As you can see, nothing fixed here. It’s reporting a temp of 90C as can be seen in the screen shot. Altitude reporting is borked as well. I’m currently at FL380, and ATC is yelling at me to expedite my climb to FL360.
Agreed. In b787 saw Temps go from -54c to +30c from FL240 to FL380. As soon as temp changes ATC request you to expedite your climb or descent and you lose all ability to fly IFR correctly. At least I’ve got the CTDs to stop.
So, at ISA +90, your altimeter should actually be off significantly, especially if the ground wasn’t also ISA +90. That part looks correct but I’m not sure about the ATC component (I wasn’t involved in that part).
Definitely the altitude temps appear to still be coming in wrong. This was tested at length by a number of us after the fix for some long duration flights with the fix applied and no errors, so we’ll report this back to the team.
Was trying to fly the TBM-930. Clearly at FL310, my assigned FL. And was being told to expedite my climb to FL310. End the MSFS, can’t fly a 5-hour flight being told to expedite my climb to FL310 the whole time.
They completely changed the weather system with SU5 as the paid REX Weather Force and the free Unreal Weather Engine are not working with the sim. So you can either fly with clear skies or one of the preset weather themes or wait for them to actually fix all the ■■■■ they broke.
As per my screen shot from above. ISA 90C. My cruise altitude was FL360. I had to climb (with much difficulty) up to FL4000 before ATC would stop yelling at me to expedite my climb to L360.
Reporting live from a test, taking-off EDDS with the TBM, OAT was stuck at 25C till 12,000 or so, and then immediately updated to around -5, for now keep decreasing with altitude , ATM - FL220 -22C
EDIT: Another test
takeoff - KTEB -
Temp 27C till 13000
Temp 28C till FL310 and then immediately jumps to -47C
My guess is that the geographic location plays a part in this bug…