RELEASE NOTES Sim Update 2 Beta - 1.4.7
If you are playing on PC, outdated packages in your community folder may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behavior.
If you suffer from stability issues or long loading times, move your community package(s) to another folder before relaunching the title.
Memory Logging in the Sim Update 2 Beta
Memory logging will be enabled in the first Sim Update 2 Beta build, which will cause a small decrease to performance (in particular during menu transitions). The telemetry we receive from this memory logging will aid our investigations into stability improvements. This memory logging will be removed from the Sim Update 2 Beta before release, or as soon as we have enough data.
On Xbox console, you can help ensure we receive your data by following the below instructions:
- Navigate to Settings > System.
- Now select Console info.
- Check ‘Allow optional data collection’
Changes to Career/Challenge League in the Sim Update 2 Beta
Beginning with the Sim Update 2 Beta, Career and Challenge League will have separate progress and leaderboards from the live build.
This means Career mode progress in the live build will not carry over to the flighting build, and vice versa. In addition, Challenge League in the flighting build will have a separate leaderboard from the live build.
Making Career and Challenge League progress separate in the flighting build allows us to test additional changes and fixes that cannot be tested in the live build. All Career specializations will be unlocked by default in the flighting build to allow participants to preview changes that might not be available (based on Career mode progress) in the live build.
Will joining the Sim Update 2 Beta (and future Sim Update Betas) impact my progress in Career mode on the live build?
- No, Career mode progress is locked to the live build. No Career progress made in the flighting build will carry over to the live build. However, all Career mode specializations are unlocked by default in the flighting build.
Will my leaderboard records in Challenge League transfer when the flighting build becomes the live build?
- No, Challenge League leaderboards in the flighting build will always be separate from the live build.
Will progress in other game modes (Discovery, Free Flight, etc.) be separate in the flighting build and live build?
- No, only progress in Career and Challenge League are affected. This could change in the future.
Will content I own or purchase in the Marketplace be available on both the flighting build and the live build?
- Yes, all content owned or purchased in the live build or the flighting build will always be available in both builds.
New Content and Features
- Renamed “Gyro drift” to “Gyro drift compensation” to be more in line with other assistance (ON: Less realistic, OFF: More realistic)
- •It is now possible to filter seaplane base airports using the World Map filters
- Added SIMVAR_THROTTLE_INPUT_BLOCKED_BY_(LOWER|UPPER)BOUNDS to signal the game when we should show the notification to warn the user an input to the throttle has been made but didn’t actually move the throttle because the lever is locked in the active range (RB + A/B prompt)
This is intended to be used with KEY_THROTTLE_DETENT(NEXT|PREV) and KEY_THROTTLE_RANGE_(INCR|DECR)- Made all input event parameters editable inside the code editor - making it possible to attach a logger and live edit the code
- A validation process has been developed to give more control to the aircraft developer over the Career compatibility.
- A new field has been added in the FLTSIM section “targeted_specializations” (supported by the SimObjectEditor) to list the expected specialization with which the given aircraft should be compatible.
- During the ingestion process, the field will be compared to the result of the career compatibility process to confirm its result.
Stability & Performance
- Improved loading times for packages with lots of individual files
- Fixed an issue where rapidly switching between tabs in the settings menu could lead to unexpected behavior and performance issues.
- Reduced request count when loading models by precomputing model statistics on package ingestion.
- Fixed a rare crash when a internet disconnection happen.
- Fixed a crash when suspending the sim on XBox.
- Reduced performance hit when avatar is near objects with complex collisions
- Fixed crash when many avatars meet up online
- Fixed crash on Xbox that would occur when accessing areas close to the antemeridian, such as Savusavu airport
- Added more information to debug FPS panel (available VRAM on device, lat/long/alt, GPU) to make it easier to diagnose issues reported by users sharing screenshots in forums
- Fixed crash when trying to remove a FacilityAirport from the cache while the QMID has no matching entry
- Fixed some infinite loadings on boot due to deadlocks inside IO code.
- Fixed a rare crash during airport generation
- Reduced memory usage for aircraft gauge textures generated by WASM (reduces amount of out-of-memory crashes on Xbox with WASM-enabled aircraft)
- Fixed a crash which could occur when creating a flightplan in certain airports
- Reduced latency with HTTP requests
- Fixed a crash on exit with video renderer
- Fixed a crash related to inputs when exiting the sim
General Bug Fixes
- Added footstep when walking as avatar
- Fixed community packages being duplicated inside content.xml on each boot. Already existing duplicates are removed from file on boot.
- Fixed the “Quit to desktop” button
- Fixed an issue where the tail number of aircraft were not correctly applied
- Special characters can no longer be entered in the tail number field on the aircraft identification menu
- Fixed arrow keys not doing anything when inputing text
- Fixed incorrect loading of aircraft airline codes
- Fixed numbers not formating correctly
- General VR fixes:- Fixed the ratio of panels in VR flight
- Fixed the appearance of the toolbar when going out of VR flight
- Fixed some 3D UI that were appearing in front of the panels in VR flight
- Modified profile statistics navigation and tab switching
- Fixed navigation missing on logbook entries list
- Fixed logbook entries list sorting incorrectly
- Fixed action title not scrolling when hovered on gamepad
- Reversed notification order, they are now listed from newest to oldest
- Fixed a bug where quickly swapping options category could lead to superimposed categories
- Fixed tarmac workers sometimes overlapping on the apron
- Fixed avatar and shadow disappearing when not moving as avatar
- Fixed cabinservice always reloaded when going in freeflight worldmap
- Now is reloading only when you enter the freeflight menu
- Increased screen exposure under heavy cloud cover
- Improved avatar third view to have the same behavior as avatar first view
- Fixed showcase as avatar and cockpit/external linked to first/third (when allowed)
- Fixed little movements with avatar first view less blocked
- Fixed invisible tent material
- Fixed drone camera speed being FPS dependant when it shouldn’t
- Fixed windshield setting resetting
- Fixed too large air traffic nameplates when zooming in
- The clouds are now displayed by default on the worldmap
- Fix key mapping for PAUSE_ON, PAUSE_OFF and PAUSE_TOGGLE
- Generic airports bugfixes
- Fixed an issue where the popup to inform that the player needs to restart the game was missing after changing the global rendering quality in the settings
- Fixed friends appearing on freeflight world map when they are not in a freeflight session.
- Fixed microphone usage detection by Windows even when not inside a group session
- Fix weather icon not changing when selecting weather presset in Flight Conditions screen
- Fixed crash on launch if EXE.xml is invalid
- Fixed water self shadow artefact when raytraced shadows is active
- Changing a graphical or photogramettry setting now correctly display a loading popup
- Restored MSFS2020 sorting order for liveries of non modular aircraft in Aircraft Selector/Configurator
- Fixed number turning to null when changing language
- Improved model LODs on Load Assets (Pallets + Fertilizer Bags)
- The flight model in the settings now doesn’t switch unless the user confirms it
- Fixed synchronization of planes simvar when the pilot is out from the cockpit.
- Fixed a jitter when changing the text size in the accesibility settings
- Fixed a crash happening when switching between aircraft variations quickly
- Fix an issue where the controller icon could be displayed in the world photographer list when the keyboard was the active peripheral.
- Fixed crash occuring when generating text during flight loading
- Fixed infinite loading with Aircraft containing WASM when loading creates a low memory
- Fixed purple outline than can appear on HUD display againt a bright sky background on XBOX.
- Fixed an issue where friends currently playing the title wouldn’t be differentiated from the friends currently online but not in game
- Fixed control input curve inverted on X axis
- Fixed an issue where the flight condition “Live” preset was not dynamically translated
- Fixed crashed occuring when ending flight with plane using Wasm and SimConnect
- Fixed latency and repetition for keyboard input action
- Fixed crash in low level input initialization when starting the game on Xbox
- Fixed wrong colors shift when using HDR10, mostly visible on bright saturated colors, like blue ribbons
- Improved LODs on many assets.
- Fixed point moving out of the curve when editing extremity dead zone of device hardware settings
- Fixed ModelBehaviors timings on resume after pause
- Fixed an issue where some in-game markers were still shown in the transfer aircraft in the career mode
- Fixed dirt displaying on aircraft in the career aircraft store and in freeflight after playing a freelancer mission in career
- Fixed an issue where legacy MSFS 2020 stats were not present when hovering them in the aircraft selector
- Fixed Ramarched Reflections shift on screen borders
- Fixed some UI buttons in freecam not being interactable with the mouse
- Fixed an issue where the “Live airport activity” page displayed inconsistent or incoherent data.
- Fixed replication of pilot in multiplayer
- Fixed keyboard input latency when low framerate and pressing key for long time
- Fixed GameInput (Xbox) joystick axis scan too sensitive and triggered even if the stick was not moved
- Modified cabinservices in freeflight worldmap to not recreate one that is already in the aircraft
- Changed light range min value from 0.1 to 0.001
- Fix numerous text issues in free flight that could arise after changing the language without restarting the game
- Fix play animations not at the same time
- Fixed worldmap interactive behind the RFB panel
- Fixed an issue where the weather data on the worldmap cards was inconsistent with other data shown in the game
- Fixed airport names, nameplates and tooltips not displayed in external windows
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t access the “Reset filters” buttons in the worldmap filters using a gamepad.
- Fixed community packages preventing streamed packages with the same name from being found by the sim.
- Fixed usage of real time instead of flight time when initializing switches (fixes light issues when starting a flight with a sim time that is different from the real time)
- Fixed multiple fade out when going out/in aircraft with other players around
- Fixed grey haze at night in very dark environements
- Improved normal textures from MSFS2020 packages, making them look less flat.
- Fixed loading of DDS files used in legacy effects
- Fixed some flow locks when mission restart
- Props, turbines and rotors now move on first-party multiplayer aircraft
- Fixed toolbar not being usable in cursor mode while in external view
- Fixed an issue where the controller was losing inputs if the user went into the filters advanced map layers leaves the sub menu then go back in it
- Fixed an issue where going in the worldmap filters layers would sometimes soft lock the user when going in another page
- Fixed CLOCK_HOURS/MINUTES_INC/DEC events not behaving as expected
Backwards Compatibility Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing pilot/copilot in KH aircraft
- Fixed lagged animation when looking outside of the bounding sphere for MS2020 packages only.
- Forced 2024 SimVar AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR to return a very high value if requested from a 2020 sim (can happen if referencing an instrument that has been updated in 2024)
- Fixed textures referenced in FX files not properly loaded when the package is streamed
- Fixed emissives brightness
- Fixed tooltips missing in cockpit camera
- Fixed highlights for elements in showcase camera
- Removed tooltips in showcase camera when using the mouse
- Propellers now project dust/snow/water in the other direction when they are in reverse mode
- Fixed pilot/copilot visibility with cockpit camera
- Fixed LOD instrument VSI_01 / Accelerometer_01 / SlipIndicator_01 / MPA_G3X_Mini / Attitude_Indicator_AS_2610
- Fixed Animation Breakers Extra 330
- Fixed incorrect rain masking and flow direction
- Fixed some propeller/rotor/turbine rotation not being replicated on first-party aircraft in multiplayer
- Fixed an issue causing the propeller to stop animating when switching aircraft with the Aircraft Selector
- Modified cabinservices to be reloaded when going back after launching a freeflight
- Fixed noticeable weakened surface inputs when exiting photo mode (similar to lag introduced when taking control over AP)
- Interior interactions cannot be reached from outside the interaction volume during preflight
- C172 fixed fuel selector not in good position when CTRL + E is used to start the aircraft
- Fixed Quick Trim for helicopters without autopilot
- Fixed an issue causing LocalVars_EX1 FLT parameters not to get saved properly.
- Fixed copilot spawned in 2024 aircraft even if their weight is set at 0 in the .cfg
- Registration Number, Propeller animation, emissive meshes implementations.
- Fixed tour and skydive liveries labels and adaptivity
- Registration Number implementation. Propeller animation fixed. Emissive meshes fixed.
- Fixed white dot doesn’t disapear in cockpit view after a while without movements
- Fixed cockpit interior occluder leaks on screen sides
- Clipping effect fixed at the beginning of the engine heat VFX
- Fixed camera cockpit substate changed to pilot when the position was reset
- Fixed custom view shared with all of the aircraft when created until the game is restart
- Palettes names fixed
- The state of aircraft covers is now replicated in multiplayer
- Fixed CulturalColors.lbl : CARGO_EUROPE type changed to CARGO_OCCIDENT,
- and CARGO_SA changed to CARGO_LATIN
- Liveries palettes update: colors’ order has changed and new palettes have been added ( SKP … )
- Every livery’s “livery.cfg” file will be updated as well to reflect editable colors’ new order
- Fixed custom VFR pilot camera position used for other aircraft
- Fixed KEY_CYCLE_PILOTVIEW_BACK and KEY_CYCLE_PILOTVIEW_NEXT don’t allow to enter INSTRUMENTS metacontext anymore
- Completed some unfinished debug windows for helicopters.
- Improved Debug Aircraft Weight page to detect unrealistic MOIs.
- Added a fallback to have the weight in the cargo even if no graph/spc is available
- Improved conditions for using the flashlight automatically
- External lights shafts are now occluded inside cockpits
- Added a notifications when the envelope overheats for the hot air balloon experience
- Particles from prop wash are now correctly affected by thrust magnitude and reverse throttle
- Menu selection thumbnails have been all regenerated for Asobo aircraft, colors of the aircraft on the thumbnails now match the ones from the selection
- Passive aircraft: update services
- Removed unwanted visible details in cockpit reflections
- Fixed glitching rain on windshield when the velocity change
- Introduced a new external HUD more relevant for the hot air balloon experience
- Fixed propellers flickering when mulitple instances of the same plane are visibles
- [SR][C172][XCub] Fix missing rain spots on windshield
- Fixed the initialization of object_class in case of this field was empty and the category was not an Airplane, a Helicopter or an HotAirBalloon
- Fixed PartInfo driven animations that sometimes wouldn’t work
- Fixed wake turbulence with multiplayer planes.
- Fixed rendering of the pilot tube covers
- Passive aircraft being either in the ground or above it fixed with precise tweaking done on 75% of the passive fleet. (25% left on the small aircraft)
- Passive aircraft pink textures and misrepresentation of model fixed.
- Passive aircraft improvements on Boeing house liveries
- Fixed audio clipping distance that was too short on multiplayer aircraft.
- Hide avatar in aircraft if it’s not edited for SR pilot system
- Hide avatar in aircraft if it’s not edited for SR pilot system
- Fixed interior windshield fully reflecting exterior for some planes
- Fixed registration number inside the aircraft being always black
- C208B/ES30/FA18/CL415 additionnal throttle keys
- THROTTLE_RANGE_INCR & THROTTLE_RANGE_DECR moves the throttle clamping it in the active range
- THROTTLE_DETENT_NEXT & THROTTLE_DETENT_PREV goes to the next/previous range and resets the throttle a the beginning/end of the new range
- Fixed windshield rain effect on HUD display
Air Tractor AT-802
- Fixed animation rudder trim wheel of AT-802
- Fixed eyes icon checklist gear front wheels variation of AT-802
- Fixed an issue on the AT802 that prevented the starter switch from being operated while the engine is running.
- Conditon speed added to trigger vortex effect on cropdusting trail
- Fixed an issue that causes the AT802 to spawn without fuel when started in Freeflight in parking.
- Fixed an issue on the AT802 Preventing the Emergency Dump Trapdoor from animating properly
- Fixed Avionics switch not turning off ATC connection to COM NAV channels
- Fixed GTR225 & GNS430 to no longer modify the same com index
- Fixed AT802 Trim Indicator
- Fixed an issue on the AT802 causing the spray pump not to be animated.
- Fixed liquid tank value set from the EFB being overwritten when launching a flight.
- MVP 50 now connected on the main bus instead of the avionics bus
- Fixed Ground Light display on Agricultural version
Airbus Helicopters H125
- Fixed the fuel consumption.
- Fixed alternator light not lit when the related breaker is pulled
- Fixed PFD screen not being bright enough in low light situations.
- Fixed alternator producing too much tension too quickly when engaging the starter.
- Added Dirts to Aerial App Variation
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Improved some tooltips
- Added new dirt LODs so that they appear farther away.
- Improved LED effet on Instruments at night
- Changed Airspeed Indicator model to a more fitting one
- Fixed slight variation in variometer values between visual and HUD (includes CabriG2 too)
- Added one more interaction to stopwatch knob
- Fixed cropped stopwatch dial
- Added new interaction to stopwatch knob
- Tuned the Main rotor and Tail rotor to fix the NR in autorotation (engine OFF, NR will now increase and require collective input to maintain 410 NR at 60 KIAS), the glide ratio in autorotation (0.54 NM/1000ft at 60 KIAS 410 NR), the pitch control to Vne, the retreating blade stall above Vne, the max cruising speed and the ground handling with tail rotor input on grass surface.
Airship Industries Skyship 600
- Inverted direction of interactions on dampers levers
- Ammeter is now functional and behaves according to its knob
- Added DC screen
- Made GNS430 work when starting in cold and dark
- Fixed Generator warning lights
- Fixed Oil Pressure warning lights
- Reduced the fuel flow scalar to match the expected range and fuel consumption.
- Fixed interior minor lod issue
- Fixed standing passenger
- Adjust engine efficiency to match power at max rpm (255 hp at 5200rpm) and max continuous (230 hp at 4800 rpm).
- Adjust drag to match the expected maximum airspeed.
- Adjust MOI on pitch and yaw for better controllability.
- Fixed gear compression animation when touching ground
- Fixed LOD Issue
- Added “Auto” position to ballonet fan switches
- Fixed too dark barometer glass
- Fixed airship system simulation, and Skyship initial states to avoid chaotic behavior.
