Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I have the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, Throttle Quadrant, and Rudder Peddles. The Rudder Peddles and Flight Yoke work fine, but the throttle Quadrant dos not! With the throttle I get idle, then half throttle up to full throttle, this makes approaches difficult. I have tried adjusting sensitivity and dead zone, but to no avail. The slider bar is ether at zero and then jumps to halfway before sliding to full position. The prop and mixture sliders are much the same, the mixture slider you have to move at least twice before you get to see it at all!! My Saitek system works perfectly in X planes, so is this a bug with MSFS? Regard, Morgi
Check your assignments, particularly double assignments. It looks like you have large incremental assignments instead of AXIS assignments.
Thanks for your reply JasonoNovi. The throttle, Prop and Mixture are AXIS assigned, incrementalâs are assigned to things like flaps, trims, (rudder and elevator) parking break etc and they work fine, its just the AXISâs that are a problem.
Ok. I know mine had many, many double assignments. I had a hard time getting mine all correct until I unassigned everything for the particular controllers and started fresh. Even now if I switch to a plane I do not usually fly things are really weird with the controllers
I even tried inverting the assignment , all that did was make it difficult to set cruse speed, in that way you were ether full throttle or virtually on tick over. Great for approaches though, easy to get down to flaps deployment speed. Ill probably take your advice and un-assign everything on the throttle quadrant and reassign them. Thanks again for your replies.
Do you have a single 3 lever throttle or two 3 lever throttles?
I had this issue. I found the fix on another forum. I deleted something from the registry and remapped it. Voila.
Iâll see if I can find those instructions.
This is what fixed it for meâŠ
Hi, I had the same problem with Saitek Pro Flight Throttle quadrant. Throthle, Mixture and Prop move from 0 to 50 and 50 to 100. I tried many thing, including checking assigments, but nothing seems to fix the problem.
I was finablly able to fix by doing the following:
- Unplug your Sitek devices from your computer by disconnecting the USB cables from your computer
- Remove all Saitek drivers
- Search the USB value of your devices by opening âPrinters and devicesâ from your Control Panel. Right click on your Flight Yoke System->Properties->Hardware (Select the USB one)->Properties->Details->look for the âAccess Route valueâ and take note of the values. Mine is USB\VID_06A3&PID_0BAC
**** Be careful with this step as youâll edit your registry values and system may became unstable or you could even break it !!! ***** - Open Regedit.exe (press Widnows key +R and type regedit.exe), search for Saitek keyword and remove all entries with Saitek values you noted in point 2
- Restart windows
- Reconnect all devices and reinstall drivers
- Start FS 2020. Go to Controller and check the Sentitivity for each one of the Axis. They should be fine by now.
Hope this helps.
Continuing the discussion from Saitek Throttle Quadrant Problem:
Thanks Gaston, Iâll print out your procedure and give it a go, carefully!
Kind Regards.
Dave M.
Good luck @PeakShelf934269! hope this works for you as itâs a pain in the neck and a real frustration not having your hardware working properly. Let me know the outcome of your fix.
There is some good advice here in this thread.
If however, you still cannot âfixâ your problem, go to this thread:
This is probably the âmainâ thread for all things Saitek [yoke, panels, FIPâs, quadrants etc].
Itâs a long thread so a bit of a read, but the answer youâre looking for is likely in there somewhere!
Good luck.
Hello pilots!!!
After many & many tests, may be, i found a temporary issue.
I advice you try this settings on my picture link below & share your comments.
Enjoy your flights.
Yup i have Saitek Pro Quadrant i swap the default âThrottle Axisâ by âThrottle 1 Axisâ & itâs work but when i start to fly the R44 or H125 or some 3rd Party aircraft my throttle slider comes alive, or be effective from 50% - up. Iâd veryfied the calibration settings on control panel & in the Sim on sentitivity & the virtual sliders work 1:1 with my quadrant the issue is only when im in the heli about to fly, & i have to deactivate the âReverse Axisâ too because once the throttle is in idle the collective is raised to 100%. I know this forum is only for the RSP Projects but with the F-35 in the same thing the default profile doesnât work and the âThrottle 1 Axisâ keep in the same issue. The only planes thatâs work with default profile is the official ones in 1:1 ratio!. I dont know how to fix this!!
I had a rather radical fix to my problem. My computer completely crashed and I couldnât even launch windows, the whole thing was dead. I gave the computer to a mate who knows a lot about computers and it flummoxed him too. He knew of a chap who had worked in computers for years and was by all accounts a computer wizard. He had quite a lot of trouble. He told me that all the windows software had disappeared and the Bios had to be updated. To make a long story short, he fixed it and when I had it back I had to reload all my software including MSFS 2020. To my delight, my throttle quadrant work perfectly and has done ever since.
I have a similar problem, with two 3-lever quadrants mapped for twin engine aircraft. The first quadrant works fine, but the second operates the fuel flow levers only between the physical 50-100% positions of the controller (giving full travel but double the rate in the sim).
Itâs odd because they are calibrated correctly in the Windows game controller setup AND show as operating correctly in the controller assignment page within the sim.
In X-plane11 everything also works fine; it seems to be a MSFS issue and is very frustrating!
Any ideas?
I have the same problemâŠjumps from 0 to 50 to 100%.
Checked the calibration in windowsâŠall good
Checked the functionality in X-PlaneâŠall good.
The only place it DOESNâT work is MSFS.
I really hope someone smarter than me can find a solution âcause right now the thingâs just a paper-weight.
Maybe. Looks like it but Iâve never flown using it.
I checked it in the control options.
When I move the lever it literally jumps (fast!) from 0 to 100%âŠif I try I can get it to jump to 50% and then to 100 with some fiddling.
There does not seem to be a smooth transition in between.
For example I cannot set it to 30 or 75%
Only in MSFS. no where else
The quad is plugged into the yoke and is part of the Saitek Pro Yoke system with a PS2 (?) looking plug.
My other Saitek quad, the one that works perfectly, is USB and plugs into the PC.
Serious recommendation; get SpadNext.
VERY worth it. Will sort all your Saitek control problems out.