Snow Coverage still not right

But don’t rivers and lakes freeze?

There is no snow or ice in Iceland
You can see snow and ice in Moscow, Norway, Finland but there are many other areas that are supposed to have winter look…

No snow coverage for me here in Canada. I was at CYWG and no snow anywhere we are in the middle of winter

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Oslo today. No ice on the fjord IRL, except a few nooks along the shoreline (Wouldn’t even be visible from altitude). The sim however is depicting the final scene of The Day After Tomorrow, sadly.

This fjord does sometimes freeze over in larger patches, but only after a loong cold period. It’s around -20° C today, and you’ll find nothing but a few specks IRL.

Vail eagle with no snow in January. Live Weather:

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I don’t know what they did to snow here in Colorado. For years it was semi accurate along the front range with live weather. All of Denver is coated in snow this morning IRL and it looks like a cloudy fall day in the sim. No snow on the ground.

Funny when KAPA just posted these nice shots of runway snow removal.

The Oslo fjord is covered by snow again :frowning:
The snow fixes are obviously not enough when the IRL snow cover passes a foot or so.

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Guys, please send in questions to Asobo for the next Developer live stream about this issue! We really need them to adress this and talk about it.
Since Sebastion talked about it in the Nov. 2022 (!) Stream, nothing has ever happened.
Please send in the questions and ask for the answers and solutions for all the wrongly frozen lakes and general bad / inacurate snow coverage in Europe, the US, New Zealand, etc.
Here is the question form for the next Q&A, open until January 18th, so hurry up :wink: :

The topic was discussed in the dev livestream at the end of 2023, and a snow depth fix was included in SU14, so this statement is just false.

On the other hand, while the mentioned snow depth fix has helped a little bit it’s hardly more than papering over the cracks and its clear there’s more fundamental changes to the snow coverage needed, so we do need to keep the attention on it.


Sure hope Asobo will fix the latest snow coverage – now all the buildings and even photogrammetry just show as white buildings…


I was actually a tad excited to FINALLY see Live Weather snow in my area / the Philadelphia area (Had MSFS since April 2022, never snowed here in Winter 2023) Finally 5"-6" and…nothing. No snow in live weather last night or today. :neutral_face:

There is currently 8" of snow at KCLE - nothing showing up in the sim.

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Yet again, Oslofjord is frozen solid at +1°C.


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Meteoblue (AFAIK a Swiss company) have stated in their website that they cannot do anything about the whole RealWeather problem, which is not a Microsoft thing - it’s theirs. All areas with high mountains that have some snow even in the summer are shown in snow and ice ALL year long. Be it Alaska, NZ, the Alps, anything. So for me as a Swiss VFR flyer I cannot really pursue my sim hobby as long as they have not been able to address this issue. The only way to fly is outside of Live Weather. Quote: Antwort der Redaktion: Danke für das Feedback. Dass der Brienzersee zugefroren ist liegt an der Auflösung der Gitterzelle. Die Wetterdaten sind jeweils immer für eine Gitterzelle berechnet und diese deckt dann ein ganzes Gebiet ab. In diesem Beispiel werden in einer Gitterzelle sowohl sehr hohe Berge als auch der deutlich tiefer gelegene See berücksichtigt. Dies führt hier konkret zu zugefrorenen Seen. Dies tritt vor allem dann auf, wenn es innerhalb einer Gitterzelle grosse Höhenunterschiede gibt. Unquote


Look at high mountain areas all over the World. Today, in March 2024, it is still the same crap. No live weather flying over these.

This is why the sim needs to get a concept of freezing level altitude from somewhere, a 2D pixel map is never going to solve this problem.


Interesting, because if you zoom in enough on the snow coverage map meteoblue offers on their site, it nevertheless does NOT show snow in the valleys in summer. So they basically contradict to what they offer on their very own site… and they also adressed the frozen Brienzersee in a totally wrong way, as Asobo clearly stated that the freezing is depending on the snow depth around the lake and that they will increase the threshold to 72cm snow depth in SU15. They even showed a screenshot that this adjustment results in NO ice on Brienzersee.

So I really wonder about the response you got from them…

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But that does not explain what happens in Milford Sound (NZMF). I think the problem in NZ is that there are so less Metar stations. NZQN, Queenstown looks ok and NZMF hard winter now without frozen sea. Why it isn’t possible to give the weather from NZQN also to NZMF?

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