- Clock tooltip now shows the offset applied by the user
- Throttle: added detents, associated with a virtual propeller lever
- Made the GPS buttons work like switches and marked them INOP
- Made Vector Supply buttons work as switches and marked them INOP
- Improved stability of the airship
- Added sliders to change the pressure setting of any Airship System valve in the DebugLighterThanAir window
- Set the pressure setting of every ballonet valve to 5.0 (it could be fine tuned)
Boeing 737 MAX 8
- Control surfaces are heavier when facing hydraulic failure
- Heat FXs from engines are now correctly linked to the good engine and not controlled by the behavior of left engine only
- Fix altitude warning playing in cold & dark
- Modified radio knob tooltips to show the current standby frequency
- corrected the name of the Sun Express livery for the aircraft selection
- Fixed flight and landing altitude knob animations
- Fix pilot camera position
- Fixed altitude knob animation
- Added automatic lighting adjustment on spawn to better match the ambient lighting
- Fixed overhead and pedestal screens that were incorectly tied to their section light potentiometer
- Adjusted automatic brightness curve for some screens that were hardly readable under some weather/light conditions
- Fixed XPDR not receiving inputs
- Added Livery SunExpress on 737
- Debugged Livery Korean Air on 737
- Debugged Commercial Static 03 on 737
- Fixed GPU not turning on plane when battery is off
- Fixed avionics fans sound playing at the wrong time
- Fixed an issue on the 737 that prevented its deice system to work properly
- Fixed screens and some avionics powering on when they shouldn’t in cold & dark
- Updated hydraulic system configuration and FLTs to fix low hydraulic fluid readings.
- Fixed external HUD max indicated airspeed to fix the missing crash condition if maximum speed KIAS is exceeded.
- Fixed Transponder button animation
- Added missing lines on MFD/EFIS knobs
- VFX added to B737 to simulate snow blowed by engines when turned in Reverse mode.
- Fixed Left ADF mode knob
- Added new official liveries ( S7 Airlines, Qatar Airways, Alaska Airlines )
- Fixed a few bugs on existing liveries.
- Improved the base plane textures.
- Fixed LNAV & VNAV armed indicators
Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet
- Improved state tooltips for the bleed air knob on the Environmental Control System panel for better understanding
- Added fuel probe extension cockpit controls (removed exterior preflight interaction)
- Fixed position and formation light not working on cruise departure
- Removed some leftover circuits slightly extending battery lifetime without generator supporting it
- LowAltitude Water FX visual (when F/A-18E fly above water) upgraded with vortices effect
- Fixed an issue with right gear pin interaction collision box
- Vapour cone VFX has been upgraded
- Improved the interactions and tooltips on the Air-to-Air Weapon Selection and Sensor Control
- Increased the Fly By Wire high speed roll rate scalar to fix roll rate at mach 0.9 (550 kt).
- Increased some preflight interaction volumes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the F18’s engine not to restart properly after a back on track in one of the training
- Improved tooltips for the sensor control joystick
- Added Bleed air knob position indicator
- Fixed wing light orb floating when wings are stowed
- Fixed missing part in front landing gear
- Modified Panel Light Mode switch to be in Day mode by default, to have a better default screen brightness
- Modified Avionics circuits to be always on, so that screens work when starting from cold and dark
- Fixed missing pins in preflight + auto close on trap doors and ladder
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
- Fixed an issue that caused the C172 Classic Cargo & Aerial Ad. variation to be indicating they used the G1000 avionics
- Linked liveries to presets
- Adjust FLT potentiometer values to improve night spawn visibility
- Added missing text entries for the EFB for the skydiving variation
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000)
- Added Runway dirt layer and fixed rain direction/scale on all fuselage pieces
- Fixed floats variation gear lights turned on in cold and dark departure
- Fixed an issue that caused the C172’s Altimeter strip to be slightly off and linked to the G1000
- Fixed engine cover lods
- Adjusted interior rain tilling
- Fixed camera bug in checklist, engine startup page
- Added leaks dirt layer and fixed AO for floats variations
- Fixed company names and base lines for all cargo liveries
- Update floats/skis/skydive variants thumbnails
- Replaced updated 172 bespoke altimeter by old one in all variations + clean up old altimeter 02 unused glass textures, wrong metallic channel, lack of contrast in albedo and missing knob anim
- Fixed the engine friction to correct the propeller behavior when stopping the engine, even in case of in-flight engine failure.
- Fixed behavior of lighting knobs on the C172 G1000 which in VR used both horizontal movement and rotation to increment/decrement while other knobs only consider rotation.
- [SR][C172] Fix FS07 and FS04 liveries text/stroke, lod issues, overall adaptivity of all liveries…
- [SR][C172s] Fixed floats front wheels suspension animation and adjust contact points accordingly
- [C172] Fixed rudder piece livery cargo 05
Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan Ex
- Pilot and copilot lights switchs have been inverted
- Fixed an issue causing the 208B’s G1000 to be affected by Standby Altimeter Baro Setting
- Added Scientific Cabin
- Airframe LOD4 LOD5 LOD6, strange shadows removed from wings textures.
- Bulbs of flood lights in C208B cockpit are now glowing when lights are turned on
- Livery Medevac Freelance 01, obsolete selection tag deleted.
- Modular structure isues related to navgraph fixed for scientific observation variation.
- Scientific Observation parts added to airframe.
- Fixed Normal maps scale factor too high on airframe.
- Added Seatbelt in Cabin for passengers.
- Fixed Dirt Fx.
- Fixed screen reflectivity wrongly set as metallic for Medic_Ventilator (aircraft object).
- Fixed Nav Lights which were not functional
- Menu Thumbnails updated for Skydiving, Scientific Observation, and Amphibian variations.
- Cargo and Medevac livery color schemes fixed.
- Adjusted autopilot PID’s to fix Dutch roll motion when on autopilot.
- Floats landing gear visual reworked more accurately.
- Fixed seatbelts randomly stretching in mid air.
- Fixed copilot sunvisor bad animation start.
- Fixed missing texture on rear door’s Mud splash FX.
- Removed duplicated remove before flight ribbons
- Added detail map on cockpit
- Added a G1000 version without HDG knob
- Airframe textures improved.
- Fixed Seatbelts clipping with Pilot and Copilot.
- Fixed holes in windshield’s frame geometry.
- Fixed all panel screws being identically rotated.
- Fixed front gear screws clipping with body work.
- Fixed airframe geometry disapearing in the distance.
- Fixed Skydive Cockpit interaction lag for Skydive door control and indicators lights.
- Fixed VR laser pointers not focussing on panel.
- Fixed Yoke not handled by VR controllers.
- Thermal Camera (Sim Attachment) added to scientific variation.
- Added new visual element for the floats variation
- Fixed gear lever position at spawn on runway
CubCrafters X-Cub
- Fixed interior windshield rain
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dim/Bright switch of the XCub Floats variation to be inverted
- Fixed an issue on the Floaters version of the XCub causing the landing gear indicator lights to behave incorrectly.
- Positions of navigation red and green lights have been swapped
- Fixed wings strobe emissive mesh lights color
- Fixed elevator collision not following animation
- Adjusted interior rain tilling
- Fixed missing left brake in wear and tear system
- Fixed landing lights in pulse mode
- Added a new cfg param tailwheel_algo_detection which can be used to let the sim use the new tailwheel detection algorithm already used in the mission constraints to affec the sim.
- Applied to the XCub.
- [XCub] Added laser system under wing for floats variations
- Fixed frost, cockpit holes and liveries bugs (FS 06, aerial ad freelance, rescue freelance)
- Disabled invisible chocks in parking spawn for the ski variant
- Removed a livery with flags being too visible
- Fixed preflight check for big wheels
De Havilland Canada CL-415
- Fixed CL-415 glideslopes indicators that were inverted and ADF 2 that was not showing on the compass
- Fixed fuse glassdoor always open by default
- Fixed wrong value of range displayed in the statistics screen
- Fixed issue on the livery freelance & livery adaptive
- Fixed multiple art issue
- Added dirt & frost
- Fixed issue with down button not working on IIDS glasscockpits
DG Aviation DG-1001E
- Fixed DG1001’s Tail Ballast not updating visually
- Fixed an issue that caused the breakers to behave as single state push buttons
- Fixed an issue causing the DG1001’s Altimeter strip to be slightly off
- Visual upgrades and minor changes way to fall on waterdrop FXs (High and Low speed versions)
- Fixed DG1001 airbrake control not also enabling ground brakes
- Fixed behavior of trim release trigger
- Fixed Audio Volume knob tooltip
- Fixed fire warning test switch
- Fixed the engine and propeller max RPM and power to match real aircraft data.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Toggle Water Ballast shortcut not to close the water ballasts if they are open
- Fixed some tooltips
- Fixed LODs issues on the canopy window and speedbrakes
- Fixed canopy glass lod issue
Diamond DA62
- Bulbs of pilot spot lights now glows when lights are turned on
- New model and textures for DA62 Camera
- Added seatbelts pax in DA62
- Added alternate static in DA62
- Added windows in DA62
- Fixed pedals in DA62
- New position for EFB in DA62
- Fixed pink texture on DA62 scientific variation
- Fixed tilling fabric texture in DA62
- Fixed Last LOD DA62 Livery Official Static 01
- Fixed propellers DA62 feathering
- Fixed animation cockpit DA62 yoke copilot button
- Fixed emissive cockpit DA62 when battery is off
- Fixed position of taxi and landing lights.
- Fixed Fueling nozzle and animation not appearing.
