SU15: my (bad )experience: the fight against the stutters

Nope, I am not using RamDrive or RC at all now. Not for a long time. More trouble than it’s worth!

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It’s not that hard to do. The RAMdrive installer is simple, and set-and-forget.

The question “Is it worth it?” remains. I’m still of the belief that RAM is way, way faster than physical disk I/O and network I/O.

The other question “Does the Rolling Cache do anything useful?” is another unknown.

So I had my RC on set and forget ramdisk, except I arranged for my to start clean after every boot, so either option is possible. This way I could never forget to clear it on updates.

But even so I’ve switched it off because when good Internet it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Did you watch the German YouTuber’s video about optimizing the 7950X3D?
It was very good. His conclusion was that if you use Process Lasso you should also disable Game Bar and set the system to use the ‘High Performance’ power plan.

Without PL, turn Game Bar on and use the ‘Balanced’ power plan.

DLSS Quality renders at lower than screen resolution and then scales up. Compared to TAA at full res that’s a lot more load on the system.

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I didn’t yet, but I seen your comment on it. But anyway that’s how I have it set.

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Let me share something here, in case it helps.

There´s still at least one old issue that persists nowadays and may explain what happens here, but only Asobo can confirm if it´s really the case or is related to the performance drops. The issue is the following can be easily noticed during flying if you pay attention to screen: autogen area (generic buildings) just outside airports boundaries gets refreshed for some reason when you are close to airport (around 5nm away). This means autogen is rendered once (when distant scenery is loaded for the first time) and at least it´s rendered for a second time when you are approaching airport. This happens even on generic airports, not only on handcrafted ones. I reported something similar by 2022, related to custom photogrametry areas, but I could check later on that the autogen issue was also reproducing the same behaviour.

This is not apparently an object LOD change but a complete regeneration of buildings in the airport surroundings. I say that because new building types will be displayed which may not be exactly the same ones which were existing before. Only in case airport includes custom buildings then same ones will be respawned, but are also respawned. This can be seen in the case of my orginal bug report. You can see how they fade out and fade in at my report screenshots. Do you remember the old autogen trees in the early years? They were fading in and that was changed as people complaint. Buildings are now doing the same.

That second refresh should not happen, to start with, as scenery was already loaded and rendered. On the other hand we have seen at OP´s video on the following topic Help trying to diagnose stutters how a distant city spawning can produce a 1.6s freeze when that happens in one go. If this autogen refreshing is not only happening that second extra time but is happending more times (in between the first time cities next to airports are visible and the time you actually arrive to airport) and even more, it´s happening for all airports nearby, it would mean that scenery refreshing is being called multiple times without any real need to do it, and that´s adding a significant extra load to threads.

This is just a speculation as I can´t see the code itself but the fact is that even nowadays I don´t find any technical reason that expalins why the original extra refresh alone (the old issue) still has to happen, so maybe a bug could exist and is asking to refresh scenery multiple times even if not required at all.



Yes but with TAA BELOW 100%, that is doing the same, right?

Yes if you’ve reduced the render scaling, around 70 probably.

Yes I see that too, and I do get these pauses (and people I fly with regularly have also been saying the same, especially since SU15).

But what I am describing in my post today is CONSTANT stutters. Not pauses, but just very noticeably degraded smoothness. Nothing new is being loaded (at least not visibly, I can just be circling the same area and it’s just BAD). Something is going on, interrupting the thread until a reboot. Not sure how to really diagnose or see what the root of it is.

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I get the stutters and the pauses, it’s really annoying. I even get it hanging around in simple stuff like helis.

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Yeah I can play with that value (70 - 90%) and see a direct impact on GPU and VRAM usage, so I just set it to balance to what I mentioned (~85% GPU and ~90% VRAM in heavy scenario).

With the other settings (higher display res in the headset, high texture supersampling and good level of sharpening in the right places) it looks fine to me compared to 100% TAA. I can live with it! Of course it could be better but that is always the case :rofl:

I was running a tracer on the sim last weekend and found it accesses a lot of files in addons very regularly, including ones it shouldn’t be touching. Eg. I was flying in Spain and it accessed Orbx EGLC V2 1106 times in 5 minutes! It was also accessing addons I have for Aus during the same time.

I need to start a thread with my findings on this. Don’t run addons you are not using, linker FTW!


Yes, I´m a bit lost as well, to be honest. Game was not working like that last year at least, and definitelly worked much better in the past months, at least in terms of scenery rendering itself. Everything was loaded instantly and was updated fluently. Can panning was fluent as well. Now even the cinematic camera (just after starting flight) is freezing in a simple airport in the middle of nowhere, when it never froze before (even at international airports). It´s clear that something was changed somewhere in between SU13 and SU15 that was not existing before, was apparently fixed during SU15 beta and then ruined again after official live version.



Wow, that is a VERY interesting discovery mate!!!
I suspected as much, and that is why I suffer so bad in UK, but it seems to be stuff FAR AWAY that triggers the issue.

Why on EARTH is flying in Europe needing to look at stuff on the other side of the planet? That is a serious core issue with how the sim handles scenery stuff!

What I don’t get is some users I know of (as an immediate example, Burstix!) runs with like EVERYTHING enabled as he streams and jumps around a lot and shows off all this new stuff to his audience. He has like 1700 things loaded at all times, and does not have performance problems like this ever. He is not using VR though.

Yep I think you are spot on there. All I can say is I am going to be MASSIVELY disappointed if these issues follow us into v2024.

For the time being and the remaining few months, I can live with it. But for the future of the sim this REALLY needs to be solved once and for all. And no regressions please! :slight_smile:

EDIT: And yea I noticed that the hitching often is NOTHING to do with the density/complexity/weight of the scenery. It’s just does this based on LOCATION.

Some areas of the world are totally absolutely fine. Others not. It’s very odd.


The worst sim update by far…


this finding needs to be traced / elevated at MS/Asobo as eliminating any possible cause of the most annoying and detracting issue surrounding any type of simulation is stuttering or non-fluid rendering, should be the top priority


Hi Wombat,
Interesting! Do you have any Orbx addons for Spain or Australia?

…in my install, sometimes MSFS doesn’t load my “correct” anti-alias settings:
occasionally it loads “TAA” instead of “NVIDIA DLSS SUPER RESOLUTION” (aka DLDSR).

in my PC and setup config, TAA is stuttery and much slower.

when I start a flight and I notice the performance is degraded, this is almost always the cause. so i have to set it back to DLDSR and restart the sim.

its actually become a habit now that upon starting MSFS the first thing I do is check the graphics settings to ensure it has loaded correctly.

its great when it works, but this software can be so fragile.

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