Prevent the flight planner from reshuffling the plan after adding or changing a runway, approach, SID or STAR

Stiil not fixed with WU6 v1.19.8.0
WT*** ? :angry: :angry: :angry:

They’re busy breaking more things, hosing updates and working on the DLC. Give them a break.

Yes, I understand, but this BUG is very annoying, because i cannot set any STAR or APP. :frowning: :angry:

Very annoying. When I load a flight plan into the sim from simbrief, I want to be able to start cold and dark from a gate. Just give us a check-box to lock parts of the flight plan to keep the sim from changing the flight plan if I dare to even click a drop down.

The only way to keep the original FPLN, is to select a parking position only via the menu. If the runway is then changed by the SIM, there are two ways to start the flight: 1. ignore this change and use the runway as you planned it. 2. check the runway selected by the SIM before preparing and select this runway when preparing the FPLN with SimBrief or another comparable tool. It’s all very unsatisfactory, but at the moment it’s the only way I’ve found.

Is this fixed as promised in SU6 or is it not as it wasn’t fixed as promised for SU5?

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From my understanding, WT have been tasked to improve the flight plan management system in the individual avionics systems. G1000, G3000 etc. This is great, and obviously a needed updated, but ultimately the entire base flight planning system, which includes the world map, ATC etc, needs to be overhauled.

Fixing the avionics is only addressing half the problem. Sure, we’d be able to load the flight plan correctly by hand in the aircraft, but if we can’t plan correctly from the map screen, and if ATC still expect us to fly these unrealistic, error fill routes, the problem isn’t fixed, it’s just been bandaided over.

First they have to fix what they promised. Everything you’ve mentioned is legit, but the stuff that is broken and worked before should priority.

What was the promise that was made re the SU5 fix? As far as I can tell, we’re both talking about fixing the same thing (core flight planning logic) aren’t we?

We’re talking about fixing the issue of the Simbrief imported FP, making the change to a SID or STAR and getting the entire FP changed by the simulator.

The reason a simple change to a SimBrief flight plan causes so much havoc, is because the underlying core flight planning logic in MSFS is a buggy, incorrect mess. Hence, the only way to fix this specific issue correctly, is to fix the flight planning system.

Whilst addressing imported flight plans as an isolated issue may provide a quicker fix, it’s just a bandaid. Every time subsequent flight planning changes occur, this bandaid would need to be ripped off and a new one put on. After a year of MSFS, I’m over all these quick fixes, that become obsolete after the next update. Let’s start fixing the underlying, root cause issues, even if they take longer.

This worked just fine before, they broke it circa SU4 or something like that.

Now the flight planning and the IFR in general needs a ton of work, but like I said before, they need to fix what they broke.

But if they get out a quick fix for it now, what’s to say it won’t break again with a subsequent update? They need to start fixing issues from the bottom up, instead of quick makeshift bug fixes, otherwise this cycle of break something/fix something will continue indefinitely.

I’m not saying this flight plan import problem isn’t an issue, I’m just getting a tired of this break/fix cycle. Something needs to change.

Understood. I am just interested at this particular bug right now, because it’s annoying af, and they promised having this done back in July.


So is there a thread that deals with having the flightplan crashed DURING the flight.
1 Assigning a STAR often change the next WP to an old one making the plane turning around.
2 The STAR assigned suddenly goes into separate WP with no connections.

Found it at least for A32X


Yes, I have the vote thread here:

Did they fixed this in SU6 as promised or no?

It doesn’t look like it from the release notes, which is not surprising given that the development update from last week showed this bug as slated for SU6 but not yet started.

Super disappointing if it’s still an issue, I stopped playing a few months ago because of it. It just got too frustrating to realize an hour into a flight that the plane is flying to some phantom or USR waypoint or that there is a loop in the flight plan.

Apparently there is a few other items that are not in the change log, but were addressed. I was hoping they would get this fixed by now.

The flight planner is unusable, we all paid good money for this simulator and all the answers point to use a 3rd party app to make the flight plans.

Is this a joke or what?

Every update kills another core component of the sim. I’m tired guys. I was patiently waiting for fixes that never come.

Your corporate practices are a shame, your rushed a product to the market that is broken to the core: broken AP, broken flight planner, broken in general (sometimes things just doesn’t even spawn for no reason and with no mods, sometimes your copilot doesn’t even talk, sometimes ATC sends you to do stupid stuff mid-flight or worst on the approach like sending you 15.000ft on the final approach
 even a non-commercial team like FBW can do things better than you! the owners of this sim.

FIX the Flight planner and the AP for FS!.

Flight planner:

  • Can’t edit flight plans. Doing so automatically resets the whole plan.
  • Adding points is a random success (sometimes points are added but not connected)
  • Letting the flight planer do the flight plan automatically ends in any of this ways:
  1. Flight plan is not using any logics, so you end up with plans going 30KM just to come back at the same point in the next waypoint creating some kind of weird “W” pattern sometimes where it should be a “U” pattern.
  2. Sometimes the flight plan looks good
 but later in flight, you discover that there where weird points added that where not visible in the flight planner screen. Again sending you in a route out of any logics.
  3. Loading a flight plan has a random outcome every time. Sometimes it works as supposed, sometimes the plane starts doing weird maneuvers or some system randomly fails to follow plan breaking the flight plan.


  • After last update the plane starts banking left or right for some reason at the approach phase, stops following the flight plan; or something that also happened: the flight plan changes for no reason when in flight (yes, the green line dissapears and reappears in a different place/angle)
  • AP Fails to follow ILS sometimes for no reason.
  • Randomly stops following the path.


  • Will send you to the moon on approach phase instead of telling you to go down.
  • Will not give a ■■■■ about your pre-configured cruise altitude in the flight planner and will again send you at high altitudes for a “low altitude IFR flight”
  • Will hang at the “acknowledge transmission” sometimes after landing and there is no way to acknowledge since the menu in the ATC screen doesn’t show that option.
  • Manually requesting landing permissions on an airport will send you to go around even if no traffic is seen anywhere near.
  • Will tell you to go 15000 ft then 5000ft then again 15000ft in a 3 minute time frame for no reason.


  • Taxi path is not being shown for the majority of the times.

Fix this product.

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