- Cleaned .max and LODs for SDK
- Added sunvisors in cockpit
- Added new screws on glareshield and ceiling
- Fixed seatbelts positions
- Added loads in trunks
- Fixed art windows
- Cleaned 3dsMax for sample SDK
- Added LODs for smoother switch
- Fixed color interior for passenger and scientific variation
- Fixed interior details map (seat, ceiling, alcantara, leather)
- Added a detail map of leather hole
- Added subdivision for LOD00 of all interiors (scientific and passenger)
- Fixed bug UV in interior (seatbelt, seat)
- Cleaned Livery_Static_01
- Fixed missing feathering on LOD03 and LOD06
- Optimized DA62 Airframe for SDK use
- Added new screws on DA62 Airframe
- General Polish on DA62 Airframe
- Debugging on LODs, liveries, frost and dirts of the Diamond DA62
Extra E330LT
- Fixed ELT alarm sound
- Landing light intensity and radius reduced
- Fixed some breakers not working as intented
- Added window interaction
- Removed g3x lower mini sofkeys tooltip
- Fixed starter by adding a relay to add back the breaker on the relay line
- Fixed bug preventing tail wheel and strut wear status to be checked
Guimbal Cabri G2
- Shortened clutch/unclutch time to better fit the references
- Fixed CabriG2 violent nose up movement after skipping to flight conditions.
- Fixed LOD issue with Flightseeing Static 01 Livery
- Fixed clipping cyclic animation
- Added missing tooltips on transponder and EPM screen
- Navigation lights white are now correctly turned on by navigation switch
- Fixed several typo issues
- Fixed variometer
- Added yawtring holder
- Fixed LOD issues
- Specified the EFB aircraft size category to “small”
- Fixed rotor friction torque for rotor to stop when shutting down the engine.
- Fixed AS650 glasscockpit having two instances instead of one.
- Fixed small color mismatch in Flightseeing_Adaptive_01
- added Backup ADI – Map Light☻ breaker
- Fixed Livery_Static_01 LOD issue
- Fixed emissive wrongly appearing in cockpit
- Added Flight Seeing 15 Adaptive
Heart Aerospace ES-30
- Landing lights added on ES-30 + Taxi light switch now controls light on the landing gear at the front
- Added a new fixed external camera under the belly of the aircraft
- Fixed GPU not available in gate departure
- Fixed landing light not extinguished when retracting gears
- Fixed some interior lighting issues
- Added aileron and rudder trim controls
- Added magnetic compass
- Fixed horizontal stabilizer trim animation
- Added interactions for aileron trim control and rudder trim control on the pedestal
- Added highlights for the landing gear indicators in the checklist
- Added propeller pitch animation
- Added horizontal stabilizer trim animation
- Added Fuselage landing light
- Fixed various minor lod issues
- Station loads were mispelled in the EFB Mass & Balance app
- Added EIS page on G5000 MFD
- Added aircraft Icon on G5000 MFD
- Fixed UI parameter value in aircraft characteristics screen
- Added inoperative tag to some tooltips
- Fixed Taxi light being visible through the airframe when gears are up
- [Changed autopilot IAS (indicated airspeed) mode to FLC (flight level change) mode
- Added missing animations for the joysticks of the GTCs of the Garmin G5000
- Fixed and improved weight and balance pages
- Modified max capactity of fuel tanks
- Fixed a bug that could cause faulty spawn of the aircraft in the hangar screen before a mission
- Fixed the position at spawn of the cabin altitude knob
- Made cockpit HUD interactions inoperative because the system is not functional yet
- Added missing highlight of the autopilot panel in the checklist
Hot Air Balloon
- Fixed fuel gauges incorrect indications
- Fixed position of the fuselage in the flight model - Other minor improvements to flight model // Modified shape of the fuselage // Modified station load positions
- [SR][HAB] Fixed fuel hose T connector
- Fixed hot air ballons being deflated in the configuration menu.
Hot Air Balloon FlyDOO
- Fuel spray effect added when using the burner without a flame
- Battery capacity on VTU screen was showing 0 due to a simvar name mispelled
- Added minor improvements to flight model
- [SR][FLYDOO] Fixed strap interpenetration with battery
- Added minor improvement to tooltips
- Fixed the visual cue of the parachute valve control line pointing in the wrong direction
Aircraft Core Systems
Electricity system
- Quick access window upgrades:
- Added a ‘Power setting’ column in the circuits section
- Moved explicative text in a button in the menu bar
- Improved columns readability by greying out some values when they are at 0
- Replaced huge values in diodes voltages tooltip in the lines tab with ‘INF’
- Added new parameter for AC suppliers: TensionDropRPM
- Giving this parameter will change the way AC suppliers produce tension:
- Above the given value, VRMS will be used as outputed tension.
- Under the given value, the outputed tension will be linearly decreased from VRMS to 0.
- Also, if this parameter is given, the system will ignore others based on frequency, such as:
- Frequency
- Phase
- ReferenceFrequency
- ReferenceRPM
- NumberOfPoles
- Fixed an issue that causes the panel light and the landing light to be linked on aircraft that are using the non-modular electrical system
- Fixed line state buttons in relays quick access window not working in some cases.
- Debug window fixes and quality of life improvements
- Fixed crash when opening list of powered consumers in a supplier details panel, circuits and relays are now displayed in separated lists
- Allow item selection across all columns in quick access lists
- Add new columns (Tension, Power, number of suppliers) to relays quick access informations
- Added circuit type filter in circuits quick access debug window.
- Made columns in lines and breakers debug window tabs hideable.
- Fixed suppliers load sharing issues (blinking displays in some aircraft overhead)
- Added some informations in the debug quick access window
- Average load, average tension and power for suppliers
- Tension, Power and number of suppliers for the circuits
- Power for the buses
- The debug window can now be opened without needing the behaviors debug window to be opened aswell.
- Fixed external power not outputing any tension when of AC type.
- Fixed load sharing issues with batteries.
- Improved electrical system debug window with better button displays in the quick access panel
- Added informations in the connectibles details (right part of main panel), lists of suppliers powering a consumer or a list of consumers powered by a supplier are now available via a new menu
Failure / Wear & Tear
- Fixed brakes efficiency on generel aviation when brakes are weak
- Disabled Wear and Tear shock when Turbine engine went over 100 RPM - Torque is used for turbines instead
Fuel System
- Fixed issue causing lines after junctions to ignore fuelflow settings
Pneumatic & ECS System
- Fixed Pneumatic Area Temperature Simvar access
- Added “ManagedAreas” to Pack definition, allowing to specify which area(s) a Pack should take into account for temperature management. With no area specified, all areas will be managed. Fixed an issue where Pneumatic Valve would not load custom PID values.
Glass Cockpits
- M803 - Added possibility to reference voltage value in the panel.xml configuration.
- [SR][Digital_Clock_803] Boost screen emission valu
- Made the backlight parameter from panel.cfg support 2 as a value, which when enabled allows the emissive’s value to be dynamically modified (i.e. by some XML logic).
- Fixed onSoundEnd() BaseInstrument callback being called on sound start
- Fixed checklist highlight alignement for VCockpit with placement offset.
- Fixed screens not able to be externalized for instruments GNS430/530, ADF 87, AutoPilot 140, Transponder AS76C
- Fixed an issue that caused touch enabled glasscockpits to be inoperative when a ModelBehavior interaction was behind the screen
G1000 NXI
- Fixed range +/- inversion
- Fixed G1000 missing outer nav knob animation
- G1000_Audiopannel, fixed LED LODs disapearing too quickly with the distance.
- Fixed issue with G1000 having a circle instead of a plane icon on the MFD map.
- Fixed texture LOD03 MPA G1000 Audio Panel
GNS 430/GNS 530
- Modified range button interaction to split zoom in and out
- Fixed LX9070 glasscockpit broken UI when flying the DG1001
- Fixed front friction formula of water to account for local relative speed.
- Improvements of thermals in turbulence system.
- Fixed a bug in turbulence system that was generating agressive turbulence.
- Fixed several aerodynamics backwards compatibility issues with drag.
Flight System
Flight planning
- Adjusted the segment following the first point of the leg after takeoff (blue ribbon) allowing airliners to reach a clean speed before resuming the climb
- Flight planning edition was locked after doing a medevac mission in the main menu / free flight
Aircraft Engine
Piston engine
- Fixed an issue that prevented props of piston based aircraft from autofeathering despite setting the required cfg params.
- Fixed the maximum mass of cargo loads in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu so that it matches the configured value
- Added the possibility to add/remove the copilot in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Fixed the collision size of the hide button on the EFB Tablet
- Added a horizontal layout for the EFB home page when it is in landscape mode
- Fixed the empty mass that was not showed in the mass and balance empty tab of the Aircraft app when the player is in career
- Fixed an issue that caused Liquid Tanks settings from the EFB set while in the world map to be ignored when starting a free flight.
- Added a new battery display in the electrical tab of the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Fixed the Pilot book hours display overflow when reaching 24 hours
- Added the aircraft size category (small/medium/large) retrieved either via the Aircraft JS Listener or the aircraft XML config to the mass & balance menu of the Aircraft app
- Fixed the fuel/liquid tanks mass synchronization with the tab quick fill & total mass in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Fixed the format of the distributed load quantities in career mode in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Fixed the stylesheet of the alerts displayed when the configuration cannot be loaded in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Fixed the optional checkpoint tags stylesheet in the Aircraft app checklists
- Fixed the “no notification” message stylesheet
- Added an Aircraft Information page in the Aircraft app
- Fixed wrong headwind calculation in the Aircraft App flight performance page
- Added the possibility to close the EFB panel on hover like any other panel with the approriate input shortcut
- Added a scroll on hover of any too-long load item title in the Aircraft app mass & balance menu
- Added an informative message when no checkpoints (given a level of details) are available within a checklist in the Aircraft app
- Fixed an issue where seat positions could be incorrect or seat shapes might be missing due to an unresolved asynchronous call
- Chart images are now loading in the EFB
- Fixed unit conversion issues that could cause heavy freezes within the EFB settings app
- JS_MassAndBalanceListener.cpp getCGData method now provides also the aircraft category
- EFB Mass and balance: added get and set for the mass per section
- TTButton: Replaced title class by bold text + Slider: mouse wheel fixed for vertical sliders
- Updated the EFB mass and balance listener to refresh seat data when a passenger is removed.
