Thank you for coming forward with these great details, this is much appreciated.
I’m certain this will help reducing a lot of the annoyances with terrain “reloading” but this raises other questions: what is the definition of “not currently visible behind the user”?
I know this sounds like a silly question but I wouldn’t ask if this wasn’t a little bit more complex than what it looks like:
This question probably concerns VR users more than 3D users because the former are using all sorts of headsets with all sorts of FOV and the current game code is not working well with these differences in FOV.
There are topics about the Pimax headsets where you can read this:
I’m also reporting bugs with discrepancies between both eyes because of what seems to be the viewdir vector Maths (from the look of it - no pun intended):
NB: the “viewdir” bug is not directly related to the question of “pre-loading what’s out of view” but there remains problems in VR with discrepancies between both eyes rendering and I hope this new WU6 option won’t add one more in VR.
So to the question
What defines “what is behind or what is not visible” when in VR, is supposed to be what is outside the FOV. Does it mean the addition of this setting is also telling all the reported VR bugs related to FOV have been corrected as well?
Since at some point in the code logic there must be some Maths telling it is in front (within FOV) and it is behind (outside FOV), why not also adding at least for VR users a setting to set the value of the FOV determining what is within and inside, so that it kills 2 birds with one stone: supporting the new feature (late-load/early-load of assets) AND supporting wide/.narrow FOV headsets properly?*
*of course, offering an “angle culling setting” instead, would mean user’s could get the equivalent of the upcoming setting too:
- Setting the culling to the headset FOV would effectively mean “like SU5 i.e. Medium with the new setting”
- Setting the culling angle to 180deg would effectively be equivalent to “the new Ultra setting”
In addition, an “angle culling setting” is high in demand already:
Support for Wide FOV VR headsets (removing Frustum Culling issue)- - Virtual Reality (VR) / VR Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums