Pilot's lounge - What did you do in MSFS today?


yes, getting rudder pedals is game changer. However, be prepared there is also some learning (or getting used to it) curve. When I switched from joystick twist to pedals I got worse at first. And it took some time to get used to it.

But I am not sure, if it’s even possible to handle DC-3 without rudder pedals. It really requires lot of leg work.

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That will have to wait a bit ti be seen, currently there is no funding to be put into MSFS, but still I think I could hardly get worse, most of the time I just gave up on rudders while landing, it was too much to handle all 3 controls on a single stick.

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Hi MuTe0794, yes, I do use Nvidia Gaming Filter for my sim and it gives me more immersion than default graphics.

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Could you please share me your settings? Would love to use it in my sim as well :+1:

@mbraortns - we can talk about what’s been posted in the general WDYDIMSFST thread here.

Nope, that’s a personal mod emulating the Tornado Alley Turbonormalized STC. It was the precursor that pushed Cirrus to create their own T model.

I’ve got the L39 Sarance on xbox , to stop mine i just move throttle back to idle and then look at the lever and press ‘x’ as it come up with a tooltip to bring the lever past idle into the fuel cut off detent.

Seems like all variants are indeed different airplanes to the game

Wow. Just wow. That’s crazy. Who do they expect to defend them, Australia??

Regarding the canons you should be able to mouse click where they normally are to show/ hide.


Thanks for this. I’ll remember for the next time my cannons go missing.

Edit: tried it, it works - yay!

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For the unwanted runway start add one to this bug…

There also other ways for the sim to reset you to the runway and lie about it. The rule is to always set parking spot last, right before clicking the fly button. If you need to make any other changes then unset and reset the parking spot. So frustrating every time it catches one out.

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Added to bug and thanks for the tip!

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At first I thought it is a Photoshop fake:

Turns out this is an existing aircraft type (IL62M)

I guess that is why it’s just field of grass even ingame. For the NXCub the world is full of such airports :smiley:

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For my first flight, I departed from Dublin, Ireland, and headed for Copenhagen, Denmark. While I was on the final approach, I noticed this surprise

For my second flight, I took this special liveried A320neo for a flight from Atlanta to Baltimore Washington International, taking my virtual passengers of Veterans and their families to the Nation’s Capitol for the upcoming Veterans Day weekend.


How do you navigate in Peru? Do you use VOR stations? Do they work for you? At my last flight to Cusco I couldn’t get any VOR signals there.



Good question. At first, I fly mostly VFR and navigate using visual points and dead reckoning. To be honest flying along the coast makes things quite simple. I think that’s how navigation was mostly done in era of DC-3. My understanding is that radio navigation highly advanced during WWII. But I guess it still took some time until it spread to world.
But I definitely use support of VORs to confirm my location. And yes, it was not much help this time. I received signal only when I was less than 20nm away. At first I was surprised, but then I remembered that someone mentioned that VOR signals are bad in South America in MSFS.
Although surprisingly I got quite a good signal in Ecuador. And it was in mountains, so I didn’t expect having good signal.
And it also reminded me of night flight in Mexico, when I relied on VOR to know, when to start descend. But I never received any signal. And when I saw my destination, I was still at 10000ft.


Thanks :slight_smile: I planned to do some flying today but my ISP thought otherwise :roll_eyes:

Right now quick looking around is on the hat switch of the joystick, but it does make sense if the twisting motion can better control the amount of head turning. However I think it’s a good idea to leave the twisting motion un-binded for a while, so that the learned reflex can undo itself.

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It took me about a year to come up with the idea of ditching the quick look and changing my hat bindings to act as head rotation and translation. Now I can look in any direction and move my head around all from the stick, I can finally zoom in on anything or get any angle of view I like. After 6 months I’m not going back to quick views, it’s so much better!

I have head rotation on the hat, zoom on two buttons on the stick, then head translation in 3D using a modifier with the hat and zoom buttons. This lets me look at anything anywhere, even go for a walk into the cabin.

I also have a different modifier with the hat switch to operate trim (rudder and pitch).

Finally I’ve still got the quick views on the hat but combined with both of the modifiers together! It’s slightly awkward with one hand but I rarely use the quick views and it’s good to have them available just in case.

All of this is on the top of my Thrustmaster HOTAS One stick. 2 modifier buttons gives 4 functions for each of the other buttons.

I use the twist for nose wheel steering.

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