- Addeb ability to display fauna heat maps on EFB during World Photographer missions
- Fixed heading value format to be prefixed with zeroes when value is inferior to 100° for more clarity.
- Fixed aircraft thumbnail background not being transparent in the aircraft app main menu
- Fixed mission layer being cropped in other resolutions than 1920x1080
Aircraft Tech
- Fixed CAMERADEFINITION VarToggle_EX1 visibility not reset when changing camera
- Fixed HUD projection direction frame delay
Model Behavior
- Fixed signed integer overflow in rpn integer parsing when converting from double
- Fixed Asobo_IT_Altitude_Indicator_Template not allowing altimeter indications below 0ft
- Modified Asobo_Gauge_Animation_Parameters to allow specifying a GAUGE_VALUE_PERCENT directly
- Fixed FSX animated tooltip are not working
- Modified Asobo_Count_Token_In_Save_Helper to work similarly to Asobo_Count_Token_Helper instead of counting the total number of parameters in a save
- Fixed a bug that made some screens flicker after a restart on interaction exit due to some materials not being flagged as html render target
- Fixed frequency presets which were no longer functionning in MSFS2024
- Fixed frequency presets parsing from crashing the build package process
- Fixed an issue that caused nodes linked to a Asobo_GT_Interaction_NoInteraction template to intercept glasscockpit interactions.
- Fixed an issue that caused some aircraft’s Turn Coordinator to move instantly from min to max
- Delay the compilation of all behaviors scripts waiting for input events to all be registered
- Asobo_IT_Hourmeter_Indicator_Template now carry digits instead of continuously rotating
- Separated ball and needle anim lag in Asobo_IT_Turn_Indicator_Template
- Added support for wrappable knobs to the Asobo_EX1 templates using the WRAPPING_INTERACTION parameter
- Make use of new throttle idle key events to Asobo_Get_Throttle_Key_Events_To_Intercepts as the THROTTLE_CUT keys have been re-used for going to the previous detent
- Added legacy control scheme to FS2024 template interactions (FSX like interactions)
- Fixed cursor center radius debug to display more decimals
- Added a toggle for the interaction model in the behavior viewer
- Modified Asobo_Get_Throttle_Key_Events_To_Intercepts to add individual throttle detents bindings using existing key event.
- This feature is automatically enabled when the template is used with a list of Input_Detents but can be disabled by setting USE_INDIVIDUAL_THROTTLE_RANGE_LOCK to False to keep the old behavior
- Add HOLD_TO_STAY_IN_MOMENTARY_POSITION (defaults to false) to add to the interaction GET_SETTINGS return parameters to have the momentary position return back to neutral when the position is not held (input in neutral position) when using the relative position (controllers).
- Fixed a bug with InputEvent parameters of type number or string not taking dynamic parameters and pre computable code into account resulting in the wrong value getting serialized in the compiled file and used at runtime
Modular Aircraft
- Added attachment_guid to the SIM_ATTACHMENT section of attached_object.cfg. This parameter is a exclusive with attachment_root & attachment_file and allows loading models from the model lib
Aircraft Gameplay
- Fixed default position for SPAWN_EXTERIOR now calculated with aircraft’s size when not edited
- Fixed multiple fades when spamming LB+B
- Added a check to not go out of the aircraft if it’s moving too much
- Fixed checklist not reset when changing to an aircraft that does not have one
- Fixed empty clue incorrectly showing up as error
- Make relative path functional when used with IncludeCheckpointLibrary
External HUD
- Fixed vertical speed value that could rise to Infinity on long frames
- Added Binding TOOLS QUICK PREFLIGHT which removes the covers from the aircraft
- Added interaction Preflight\Simple_preflight_interaction_interior.xml to handle interior interactions as avatar
- Added a link between the avatar’s input and the aircraft’s input to be able to quick finish preflight as avatar
- Fixed the “remove before flight” material that was very dark in the shade, due to AO being black instead of white
Passive Aircraft
- P2008 removed place holder LOD05 because it caused a pink visual
- P2010 removed place holder LOD05 because it caused a pink visual
- Fixing ICAO airline on:
- 737 800 AeroMexico,
- 737 800 Korean airlines,
- 737 800 Malaysia airlines,
- 737 800 Sun Express,
- 737 900 Korean Air,
- 737 900ER Korean Air,
- 737 Max 8 Alaskan Airlines,
- 737 Max 8 Korean Air,
- 737 Max 8 Qatar Airways,
- 737 Max 8 Sun Express,
- 737 Max 9 AeroMexico,
- A321 Neo Iberia
- Adding some passive aircraft to be visible as parked aircraft on:
- A220 family
- A320 family
- A330 family
- A350 family
- A380 family
- ATR family
- B737 family
- B747 family
- B757 family
- B777family
- B787 family
- E170 family
- E190 family
- E195 E2
- Fixed Condor Airlines liveries for A320 Neo, A320 Ceo, A321 Neo, A321 Ceo and B757-300 passive aircraft
- Fixed LODs on several passive aircraft
- Added new liveries for A330-300, A330-200 and A330-900 passive aircraft: Condor Airlines, Discover, Korean Air and Malaysia Airlines + add Korean Air livery for B747-8i passive aircraft
- A220/320/350/ATR/737/747/767/777 families:
- Added some optionnal missing information on several passive aircraft flight_model.cfg files
- Cleaned contact points on several passive aircraft
- Fixed Malaysia Airlines wingtips logo orientation on A330-300 Passive Aircraft
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft :
- Citation Mustang
- Visual Improvements on the following passive aircraft (added Parallax hublots, cleaned AO, added Registration Number, fixed propellers not turning, corrected LODs and more):
- Embraer Family (Phenom 100 / 300, Legacy 500, Praetor 500 / 600)
- Northrop Grumman Family (AA1, AA5, E2, T38)
- American Champion Family (BL8, CH7B)
- Maule Family (M7, MT7, M9)
- Beechcraft King Air Family (200, 260, 350i, 360ER)
- Beechcraft Family (18 Twin Beech, 19 Musketeer Sport, 23 Musketeer, 23-24 Musketeer Super III, 24 Sierra, 45 Mentor, 50 Twin Bonanza, 60 Duke, 65 / 70 / 80 / 88 Queen Air, 76 Duchess, 77 Skipper, 95 Travel Air, 99 Commuter)
- Generic Aircraft (Airliner 2 and 4 engines, Piston 1 and 2 engines, Turbo 1 and 2 engines, Jet 2 engines, Hot Air Balloon)
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation Longitude
- Cessna O-1 BirdDog :
- Added registration number
- Fixed AO quality and lods
- Fixed propeller and light meshes
- Beechcraft 1900 and Cessna T50
- Added registration number
- Fixed AO quality and lods
- Fixed propeller and light meshes
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation Latitude
- Cessna T303 Crusader
- Fixed propeller
- Added registration number
- Fixed minor LOD issue
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation III
- Citation VI
- Citation VII
- Cessna C208 and C208 B all variants
- Added registration number
- Fixed AO quality, light meshes and propeller blur
- Fixed minor LOD issue
- Baron 55, 56TC, 58 and G58
- Added Registration Number
- Fixed Propeller, AO Quality and Light meshes
- Bonanza 33, 35, A36, G36
- Added registration number
- Fixed AO Quality and light meshes
- Fixed Propeller
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation I
- Citation II
- Citation V
- Added registration number, fixed emissive meshes.
