Any liveries in the MP version? Or just PMDG ones?
I’m surprised at this, but I have only opened FS2020 three times since 2024 came out, despite the bugs I have been enjoying the new planes and Career Mode.
I may end up regretting it, but I’m buying the 77F on the marketplace, instead of direct from PMDG on the off chance this may be required to use it in Career Mode on FS2024.
Looking forward to opening FS 2020 for a fourth time tomorrow, and a nice flight on the 77F.
I bought Livery set 1 of 3 which were available at the same time as the freighter, so same as any prior PMDG MP release.
IDK but if I were to guess, might it relate to winds aloft? A favorable or unfavorable wind aloft may result in a recommendation in addition to OPT & MAX, which are more about fuel efficiency?
Did you complete a full PERF INIT during your preflight?
Yeah. It has since appeared. But it just seems intermittent as to whether it displays even on the same flight.
Perhaps you were already at the recommended FL, therefore no need to display a recommendation?
Sadly not, one can see in the screenshot that I am at FL161…
Ah so, at FL161 and a recommendation appeared. Was it a good recommendation? To what FL? Just wondering, cheers!
No, I can’t remember when the REC FL appeared. But then it disappears and comes back again numerous times. It still wasn’t there at FL161 though as can see in the shot.
Normally, the RECMD blanks when the FMC is recalculating the VNAV profile, such as modifying the waypoint sequence, changing a speed/altitude constraint on the legs page, or adjusting climb/cruise/descent parameters on their relevant VNAV page. Sometimes this can take what seems like a long time as the FMC has limited processing power. However, this field shouldn’t just disappear/reappear randomly for no reason.
The only reason it should be permanently blank during climb or cruise is if an RTA segment has been used.