Super strange. ATC works but Pilot and Co-Pilot voice is gone?

In the ATR i found where to switch knobs and heard ATC again. But now Pilot and Co-Pilot are mute and i have no idea why? In general sound options and assistance options nothing has changed and in plane everthing is to hig volume.

This seems to be a variant of the ATC voices failures - there are several threads of a similar nature but all seem to point to a problem with Azure.

I thought I’d cracked the loss of ATC voices by changing radios, but lost my own voice on my last flight, in the Bonanza. Think I’ve had every variant of this bug now!

Exactly that is what happened here. I lost ATC, got it back for the first time ever and then my pilots mute. Its so freaky annoying! I start loosing interest in the msfs 2020 meanwhile.

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Use only offline voices. Azure has server problems and drops out all the time.

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I still dont know how to do it. My windows 10 is german version so there is no official english (us) speech paket. And why the Server one time kicks the Tower voice and now after i solved it it mutes the pilots.

Given that MSFS is also something of a showpiece to promote Azure, it is astounding that MS does not address issues like the Azure voices and general bandwidth issues immediately.

Surely some of the 6 million core MSFS simmers and gamers (that MS claims to have) will be CTOs and managers that at some point have significant input in their companies decision on which commercial Cloud service to choose.


The OP said ATC voices (i.e. Azure) is fine, only the Copilot voice is gone. Probably because copilot is set to handle ATC in the settings.

This is indeed a known problem, which also occurs with PMDG 737. There, I’m sometimes able to solve it by starting a flight on the threshold, instead of cold and dark. Unfortunately, this works only sometimes, on other occasions it doesn’t…

Search is your friend! This took 10 seconds…It also helps keep the reported issue(s) together so they can be found easily, were the issue is at in terms of being fixed (Feedback Logged, Bug Logged, etc) and not dozens of separate posts that contain little or no known information.

Azure (online) ATC Voices stopping during flight - Bug Reports / ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Cannot hear ATC instructions and other aircraft suddenly while AI copilot still responds - Bug Reports / ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

ATC Audio drops out, AI control of communication also fails - Bug Reports / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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I tested both but could get pilots voice so the problem must be somewhere else. And informing Asobo about a bug is the same as asking god for a jackpot in the lottery.

And again my pilots are muted while Tower is good to hear. I have got the feeling that both together working out fine is not what Asobo wanted. The only difference to some hrs ago is now i fl an a319.
And now only AI Pilot communication works.

Just to make things clear now the pilots are the problem. But when i choose AI ATC for cockpit i can hear my co pilot talking. That is all very strange and makes no sense at all. I just wish Asobo would concentrate on this bug for next update and fix it forever!

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Don’t know why but I get the feeling “someone” is messing about with Azure and maybe the servers as the faults keep changing!

The problem is it makes no sense except there happens something in the background no one of can affect nor even know about it. It is just annoying that this problems basically exist for at least two years.
And you cannot reproduce this problem. Sometimes everything works out as intended and then you get the problems for some days until its gone again. Thats why i also think the problem lies within Asobo.

Well, just completed another 2hr VFR flight-planned trip in VR with no ATC problems. I made a point of NOT using the AI assist (I rarely do anyway) just following the on-screen ATC box.

You got us. We’ve all been messing with you behind the scenes!

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But i f i make a 2-3hrs IFR Flight i am not always in front of monitor and the copilot doing ATC is quite useful. Anyway it also mute when i did not touch the AI assist at all. I heard Asobo will fix this bug … somewhere in 2059 or probably one or two years earlier.

IFR flight of 2hrs 40m, all voices dropped out after 1hr 20m. Changing radios I got the co-pilot back so left it at that. Then when I called destination approach, everything working again! So maybe it’s just IFR?

Not strange at all. Happens all the time with the azure servers. You have to be really lucky to have all voices pilot, copilot, ATC survive an entire flight.

That sounds familiar. What should be the problem with IFR?

It happens to me in round about 20% of all flights. The devs definetely failed.