Of course I did. Where does it say that you’ve raised this through zendesk or the wish list? Shoutign for something through these forums is not the best way to raise these issues. As the moderators will tell you, every time, raise a zendesk ticket and/or use the wishlist voting session.
A quick search of the wishlist reveals the following:
Your efforts would be better spent gathering support for one or more of these threads, or even better asking the moderators to combine them so that the votes are not split.
But hey, if you want to waste your time ranting on here and mouthing off at people trying to help you, that’s your loss. Just don’t expect the devs to read it or take any notice if they do as you can’t be bothered to do a simple 2 minute search
100% agree and my biggest gripe with this sim. As a frequent flyer to and from OMDB (irl), the visibilty due to desert dust and humidity is very low. The conditions are mostly hazy and dusty. I was so disappointed when I flew out of omdb in sim. This insane infinite visibility just kills the immersion.
They will have to give us another slider by the name of atmospheric haze or something like that so we can practice ifr approaches.
You guys are all just ignoring how it works in real life. The sim simulates how things work in real life, don’t you know. They have given you real life controls and want to avoid having things be a video game!
Q: Any plans to implement a visibility slider to lower the visibility for proper foggy IFR flying?
A: This is not how visibility works in real life. We are simulating weather how it works in real life: One slider allows to tweak the general transparency of the air (aerosol density). This exists in real life and allows to reduce visibility down to a few miles. When visibility gets below a few miles in real life it occurs because you are inside some condensed water: Mist or fog are condensed water at ground level. Clouds are condensed water in the sky. So mist or clouds is achieved by moving a cloud layer down to the ground and by tweaking it’s density. Just like in real life. Having a global slider for global water condensation that would affect air everywhere around the user, wouldn’t be realistic at all and feel like a video game approach vs a true simulation. Here is a picture of fog seen from an airplane. It is just a layer of clouds at ground level:
I’m not mounting off at anyone here dude!, you seemed to mean that I haven’t asked for this before, which I did as stated in the first post, so calm down, that’s all I told you. I haven’t created any new posts about this because I asked in the alpha/beta period for about 4 times+zendesk. I already voted in the threads about this after release too, but though it wouldn’t hurt to make a post in the general forum so more people are aware about this.
This is supposed to be a flight simulator and with that we need the ability to change meteorological visibility / RVR accurately. How do you suggest to simulate a proper CAT I / II / III approach with only a aerosol density slider? Its exactly opposite, without these options you can’t call this a proper flight simulator. In the current state its a game or at the very best a VFR flight simulator.
I think they are right, just didn’t gave us the real controls to deal with this. They even use the word DENSITY, yet we can’t adjust such paramenter for each cloud layer sooooo, how the hell are we going to recreate fogs then?. They are contradicting themselves.
Can’t be so hard to give us a visibility / RVR slider, come on… They can sort out the corresponding relative humidty / density in the background if they want to.
Depends on what you are looking for in a flight simulator. If you are interested in the great graphics for VFR flying then sure. But as a professional tool for enhancing skills and simulating IFR approaches its not quite suitable (yet).
Blasphemy! Don’t you dare question the motives of the Devs. They, who are all thoughtful gave us half the game to save us from our own insatiability, also have their reasons for visibility. They are beyond our comprehension. Purify your mind from sacrilegious thoughts and go enjoy clear weather. Those beautiful blue skies that all knowing Devs graciously provided for us, in order to lift our souls in this darkest year of 2020.
Its not true. I had flight from 1S2 to KAWO and there was pretty good foggy conditions: visibilty maybe 200 feet above ground with very heavy and compact white low clouds cover. In normal meaning it was fogg and not “normal” cloud amount. Btw, this is fogg definition from dictionary: “vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground.” So yes, fogg is same as clouds, different is only altittude.
People wanting visibility control are looking at it backwards - they want a visibility slider to control weather conditions, whereas the visibility level arises from the weather conditions. They are asking for the description of the thing to be the thing itself.
There may be a need to distinguish between particulate and water aerosol conditions, particularly to cover desert, volcanic and polluted dry conditions - which is probably the change I’d more likely push for, and which fits with the way things have been written.
Not really, we need a visibility / RVR slider, what kind of weather conditions it then further creates in the background (relative humidity etc.) is not relevant. To simulate an instrument approach down to minima we need the ability to accurately control ceiling and RVR / visibility.
I’m not sure what the reason of the aerosol slider is, in real life fixed aerosol particles are acting as condensation nuclei which are necessary for the air to condense and form haze, fog etc. I don’t think the aerosol density in FS2020 works in such a way.
In other words, does the aerosol slide control condensation nuclei, relative humidity, or both. In any case it does not give use the option to accurately control visibility / RVR.