But wait you forgot the cut footage where the jetblast blew him 1/2 down the runway. ;p
I’m not agree with the Halo spaship… this a flightsimulator, not a fictiotional simulator…
all planes we fly exist and are real, many of them are very near to reality…
I hope we never see a aracade planes is the MSFS again.
personal opinion
Oh the hyperbole. Based on the amount of people I’ve seen flying the Pelican in multiplayer, it’s not exactly a sad day for MSFS.
You do realize if you want realism, you can turn multiplayer off. Multiplayer wasn’t realistic even before the fictional planes.
As for not focusing on bugs, you don’t think a company as large as Microsoft/Asobo can focus on more than one thing at a time? Pretty sure they didn’t drop everything to only focus on a Pelican.
Why not? I can see the problem if, say, every user was required to grind out hours in the space ship before unlocking real planes, but if it’s all a choice, why does it matter if some choose to use the sim in an arcadey manner?
Exactly , If you want “realism” don’t install the Pelican and don’t use Mulitplayer or use a group. I don’t understand the issue. The pelican attracts new consumers, which attracts more developers. This all good for the entire community. I dont see a difference between a Pelican or an Osprey if you don’t want to fly either. I will never fly either one of them in real life so it’s lol fiction to me. They are pretty similar in flight characteristics so there wouldn’t be much of a difference if ospreys were flying around.
I have never used multiplayer, so not bothered by that.
Apparently not, there are so many bugs waiting to be fixed, some have been there from release.
You’re not wrong about that, there’s still a lot of bugs, but it’s not realistic to expect Microsoft/Asobo to solely work on bug fixes for 2 years and not also put out new content, no matter what your thoughts are on the Pelican.
Of course they shouldn’t focus solely on bug fixes but to spend resources on a fictional space thing goes a bit far. It would be nice if they would focus more on creating a better platform instead of creating content.
They already stated they didn’t spend those resources on this. It seems people are more upset that it is the pelican from HALO. If the concern is about bugs then there should be equal outrage for any new plane/content that is released. Most of all this stuff would have been planed way in advanced and is contracted out to 3rd party devs.
Easy Tiger.
I love the Pelican - most fun I’ve ever had in a Sim to date.
I’m a PPL Pilot (over twenty years)
Just enjoy flying. You don’t have to prove anything except your competance at the controls.
Same as it ever was.
Just be yourself - no point in comparing Sims to the real thing . . .
What’s the difference . . .
Just Fly It!
I really enjoyed this interview by Giuseppe (Abriael on the forum).
You get a real genuine sense of passion from Jorg for new content and refinement while he, at the same time, recognises that it is a sim at its heart.
I think it’s in good hands and i look forward to what the future brings.
I’m happy you are enjoying it.
Honestly I couldn’t care less about any World Update or new plane. I don’t have a single WU or plane which came after release installed.
Amen to that.
I love this thing. Flown it quite a few times and plan to fly the tarnation out of it.
Some cool features in it. I really like that it has VTOL and would love to know how I can use it on some of my own aircraft creations that would use this. And would love to be able to tune it a bit.
I’ll bet the millions of Halo fans are really loving this. I hope you come out with the purple/black alien craft thing that was in the early Halo series. I wanted to make that myself. Cool little thing.
Awesome awesome. Thank you , Team Asobo!
I saw you on Dev Support earlier - I was asking as well - how we get this girl in to Space.
Lovely, VTOL is coming! We’ll make it happen. Flying Racoon’s in to it - so that’s a good start.
Its a fantasy plane just like your TB-21 .
Sorry, couldn’t help myself making that comment.
(You are the dev of that thing am I right?)
Time for you to go to sleep mate.
Phantasy is actually spelled; Fantasy.
Just saying.
Tommorow’s another day to turn it all around.
Why would it be a good day for Austin? MSFS gains thousands more customers through a clever promo gift. About 3 people will have abandoned MSFS in disgust. Not sure exactly what Austin gains out of this…
Thanks, I have taught a lot of subjects, English has not been one of them, always good to learn something .