, which when reading the topic is more about “opening up collaboration between Microsoft, Asobo and Reality XP”.
This idea is based on the pretense that Reality XP is a renown vendor with a proven track record of 20 years of innovation and award winning products, specializing in avionics simulation, offering a range of products on 3 major simulators and 14 different versions, and pushing the limits of these simulators beyond what most vendors are offering in terms of gauges and systems.
Reality XP is also a partner with a number of Professional Simulator vendors and System Integrators, which are using their Garmin simulation solutions both as COTS for X-Plane and Prepar3D, and embedded as a OEM component for simulator manufacturers I won’t name here for now.
It seems evident to the topic author such expertise in the field must be of a certain value for a simulator vendor like Microsoft, and opening a form of collaboration beyond the products themselves and leveraging the Reality XP savoir-faire and knowledge for FS2020 shall be no less than good.
Hope this makes things clearer to everyone that this topic is not about Garmin products, it is not about loading DLLs, it is not even about any licensing question. It is only about:
Whether the expertise of a renown awarded vendor specializing in the field of avionics simulation and pushing the SDK beyond its limits with creative thinking and 20 years of innovation is of any value for a simulator vendor who claims: “We got to get this right with you guys first, and by you guys I mean the people that really have been propping up this thing for the past 35 years”
And therefore and related, why Microsoft is still not approving Reality-XP’s market place application while at the same time they are issuing refunds for products they know are defective but they are still selling yet. and they promote twice in a row aircraft products which are not even flying.
All the rest like discussing Garmin products of other simulators, technology choices for the SDK, how bad it is to load DLL or what not about security, or other libelous and slandering comments, are bringing nothing constructive to answering the questions this topic is posing. And rest assured I wouldn’t expect any less from MSFT than being concerned about licensing questions! We do too… and our Professional customers and partners as well…
Now since this is a voting topic, I believe posting in this topic can only be along 2 lines:
Either you agree with the above, you vote, and you explain why you do think the OP’s idea is a good one and how according to you, you also believe Reality XP could be an asset in one way or another to both Microsoft and Asobo.
Or you disagree with the above, you don’t vote, and you explain why you do think Microsoft and Asobo shouldn’t collaborate with Reality XP at all.