- AT6 + T6 TEXAN 2 :
- Added registration number and light meshes
- Fixed propeller
- Improved AO quality and LOD
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation XLS
- Citation XLS+
- Visual Improvements on the following passive aircraft:
- (Added Parallax hublots, cleaned AO, added Registration Number, fixed propellers not turning, corrected LODs and more)
- Diamond Family (Da20, Da40, Da42, Da62, D-Jet)
- Pilatus Family (PC6, PC12, PC24)
- Mc Douglas Family (MD 10-10F / 30F, MD 11-F, MD 88, MD 90-30)
- Saab Family (S340B, S2000)
- Cirrus Family (SR20, SR22, SR22T, SF50)
- De Havilland Family (DHC-8 100 / 200 / 300 / 400)
- Textron Family (Bell 204 / 205 / 212 / 214 / 222 / 230 / 430 / 412 / 427 / 429 / 429WLG / 505 JET RANGER X)
- Robinson Family (R22, R44, R66)
- Tecnam Family (P2002, P92, P2004, P2006, P2008, P2010, P2012)
- Daher Family (TBM 930, Kodiak)
- Extra (330)
- Visual Improvement (AO, Parallax Hublots, LODs, Registration Number, Propellers) of the following aircraft:
- Citation CJ1
- Citation CJ1+
- Citation CJ2
- Citation CJ2+
- Citation CJ3
- Citation CJ3+
- Citation CJ4
- Citation M2
- Visual improvements on the B757 passive aircraft (B757-200, B757-200SF and B757-300): upgrade shadows quality, LODs transition, lighting and propeller blur effect
- Following improvements for the B747 passive aircraft family: cabins visible through the windows, improvements of the shadows quality, set up of the different lights and improvement of the LODs transition
- Added graphic improvements on B747-400 passive aircraft: lights display at night, cabin is now visible through the windows, improvement of the shadows and LODs transition quality
- All passive Boeing aircraft:
- Improved AO quality and LOD
- Added registration number
- Added light meshes
- Added parallax hublots
- All passive Airbus aircraft:
- Improved AO quality and LOD
- Added registration number
- Added light meshes
- Added parallax hublots
- Added Malaysia Airlines livery for B737 Max 8 passive aircraft
- Boeing 737 900 ER Korean Airlines - Livery has been attached to the correct variation to prevent visual issue
- Boeing 767 300 ER / 767 300 ERF - Added contact points that were missing on the wingtips
- Added a passive generic helicopter
- Add registration numbers for B747 passive aircraft family (B747-8F, B747-8i, B747-400, B747-400BDSF, B747-400ERF, B747-400F)
- Several improvements on the B767 family of passive aircraft: better quality on shadows, better transitions between LODs, improvement of the lighting, add cabins parallax for the windows, add registration numbers
- Airbus A330 and A340 Family
- Fixed registration number
- Airbus A220, A310 and A320 family
- Fixed registration number
- Boeing 737 Family
- Added registration number for all liveries
- Added Aeromexico and Korean Air liveries for the following passive aircraft: B787 Family
- Fixed LODs issues and add lights to Dreamlifter freight loader vehicle
- Fixed LODs issues for Truck Utility
- Fixed many vehicle bugs to improve LODs and behaviors
- Passive Bus Modern livery and LODs fixed.
- Fixed translation for Advanced options in World Map filters
- Fixed translations in insurance unlock popups
- Added a popup to indicate when a new head quarter is unlocked
- Changed cradle missions to be visible when the worldmap is in freelancer mode
- Fixed amount of fuel given for Cabri G2 during Commercial Pilot License - Rotorcraft certification.
- Added Missions filters for difficulty and specializations
- Added popup on disabled button create compagny when trying to create a company for a specialization that you haven’t played the cradle
- Credit earned in a mission is now displayed on the briefing
- Added numbers to aircraft components with the same name in the aircraft management screen
- Changed the Salvage Coverage popup to clarify the information
- Added reminder of aircraft name and type in the flightplan, briefing and pause screens
- Fixed icon not being a rotorcraft when hovering a freelance mission using rotorcraft and not having any on site
- Added proper texts for the technician in the aircraft management screen
- Added fuel management on employee missions
- Changed “Abandoning aircraft” mission failure to a simple notification displaying input to go back to aircraft
- Added minimal maintenance feature to quickly repair only vital component on aircraft after a crash.
- Added a popup at the end of certification flights to indicate that you successfully passed the certification
General Bug Fixes
- Added a specific error popup when trying to transfer a grounded aircraft
- Fixed aircraft store sometimes displaying the world in the background
- Added an specific error message when trying to buy the 1001st aircraft
- Fixed wrong aircraft flight time displayed in passive income screen
- Fixed Wear&Tear category states not being representative of the overall state of their components
- Fixed incorrect remaining time displayed on exotic missions cards when the actual remaining time exceeds 24h
- Fixed Account History screen not showing Passive Income details
- Fixed an infinite loading when writing a very long company name in the company naming screen
- Fixed unrelated aircraft unlocked shown in the aircraft unlock popup after passing a certification
- Fixed instructor displayed instead of the mentor’s name in the aircraft store onboarding
- Fixed the number of completed missions displayed in the career statistics screen
- Added scrolling text when hovering truncated text in Specialization section
- Fixed auto scrolling text to subtitles when introducing career features
- Added icon for overstressed components in management check-up
- Fixed gamepad navigation locked when in configurator screen while buying brand new aircraft.
- Fixed “Aircraft with crew” and “Aircraft to check up” counters in the company overview screen
- The delivery screen when buying an aircraft and the aircraft transfer screen now show available missions compatible with that aircraft
- Fixed fuel allert not activating when not having enought fuel
- Fixed aircraft name behing different between the aircraft store and the company fleet
- Fixed weather layer not available in career worldmap
- Fixed wrong aircraft displayed in aircraft store when coming from mission
- Fixed company edit name button not working in density tab
- Fixed reset career not disabled when security checkbox is unchecked
- Fixed the insurance salvage coverage popup not showing after a crash when the insurrance covers 100% of it
- Fixed mission briefing page sometimes showing outdated weather information
- Fixed error occurring after suspending the game on Xbox
- Fixed mouse interaction when failing a career mission while in character mode
- Fixed incorrect component wear rate in the aircraft management screen
- Fixed the high end aircraft sometimes not showing in the company licence details screen
- Fixed incorrect wear and tear status on second hand aircraft
- Fixed transfer aircrat from worldmap using gamepad
- Fixed missions not starting at the date and time indicated in the briefing
- Fixed unexpected server error occurring when playing a mission at midnight
- Fixed back on track position during fly around phase
- Fixed copilot fuel warning in cargo missions.
- Allowed a larger landing radius around the airport
- Fixed the step “Announce clear runway” that prevented Player from reaching the maximum score on Airline Porcedure objective.
- Removed the ATC step asking to contact the Airport at Arrival if there’s no Control Tower.
- Fixed calculator values rested on swtich from avatar to plane
- Fixed an issue with ATC steps no longer completing if player exited the aircraft after turning the engine on
- Added aviator performance for engine overtorque
- Fixed “Landing smoothness” scoring not displayed on reward screen
- Fixed multiple textual mistakes throughout career and certifications
- Fixed “Enter runway” step displayed when taking off from an helipad
- Fixed incomplete preflight and incomplete loading failures that could be triggered by mistake
- Added landing smoothness aviator performance in every certification but PPL
- Fixed mission validation when the aircraft stranded on the tarmac
- Fixed “Exceeded max fps at touchdown” penalty triggered during landing phase
- Fixed initial climb validation when taking off from an helipad
- Fixed parking announcement scoring.
- Removed holdshort step when landing on helipad
- Added ambulance at the arrival airport for medical missions.
- Fixed meals dialog playing twice
- Fixed taxi ribbon assistance being locked in career mode
- Fixed path brackets being tied to the wrong assistance (taxi ribbon instead of flight path)
- Fixed visual waypoint assistance not working as intended
- Fixed aircraft able to move during the RTC of the career’s missions
- Put back the avatar into the aircraft after walking away during the familiarization flight’s takeoff
- Fixed double ATC steps that appear simultaneous
- Fix ATC procedure score,which can sometimes be negative
- Fixed aviator performance “undesignated landing area” sometimes triggering when following the flight ribbon
- Fixed multiple textual mistakes throughout career and certifications
- Fixed aviator performance on take off that was triggered instantly with rotorcrafts when using the “skip” feature
- Fixed mission failure when crashing with no fuel on a helicopter
- Fixed an issue where player could instantly fail the clearance steps after landing
- Fixed mission title not translated in the mission briefing screen
- Fixed Back-on-track during Cruise phase for Cargo Transport and Ferry Flight specializations
- In trainings, certifications and career missions, changed the validation for the extending and retracting gears steps, so the step is displayed green as soon as the player pressed the prompted button, and not after the gears fully changed position.
- Added aviator performance for undesignated landing area
- Added RTC selection depending on aircraft’s wingspan
- Fixed step description indicating wrong input for rotor brake activation
Aerial Advertising
- Added step for closing hook during banner retrieving phase
Aerial Construction (Rotorcraft)
- Added copilot in aircraft
- Added missing dialogs during pickup
Aerial Firefighting - Extended Attack
- Fixed chrono scoring in firefighting
Cargo Transport - Hook (Rotorcraft)
- Added dialog variations for intro, cruise and cruise back
Familiarization Flight
- Fixed a step that displayed a misleading binding
- Fixed an issue were irrelevant levant steps and notifications were shown while playing in VR
- Fixed Visual Assistances issues such as inability to control Flight Path assistance
- Added landing feedback dialog
- Fixed step “climb to” that did not disappear even after requesting a reroute
- Fixed obsolete in game marker displayed in some Medevac missions
- Fixed mission flow not continuing when ATC was speaking at the same time as medical crew before patient check.
- Fixed “Retract landing gears” step appearing during descent phase.
