Pop-up instrument window invalid

Recently i cannot pop-up instrument window, and the right alt key + left mouse button click is invalid. Normally, when the right alt key and left mouse button are clicked, the mouse cursor changes to plus, and now there is no response;

Hi @craftshen and welcome to the forum !,
Are you having this issue with all planes or just one in particular ?
I just tested with the VL-3 & C172 and no issue.
Have you tested with your community folder empty ?

Thanks @DementedCorn327,

yes, all planes have this issue; and i already tested with community folder empty, same issue;

Is your key binding for ALT looks like this ?, any conflict with other assignation ?

Thanks @DementedCorn327 ; I find my problem finally, in option of controls, i don’t know why the profile of keyboard been changed to "short keyboard’; now everything is ok when change back to default;


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Once again the Right Alt + Left mouse button do not get a new UI Window. Was workinhg before the last few updates. I’m using the Keyboard, Keyboard Profile as shown by [DementedCorn32] and show the Right Alt input in the control options area.

Please Help, thank you.

Maybe try that reset option:

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Try reset panels

oops @DementedCorn327 you are faster :smiley:

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I’m not using panels. Trying to get pop outs for both glass cockpit screens so I can move them to a separate monitor.

The pop out windows are considered as panels, so I would recommend to click on that reset option and test again.

a popout window can appear outside the monitor’s visible area





Thanks for clearification on panels. I have tried clearing and resetting panels. Will look at the other links you suggested. Then i’ll get back to you.

TenPatrol, I tried several of your suggested links and but I’m afraid most of these are beyond my comfort zone. Getting multi windows and panels was never this cumbersome in the past. I may be having other issues going on, possible the second monitor and/or the HDMI cable. In the past all I had to do was Right Alt + left mouse click to get the panel and the drag to my second monitor.

Thanks for your time and effort on this. Right now my brain is fried and quitting for the night.

Thanks again