Search & Rescue
- Fixed Skip to search area blocked by dialogs
- Modified distance to validate bush landing
- Fixed wrong dialog during belly landing flow
- Fixed rescue cinematic playing twice
- Added search area display in pause menu
- Added automatic detection when the player did not detect the target but remained nearby for a long time
- Fixed feedback for landing smoothness aviator performance triggered during skip to landing
- Fixed rescuer not entering in the aircraft during hoist phase
- Changed spawn position after crash to face the target
- Added shrinking search area after a certain amount of research time
- Added dialog variations for incorrect victim detection
Search & Rescue - Hoist (Rotorcraft)
- Added target kneeling animation when on liferaft
- Changed area detection to start hoisting
- Changed hoist actions to improve mission’s flow
- Added dialogs when detecting the wrecked boat to remind that the objective is to find the lifeboat
- Fixed cabin service state after back on track during hoist
- Fixed hoist step not validating before leaving hover area
- Fix back on track not teleporting the target
- Add visual feedback for hover area
- Add step to show rescuer proximity to target
Skydive Aviation
- Fixed back on track when crashing during jumprun
- Fixed flightplan’s descent rate
- Fixed an issue where the score for following the flightplan was sometimes unfair
- Added taxi speeding aviator performance to certifications
- Fixed an issue where brackets were not displayed after back on tracks
- Fixed an issue where step “maintain altitude” was validated too easily
- Fixed wrong mission failure screen shown when crashing in missions which start in the air
- Fixed proximity to flightplan scoring
- Fixed flightplans in EFB and minimap
- Added the desired flow state when teleporting a player to fix the trim issue after teleport
ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot License
- Fixed an issue where players were never prompted to extend their gears and where it was impossible to get a full score for maintaining the correct altitude
- Fixed full throttle step not dissapearing on validation
CPL - Commercial Pilot Lisence - Rotorcraft
- Changed landing flow to ask players to leave the runway before shutown
IFR - instrument rating
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to have the maximum score for respecting the flightplan altitudes
- Fixed aviator performance when landing on the right runway
- Fixed an issue with CDI and transponder not configured properly
- Fixed wrong positioning of the first marker of the flight path
Jet transport airliner rating
- Fixed an issue where the step “maintain altitude at 3000 ft” was not validated correctly
- Fixed an issue where restarting the certification would trigger an aviator performance for overspeed
- Fixed Visual Assistances to make them managable from the Settings
Multi-engine rating
- Fixed an issue where players using devices binded to the engine 1 master switch would fail the certification because the engine was restarted by the device
Rotorcraft hoist
- Updated and fixed flow as in Rescue mission
Rotorcraft hook
- Changed drop area size to prevent dropping the cargo in the air.
Scoop endorsement
- Fixed an issue where the step “drop water” was displaying the wrong input
- Removed not related to water operations training from the Scoop certification page
Turboprop engine rating
- Added a short introduction to the new overtoque aviator performance
- Changed step for reverse thrust to display the correct input
Turboprop transport airliner rating
- Fixed an issue where player might pitch down and validate the step “fly straight and level”, making it impossible to stall before reaching the next waypoint
- Fixed an issue where player did not have to complete the stall manoeuver to get a full score
Online Services
- Added an error message when trying to join a group that is already full
- Fixed sliding plane in multiplayer when the pilot leaves the cockpit
- Improved multiplayer planes position and movements on the worldmap.
- Fixed career title on main menu staying locked after the end of a planned maintenance
- Fixed an issue where friends’ aircraft sometimes did not appear on the World Map
- Fixed Accessibility layer in Weather
- Fixed an issue where incorrect METARs were used instead of the METARs for the currently selected time
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when using the historic weather slider
- Moved StreamedPackages to installation path next to Community and Official folders
- Fixed a few cases introducing blur in aerials.
- Aerials no longer use supersampling option, they are now always sharp.
- Replaced the ice outline around frozen shores with ice floes
- Enabled lakes freezing under very low temperatures
- Fixed some artifacts on terrain textures
- Removed Giant Trees from corrupted TIN Areas.
- Improved the blending system between tile LODs, improving the visual quality while reducing popping
- Improved snow effect on worldmap
- VFX for landings on grass are now correctly triggered on all grass surfaces
- Fixed night lights distortion on tall TIN buildings
- Fixed ground texture aliasing regression
- Fixed holes in coastal cliffs that could be present when close to the camera
- Fixed terrain lods that could be suddenly reduced to bare minimum when zooming in while in altitude
- Improved peformance of procedural rocks.
- Fixed land strip / ice appearing at junction of two water bodies alongside some other rare water bodies issues.
- Fixed POI integrations in London and surroundings
- Optimised number of streamed DEM tiles
- Added an option to streetlights in 3dsMax to have the lens-flare effect as well.
- Fixed loading issues in the Sahara desert
- Improved transition between ground and water in snowy areas
- Amboise Castle - Vegetation updated to the FS2024 3D vegetation system.
- Fixed a few cases introducing blur in aerials.
- Aerials no longer use supersampling option, they are now always sharp.
- Fixed old GroundServices pilots to use old version of 2020
- Airport activity page swap From and To airports
- Fixed buildings occasionally spawing too close to a runway
- Added a frequency preset to gyrolights rotation making the rotation smoother even when far away
- Blinking airport lights are now more reactive when TAA is active
- Fixed being sometimes teleported to another helipad after the RTC in freeflight
- Fixed helipad start heading not being used for departure
- Exclude generated buildings from taxiways
- Fixed low resolution visual artefacts on airport aprons and runways that could be visible when the sun was low
- Exclude trees from parking spots & taxipathes
- Fixed incorrect read of BGL ICAO when the ident is more than 6 characters.
- Fixed some airport lights spawning with flare but without mesh support.
- Fixed jetway links not being connected to jetways
- Fixed airport lights not supporting multiples meshes or root orientation.
- Fixed strobe pole rotation.
- Fixed grass render distance
- Added one or two low to medium-height trees or bushes to most forest biomes to soften forest edges. While this may make the undergrowth appear denser, the change prioritizes the pilot’s perspective over a hiker’s view
- Higher ratio of deciduous species in Temperate_Mixed_Cities biome
- Moved Western Great Lakes forests from Deciduous to Mixed Cold North America
- Reduced ratio of Acer Rubrum Mixed Cold North America
- Moved Southeast US conifer savannas in Temperate_Evergreen_Cities Biome and removed any tropical look and feel tree in that Biome + reduced trees density and average height
- Reduced a bit dominance of Sylvestris for more pleasant forest overview in Conifer Warm Evergreen Biome
- Created a larger version of Artemisia for Steppe Biome to replace deciduous-look and feel species in that cold Biome
- Added a City Biome for Steppa Ecoregion for more deciduous trees than Semi-Desert City Biome
- Added some Deciduous Salix Cinerea to Steppe Biome
- Added a Biome for Canary Islands with appropriate altitude gradient
- Fixed too much vegetation at high altitudes in Moors Biome (Celtic broadleaf forests Ecoregion)(Vegetation detection need improvement in the future to be even more accurate)
- Created Conifer_Cold_CaledonConifer Biome for Caledon conifer forests Ecoregion with more accurate altitude gradient of trees (Vegetation detection need improvement in the future to be even more accurate)
- Fixed Cedrus Lebanon biome incorrect trees distribution. Reduced height of Cedrus. Reduced olea exagerated foliage ColorOffset desaturation and brightness
- Scrub, ScrubSmall, ScrubInsteadOfTrees and some other KH missing Biomes retrocompatibility
- Use of more appropriate Species to better stick to KH species size
- Slightly reduce size of bigger Artemisia models (also used in FS2024 biomes)
- Created small “variations” of Calophyllum, Senegalia and Eucalyptus for Scrub biome
- Fixed an exagerated yellowish Color variation on Senegalia
- Also added other missing KH Biomes to prevent later issue reports
- Fixed plants fading being too visible
- Split Mixed_Cold_AlpsAndPyrenees into one biome for Alps and one biome for Pyrenees to have a higher altitude limit of trees in Alps. The original deprecated Biome Mixed_Cold_AlpsAndPyrenees is now Fallback Biome (no Ecoregion associated) in case already used by 1st Parties
- Fixed a Flickering issue occuring on one Doulas Fir mesh
- Set more accurate biome to the following ecoregions :
- Pernambuco interior forests
- Maranhão Babaçu forests
- Mato Grosso tropical dry forests
- Caatinga
- Improved the AraucariaMoistForest Ecoregion biome.
- Improved the Cerrado Ecoregion biome.
- Fixing forest sometimes having square patches
- Fixed vegetation not spawning in some areas where aerial are blurry.
- Added Crops types in Tropical and Subtropical Biomes to get more variety.
- Fixed grass disappearing when they’re additional windows
- Fixed transitions between biomes were sometimes too abrupt.
- Removed grass, plants and rocks from tin’s blobs
Air Traffic
- Fixed aircraft occupying the same parking space as other aircraft
- Fixed aircraft spawning on the player at gates
- Fixed aircraft taxiing in the air
- Fixed aircraft not facing the right direction when spawning parked
- Fixed aircraft taking off and landing on both sides of the runway simultaneously (in most cases)
- Added pilot/copilot in NPC planes
- Fixed AI traffic ships and aircraft not spawning correctly when using offline traffic settings.
Marine Traffic
- Node count restriction for NPC boats
Road Traffic
- Fixed the steering animation for buses and shuttles ground vehicles
- Improved LOD switching and livery editable coloring.
- Shuttle 02 animations, liveries, LOD switching improved.
- Shuttle 01: improved animations, liveries and LODs management.
- Added new info on Library items when Unverified, Currently Incompatible, or Permanently Incompatible
- Fixed an issue where going into the top right toolbar would not properly indicate the hint to go back in the input bar
Virtual Reality
- Fixed an issue causing some attached interations to not block the VR ray in some cases
- Fixed an issue causing hidden yokes to still affect the VR rays
- Fixed mission steps not displaying VR controller icons
- Removed the “VR Compatibility” popup
- Fixed UI inputs broken after using the certification tree
- Fixed in game panels position and size not saved in VR
- Fix invisible in game panels when exiting VR mode
- Fixed grouped missions on worldmap impossible to select in VR
- Holding the yoke will now disable its highlight.
- Fixed no free cam control with VR controllers default profiles
- Fixed not being able to rotate the player character left/right during preflight with VR controllers default profiles
- Fixed VR graphic preset LOW not setting rocks, grass and plants to a lower setting
- Fixed holding and dragging a list should not click on the selected tile
- Fixed right VR controllers missing default input profiles for some headsets
- Fixed an issue preventing the Yoke Controller from working after leaving the pause screen
- Improved the gesture detection for lever & Knobs interactions
- Fixed an issue preventing the Yoke Controller from working properly in VR for the Skyship
- Fixed “Ready to fly” button not clickable in VR
- Fixed in game panels position and size not saved when going to the pause menu
- Fixed missing scrolling in menus with right joysticks on VR controllers
- Fixed inverted “IN-FLIGHT UI PANEL - ZOOM AXIS” on VR controllers
- Added “QUICK PREFLIGHT” action which instantly complete the preflight on press
- Added movement of text cursor with gamepad stick and dpad as well as keyboard arrows in textboxes
- Fixed “COCKPIT QUICKVIEW LEFT/RIGHT” actions resetting the camera to the “Pilot” position when released
- Added “THROTTLE IDLE” action which sets all throttles to idle position (actions for individual throttles have also been added)
- Updated “THROTTLE 1/2/3/4 CUT/FULL” actions into “THROTTLE 1/2/3/4 PREVIOUS/NEXT DETENT”
- Fixed quickview actions triggering over “Next/Previous Instrument View” when in instrument camera.
- Fixed vertical camera movement blocked in cursor mode while the “TOGGLE COCKPIT VIEW FREELOOK (HOLD)” action is active
- Mapped “SMOKE TOGGLE” action to a varierty of peripherals on the same input as mission actions (Spray, Grapple hook, …)
- New default input profiles for Combatstick USB
- New default input profiles for MFD COUGAR Left
- New default input profiles for MFD COUGAR Right
- New default input profiles for PFT-PUMA
- New default input profiles for TCA YOKE BOEING (XBox)
- New default input profiles for Charlie Rudder Pedals
- New default input profiles for Pro Pedals
- New default input profiles for Saitek X52 Flight Control System
- New default input profiles for Hori Flightstick
- New default input profiles for Hori Flighstick XS (Flight)
- New default input profiles for Hori Flightstick XS (PC)
- New default input profiles for VelocityOne Flight Yoke & Quad (PC)
- New default input profiles for Thrustmaster Flight Rudder Pedals
- New default input profiles for T.16000M
- New default input profiles for Keyboard (MSFS 2020 Keyboard still available as secondary profile)
Various Peripheral Fixes
- Fixed binding conflict with the “COCKPIT/EXTERNAL VIEW MODE” action when using backspace in panels textfields for Keyboards.
- VelocityOne FlightStick PC default profiles :
- Fixed inverted Throttle on gliders
- VelocityOne FlightStick XBox default profiles :
- Fixed inverted Collective on helicopters
- Fixed presence of empty “_-_Asobo” default specific profiles on certain devices
- Fixed inconsistent menu mapping for help pages
- Fixed inverted axis on various peripherals default profiles
- Fixed reverse throttle controls on suitable peripherals (now uses new “IDLE” and “NEXT/PREVIOUS DETENT” controls)
- Fixed Keyboard 2020 default presets missing some actions
- Fixed compatibility issues with some peripherals
- Fixed eratic helicopter throttle behaviour on some peripherals
- Fixed Throttle sensitivity on some peripherals default profiles
New Controls
- Fixed device axis feedback point not moving on curve control per input action settings
- Fixed leaderboards only displaying up to 10 entries from time to time.
- Fixed subtitles scrolling speed
- Fixed typo in the “Descend to… ft” step
- Fixed C208B fuel valves starting incorrectly closed on bush trips
- Fixed taxi ribbons not shown after the flight and added an upwind leg step
- Fixed position of 737-8 teleport in Airliner Takeoff Training
- Fixed multiple textual mistakes in Helicopter Pedals Training
- Fixed FA18 still moving after a back on track during the takeoff training
- Fixed missing engine detent notification to Airliner Landing Training
- Fixed wrong downind altitude displayed in Helicotper Solo Training
- Fixed scoring and a “Keep CDI Centered” step of IFR RNAV Training
- Fixed multiple textual issues throughout Helicopter Training set
- Overhauled the Bush Flying Water Takeoff tutorial (changed flight path, added in game marker)
- Upgraded position indicators to match career style in Takeoff and Landing trainings
- Fixed incorrect engine settings after back-on-tracks in F18 Split S training
- Fixed wrong reaction on crashing the aircraft in the F18 trainings set
- Fixed wrong reaction on crashing the glider in the Winch Advanced training
- Fixed altitude step validation in Helicopter Solo
- Fixed steps and scoring of the Interception state of the IFR RNAV training
- Fixed scoring for take off part of the VFR Departure training and fixed the flight plan in EFB
- Fixed scoring for departing part of the VFR → Departure training
- Added ribbons with the max speeds on the final leg in all helicopter trainings where it is required
- Fixed exiting aircraft validate remove parking brake in airliner takeoff
- Fixed wrong positioning of the first flight path marker and the aircrfat in the begining of the VFR Landmark Navigation training
- Fixed an issue with the Cyclic Assit not being turned on after a crash and subsequent back-on-track in Helicopter training
- Fixed helicopter Training set Visual Assistances management, allowing a player to control flight path assist separate from taxi ribbon assist
- Fixed Tutorials’ Visual Assistances presets, allowing players to decide whether they want to have Flight Path assist on or off in trainings supporting flight paths
- Fixed scoring issues in the Airplane First Solo Flight training, allowing now to recieve 100% scoring if following all the steps and making a good landing
- Fixed scoring in Helicopter Confined Area training when it was not possible to have 100% scoring in Max Performance Take off part
- Fixed scoring issue in Helicopter First Solo training when it was possible to have over 100% scoring for Taxi
- Fixed wrong pronunciation of one word in the Airliner Take off training
- Fixed reaction on crashing in all trainings
- Fixed a flow blocker in IFR Test training, caused by a missing flight plan
- Fixed wrong random out-of-boundaries failure in Helicopter Introduction training
- Fixed FMC values not matching dialogue lines in Airliner Takeoff tutorial
World Photographer
- Fixed washed out colors in photo mode screenshots when Windows HDR is ON but option in game is OFF
- Fixed an issue where two “select” buttons were present on the collection menus when using a mouse
- Fixed Dune du Pilat’s detection in the “Landscapes of Europe” World Photographer collection
- Fixed time condition when taking a photo
- Fixed time only going back from 1hour when using + and - buttons in time panel
Free Flight
- Fixed last selected livery saved in local profile
- Retrieve all variations and liveries selected in aircraft configurator
- Fixed spawn when trying to start at an invalid departure
- Fixed an issue where the world photographer & freeflight aircraft help page were showing career informations
Travel Book
- Tweaked various objectives detection in World Photographer collections
- Improved East Mitten Butte’s detection in the “Lighter than Air” World Photographer collection
- Improved Flydoo’s detection in the “Lighter than Air” World Photographer collection
- Improved Cliffs of Dover’s detection and weather in the “Landscapes of Europe” World Photographer collection
- Fixed Mallos de Riglos’ bonus requirement detection in the “Notable Rocks” World Photographer collection
- Fixed Lake Leman objective being validated too easily in Landscapes of Europe collection
- Fixed misplaced marker on the worldmap for the Skyship 600 objective in Protectors of the Skies collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Manhattanhenge objective in New York City Tour collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Mustang objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Dall Sheep objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed Dona Marta objective detection in Extreme Airports collection
- Fixed Iquique bonus objective detection in Gliders Soaring Around the World collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Dona Marta objective in Extreme Airports collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Mule Deer objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Elk objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Water Buffalo objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Black Bear objective in Animals Worldwide
- Fixed grammar issue in Brown Bear objective in Animals Worldwide
- Fixed grammar issue in Manhattanhenge objective description in New York City Tour collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Asian Elephant objective in Animals Worldwide collection
- Fixed grammar issue in Bugalaga Airstrip’s trivia in Extreme Airports collection
- Fixed incomplete sentences in several objectives of Wide Body Airliners collection
- Fixed typos in Narrow Body collection
- Fixed misplaced briefing marker in Tridrangar Lighthouse in Notable Rocks collection
- Fixed too complex requirements for Green Houses of Almeria objective in Mankind’s Megastructures collection
- Increased detection tolerance of San Francisco bonus objective in Airports of the USA collection
- Fixed Morse and Markers sounds being triggered multiple times
- Made error messages about malformed sound.xml files visible to users
- Fixed multiplayer Cabri G2 rotor sound
- Fixed position of rotor/engine sounds on multiplayer and AI aircraft
- Fixed CL415 water splash sounds volume not affected by volume sliders in game sound options
- Windmill sound added
- Windsock sound added
Character assets & animations
- Fixed objects on graph stack on themselves
- Fixed passengers being stucked when there is too many people on the same path
- Fixed passenger outside aircraft with aircraft’s pitch/bank
Player Character
- Improved player character animation in 1st and 3rd view
- Fixed avatar’s ground marks drawn when avatar is paused
- Fixed avatar’s ground marks drawn when avatar is attached to an object
- Added another ribbon to the avatar to better see where he’s walking
- Fixed multiplayer character rotating on themself without moving